Project MK-Ultra – a secret medical experiment. This is how Americans “brainwashed”

The CIA has illegally tested US citizens for 20 years. Launched in the 50s, the MK-Ultra project was to test the possibilities of controlling the brain and human mind with the use of chemicals. This was experienced by, among others Ken Kesey, author of the best-selling “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”. The secret medical experiment still raises a lot of controversy and emotions.

  1. 44 American institutions collaborated on the project, incl. prisons, hospitals and universities. The program was personally overseen by CIA chief Allen Dulles and had one of the largest budgets in the agency’s history 25 million dollars
  2. As part of the “research”, unconscious participants were given psychedelics and drug cocktails, often without their consent and knowledge, induced hypoglycemia and electroconvulsed
  3. Five people have officially died as a result of the MK-Ultra program. The true number of victims has not been established due to the destruction of documentation. The victims’ families have never been apologized or received compensation
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The 50s were a period of increasing tensions in US-Soviet relations. The superpowers competed with each other in every possible field, also militarily, which resulted in, among others, the war on the Korean peninsula which continues to this day. The American POWs returning home from Soviet captivity gave the impression that they had undergone “brainwashing”. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) believed that The USSR and China are investigating the possibility of manipulating the consciousness of enemy soldiers. The American secret MK-Ultra project was supposed to be the answer. It was directly supervised by the head of the agency Allen Dulles, and the scientist and chemist Sidney Gottlieb was responsible for the scientific side.

MK-Ultra. This is how they tried to control the work of the brain

80 institutions, including 44 colleges and universities, as well as hospitals, prisons and pharmaceutical companies, participated in the program to find a way to control minds.

The “research methods” adopted were terrifying. Unaware American patients, prisoners and inmates were given psychedelics and drug cocktails, often without their consent and knowledge. Ordinary citizens were also included in the scope of the study. The CIA created “safe houses”, places where prostitutes lured men to administer LSD, for example. The reactions of the lured people were watched by scientists cooperating with the agency, who were in the same apartment, behind a Venetian mirror.

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“My 27-year-old father was admitted to the Allan Memorial Hospital as an asthmatic. They put him in a hypoglycemic coma and kept playing him one looped recording from the tape » says Lana Sowchuk in an interview with the BBC.

Julien Tanny, the daughter of another MK-Ultra participant, whose father suffered from neuralgia radiating to the jaw, speaks in a very similar tone. The medics persuaded him that it was psychosomatic and referred him to a psychiatrist. As a result, he remained in a hypoglycemic coma for 36 days. During this time, he was played with a looped tape stating that his family hated him.

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MK-Ultra – a medical experiment

The CIA also conducted research on memory removal and shaping under the program. For this purpose, a very drastic method of electroconvulsive therapy was implemented on inmates of psychiatric hospitals. Their strength was about 40-75 times greater than the normally used loads and led to acute seizures. Echoes of this can be seen in the famous novel “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”. Its author Ken Kesey he also participated in this project. But he was taking LSD for money.

«My father, however, still had memories. He asked about his wife, so the doctors decided to continue the therapy and prescribed him another electroconvulsive shock and a 30-day coma. Before the ‘treatment’, my dad used to say that I was his ‘apple of the eye’. When he came back from the hospital, he started beating me ” adds Sowchuk.

As Tanny recalls, when his father returned home, he was a shadow of himself. His eyes were blank, absent. He did not recognize his relatives. He lost his job and the family fell into poverty.

MK-Ultra. Medical scandal and investigation

How many victims were the secret project? It is not known. Officially, five deaths have been linked to MK-Ultra. However, their number could be much higher as most of the victims were from exclusion groups. The most famous of them was Dr. Frank Olson, a bacteriologist working for the CIA. The researcher was “treated” to a drug cocktail and fell into psychosis he saw ghosts and had fits of anxiety. He ended up fearfully jumping from the 10th floor of a New York hotel.

The American public learned about the project in 1974 after the press publications of The New York Times, contributed to by the whistleblower John Marks. The case became so loud that it could no longer be swept under the rug. Special committees were established to investigate the matter Senate and presidential. It turned out then that most of the documents had been removed. Only 20 left pages of material that accidentally ended up in the wrong archive. The committees confirmed the sensational reports of journalists. However, no one was charged with it. The then head of the CIA, Allan Dulles, was dead at the time of the investigation, and Sidney Gottlieb, the head of the project, retired and hid oblivion. The victims and their families have not heard an apology to this day, not to mention the redress.

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