Program “Rapid weight loss” from Denise Austin: lose weight without worries!

If you want to lose weight and tighten the body, but do not have much sports experience, we suggest you start with program Denise Austin “Fast weight loss”. Workout has gained popularity due to its excellent combination of affordability and efficiency.

Program Denise Austin “Fast weight loss”

Denise Austin is known in the United States personal trainer and fitness expert. Once Denise released videoframerate for weight loss, she in a moment became popular all over the world. Its most famous program is “Quick weight loss” (Burn Fat Fast) will help you not only to get rid of fat on the abdomen, thighs, arms and buttocks, but also make your body elastic and fit. Workout with Denise Austin on the one hand, quite simple and affordable — it can handle each. But on the other hand, are very effective for weight loss.

The program consists of two workouts at 25 minutes. First you will perform rhythmic movements of aerobics, dance and kikboksinga to speed up metabolism, improve cardiac endurance and fat burning. Second, you’ll do exercises with dumbbells to strengthen the muscles and improve the quality of the body. A combination of aerobic and weight training guarantees you excellent results. You will lose fat and allow the musclesto eventually make your figure perfect.

For lessons on “Quick weight loss” you will need a Mat and pair of dumbbells. You can start with dumbbells weighing 0.5-1 kg, then increase to 1.5-2 kg., Almost all yoga exercises involve several muscle groups: for example, you will be working on biceps and inner thigh. It helps to increase the calorie expenditure during one training session.

You can alternate the two workouts with Denise Austin together, and then you will have to go to classes only 25 minutes. If you have the stamina, you can do 2 workouts in a row this way, you will achieve the desired results faster. You should train a minimum of 3-4 times a week, and, most importantly, regularly. You should not be “training” downtime over two days. Only systematic work will help you change your body. Also check the other programs of the trainer: Overview of all workout Denise Austin.

The pros and cons of the program


1. The program is energetic girlsgogames pace. During strength exercises, you will perform a lot of repetitions with small weights, thereby increasing heart rate and burning calories.

2. Workout is perfect for beginners, all exercises are designed for entry-level training. Also, we advise you to pay attention to the program Cindy Crawford to improve the shape.

3. In the aerobic part used dance moves, so the lesson will be not only effective, but also fun.

4. Exercises with dumbbells accessible and understandable. In addition, most exercises involve multiple groups of your muscles. Do not worry that your muscles will grow from these lessons. You just work on their tone, but primarily burn fat.

5. Duration of the training is optimally time for the beginner: 25 minutes. When you get used to the load, you can perform two exercises, one after the other.

6. Program Denise Austin’s “Quick weight loss” translated into Russian language. Now comes the more videotronic and less of them translated into our language.

7. You do not need any additional equipment except for dumbbells and a Mat.


1. If you have been for some time engaged in fitness (e.g., Jillian Michaels), the load offered by Denise Austin, will seem too easy.

2. Movement that uses a trainer in the first part of a fitness course, a broad and very sweeping. Prepare more space in the room.

Дениз Остин. Быстрая потеря веса

“Fast weight loss” with Denise Austin will be a real guide in the world of fitness for beginners. You lose weight will lead to muscle tone, learn home workouts will do your figure irresistible.

Read also: Top 30 programs for beginners: where to start to train at home.

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