Progressive lenses – how do they work? Who can wear progressive lenses?

Deterioration of eyesight with age is a long-known phenomenon that can cause a lot of discomfort in everyday life. Anyone who has to use reading glasses, for example, knows that they are not a perfect solution – such glasses must always be carried with you, and once you put them on, you can only see sharply at short distances. Progressive lenses are the solution for anyone who doesn’t want to have more than one pair of glasses.

Who can wear progressive lenses?

Progressive lenses is a technology designed primarily for people suffering from the so-called presbyopia, or presbyopia. It is associated with a decrease in the elasticity of the lens in the eye in people over 40 years of age. A less flexible lens means worse accommodation, i.e. the eye adjusts to objects at different distances from the observer. This is where the difficulties in reading or looking into the distance arise – the eye can no longer “keep up” with the changing conditions.

The traditional method of compensating for the deterioration in vision caused by presbyopia has been to wear two pairs of glasses interchangeably, one for reading and the other for long vision. There is no doubt, however, that everyday life is full of situations in which the constant removal and putting on of glasses is a chore. That is why a special type of eyeglass lenses has been developed that provide sharp vision both near and far. We call such lenses progressive.

How do progressive lenses work?

Progressive lenses are profiled in such a way that they have different diopter in different parts. If we want to see distant objects well by wearing progressive lenses, we look through the top of the lens. In order to look at objects up close or to read, we use the lower part of pprogressive meshwhich is adapted for near vision. Between the far and near regions there is a so-called progression sphere, where the power of the lens flows smoothly between the extreme values ​​to allow vision correction when looking at the middle distance.

How to choose progressive lenses?

The ophthalmologist should first make sure that the patient is interested progressive lenses does not suffer from any of the medical conditions contraindication for wearing them. These include strabismus, myopia, glaucoma, cataracts, macular degenerative changes, and labyrinth disorders. There are also differences in distance and near vision defects so great that they cannot be corrected with progressive lenses.

The next stage is a specialized eye examination that will allow you to select the appropriate powers of the near and far canals. Establishing visual acuity must be very accurate because progressive lenses they are more complicated than the ordinary ones, and their wrong selection may cause considerable discomfort during use.

The patient must also decide whether he prefers glasses or not progressive contact lenses. FROM progressive contact lenses it is used in the same way as the classic ones, including, of course, proper care and hygiene. In the case of glasses, it is very important to choose the right frame. It is worth paying attention to the width of the field of view provided by a given luminaire. The width of the progression sphere depends on this parameter. The greater the sphere of progression, the greater the wearing comfort, especially with an active lifestyle or frequent use of the computer.

Prices for progressive lenses

Choosing the right ones progressive lenses it is primarily a matter of health and comfort in everyday life. However, it cannot be denied that the cost of such a solution is an important argument for choosing with extreme care. Eyeglass prices progressive lenses They start from PLN 350 for one, but the cheapest versions are characterized by a small sphere of progression and a more noticeable so-called the peripheral sphere in which image distortions occur due to the design of the lens. Therefore, if you plan to purchase glasses from progressive lenses with high wearing comfort, we should be prepared to spend at least a thousand zlotys.

In case of progressive contact lenses the matter is more complicated. The price depends on the manufacturer, model and the maximum wearing time of the lenses. Only consultation with an ophthalmologist will allow you to choose the lenses according to the patient’s needs.

What should I remember when wearing progressive lenses?

The first assumption new glasses or progressive contact lenses can be a big disappointment. Vision can be worse than usual, much less comfortable, and some people even see double. Don’t worry about it though – these are normal signs of an adaptation period that the brain needs to get used to the new lenses. This period can last from a few hours to a month, depending on how much time we spend wearing the new lenses and whether or not we refrain from going back to the old lenses.

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