Programs and techniques for quickly memorizing English words

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers of the blog! Memorizing English words is sometimes a difficult process, and I want to share recommendations on how to make it easier and more interesting with the help of modern techniques.


To communicate fluently in English, you need a large vocabulary, then your speech will be beautiful and rich. But for some reason, only learned words fly out of your head as soon as you wish to use them? The thing is that only about 20% of new information is absorbed and stored in long-term memory. So even constant «cramming» and frequent repetition does not always bring the expected result.

And now I will provide you with a list of the most popular methods that just cope with this task, because they connect the senses and thinking in order to remember not only new words, but also their correct pronunciation for sure for a long time.


A very simple way that connects your imagination to the work is to come up with associations for a hard-to-remember word. For example, short- is translated as short, shortened. You can come up with an association in sound to it — shorts, short shorts. Let your imagination create a vivid image, and the more ridiculous it will be, the better it will be assimilated.

2. Marking

This method captures your involuntary attention, helping you store information into long-term memory effortlessly. All you have to do is get some stickers and a marker. Sign all household or work items, that is, stick stickers with translation on them. Thus, you will replenish your vocabulary without straining at all.

3. Technique of a synonymic series

To do this, start a notebook in which you will write out the necessary words, indicating their synonyms next to them. This will help make your speech richer and more literate, and it will also speed up the process of learning a new language. For example, uglyfrightful – unpleasant.

4. Watch movies, only with Russian subtitles

Programs and techniques for quickly memorizing English words

Thus, you will “kill two birds with one stone”, and even three, because in addition to learning a new word, you will be able to hear from the lips of native speakers how it should sound correctly, and also see exactly how it is used in a sentence and in which cases. I would recommend starting with Friends, it’s easy for beginners and uses phrases that you’ll find useful.


Only the material that interests you. Take an article from social networks, or a post if you have native speakers of the language you are learning as friends. And it is best to translate your favorite song yourself. Then, in addition to the fact that you will begin to understand what exactly it is about, you will also be able to sing along, each time repeating not only words, but also speech turns.

6.Download a program on your gadget that will help you replenish the glossary

You will be able to repeat the material covered or get acquainted with the new on the road, traffic jams, queues and in general, if possible.

7. Technique using antonyms

That is, words that are completely opposite in meaning. Our brain, if we learn in pairs, creates a connection between them, and you learn new material faster.

8. Create a smart map

Do you know what a family tree looks like? When this same tree is drawn on a sheet, and on each branch there is a photograph with the names of all relatives. Just like that, take a sheet and write in the center, for example, “Future”, and now write everything that you associate with your immediate future on the branches.

Then move on to the next topic, it turns out to be a kind of brainstorming, only in English, helping to realize oneself and move forward in development.

9.Fast learning of a foreign language is provided by cards

You only have to work hard first, cutting the cardboard into small pieces. Write the phrase or word on one side and the translation on the other. These cards can be divided by topic, or by sound similarity, in order to understand the differences and not confuse their meaning. After mastering a certain stack, set it aside for a while to repeat for consolidation.

10. Parse the word by composition

That is, prefix, suffix and find the root. In the future, you will be able to guess the meaning of its meaning.

11. For advanced

If you already have a certain margin and knowledge of grammar, try to write a story, including in it the difficult phrases that you decide to study. So you will remember them for sure, because you will include thinking, fantasy in your work, using various logical connections and associations. Let this story be ridiculous, it will cheer you up and enhance the effect of the work.


  1. Our brain processes the information received during the day during sleep, so for better assimilation of the material, you should repeat it before you go to bed.
  2. Our emotions are a powerful mechanism for remembering, especially for those people who have high emotional intelligence, that is, there is an awareness of their feelings, the ability to recognize them. If you belong to this group of people, then try to associate a difficult word for you with some kind of emotion.
  3. Use all of the above methods in combination, since the more parts of our brain are involved, the more effective the learning process. Play, make faces, with the help of various facial expressions, intonation and gestures.
  4. In the settings of your computer, phone, tablet and other gadgets, change the language. You already know from memory where to go, and so learn the English commands and folder names.
  5. Be sure to turn on the timer so as not to be distracted and set boundaries for yourself that are not allowed to be violated. Such limiting techniques, for example, “on a tomato”, I described in this article.
  6. A good way is to repeat at certain time intervals — speak new material 10 minutes after studying, then after an hour, a day and a week.
  7. The most important thing in memorization is constant repetition, that is, practice. Communicate, if possible, on social networks with native speakers of the required language.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! Good luck with your studies, because continuous development significantly improves the quality of our lives. And if you also need to master grammar, I recommend that you look at the article with a ready-made plan for learning English. Subscribe to site updates, once every couple of weeks, I send a selection of the best blog articles and sometimes some very important news on self-development. See you soon on the blog pages.

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