The use of products in cosmetology is not new. But sometimes, experimenting with beauty can damage your face. What products should in no case be used as components for a mask or scrub at home?
It seems that citric acid can brighten skin and even out tone, as well as get rid of age spots and freckles. In fact, the acid eats away at the protective layer of the skin and causes further irritation. It can seriously damage the skin of the face, cause allergic reactions, blisters, burns and rashes. It also makes the skin more susceptible to UV light.
Tomatoes are used along with lemons in order to even out the complexion and get rid of visible imperfections. But tomatoes contain lycopene, which, when it interacts with ultraviolet light, breaks down collagen.
Baking soda
The baking soda acts as a scrub to cleanse the pores deeply and thoroughly. Soda will actually help get rid of blackheads, but at the same time it will dry out the skin of the face, make wrinkles deeper and more noticeable, and can seriously injure the delicate epidermis.
Egg white
It is used to tighten and tone the skin of the face. Due to the risk of salmonella in raw protein, you can not only harm your skin, but also seriously end up in a hospital bed with salmonellosis.
Sugar also tends to be used as a cleansing scrubbing agent. In reality, large sugar particles can seriously injure the skin, which will lead to inflammation and redness. And since sugar dissolves quickly when exposed to water, washing off can clog pores and cause inflammation.
The toothpaste will whiten the skin, make age spots less noticeable, dry out acne and refresh the cells. In fact, toothpaste is multicomponent and the substances it contains are not the best solution for cosmetology. The effect of the paste will be insignificant, and the harm to the skin is irreparable.
Hydrogen peroxide
The effervescent properties of peroxide can unclog pores and push dirt out even from problem areas. With its constant use, the skin is subject to burns, severely dehydrated and the regenerative capacity of cells is lost.
This condiment is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, but only when taken internally. Topical turmeric can cause burns and discoloration of the complexion.