More or less minor malocclusions happen to many people. Some of them are so small that they do not require any intervention or can be eliminated in a relatively simple way, especially in this day and age, when medicine and medical technology are so strongly developed. However, there are much more serious disadvantages, which not only require more complicated treatment, but often significantly impede normal functioning or cause great discomfort, both physical and mental. One such drawback is the progenia. What is it characterized by? What is worth knowing about it? How to heal it?
What is progenia?
There is a defect under the name of progenia which results from abnormal development of the mandible in relation to the maxilla. We can also come across the term morphological frontal jaw, which sounds less mysterious and actually defines exactly what we are dealing with. Progenia, unlike many other defects that we observe in the oral cavity, it is a skeletal defect, and therefore it concerns the improper development of the bones of the mandible, which has an elongated body and branches, which causes the so-called long face. Progenia is a birth defect. A characteristic feature of such a structure of the lower jaw is that the lower teeth overlap the upper ones, which may cause not only the usual discomfort or unusual appearance of the face, but also make it difficult to eat and even speak properly.
Where does the progenia come from?
Progenia it is a fault on the ground genetic. This means that it can sometimes be observed in the early years of a child’s life. It is also said, however, that this defect may develop, for example, as a result of a long bottle with a nipple. In addition, development can also be affected by too soft, mushy meals and various childhood habits, such as too much mouth breathing. Symptoms are rarely seen progeny in very young children, however, it is worth observing your children, because the sooner the defect is detected, the greater the chance for its easier treatment.
Treatment of progenia
Progenia is the defect that can be treatedthough kind treatment it strictly depends on the stage and when it is detected. Unfortunately, surgery is required to completely remove the defect. If progeny is detected early enough, the so-called leczenie conservative, i.e. without surgery, however, it is worth noting that it only plays a preparatory role for the subsequent surgery. It is not possible to recover completely progeny only when used treatment conservative. It is worth remembering that it is much easier to treat children than adult patients, so it is extremely important to detect the defect as soon as possible.
Progenia surgery
Progenia should be operated on. Operation it is mainly based on shortening the jaw bone and positioning it in a proper way in relation to the jaw. In this way, the operating surgeon creates the correct bite. Operation can be carried out with a variety of uses method. The most important ones include: the method of vertical, bilateral intersection of the mandibular branches, genioplasty and the Obwegeser-Dal Pont method. The postoperative prognosis is very good, but it is worth remembering that after operation the upper and lower teeth are placed in a special splint for about 4 weeks. It is not an easy time as these rails prevent both from speaking and eating properly, so food should be mixed and fed through the straw.
Patient who was performed operations, is not sent home right away. The hospital stay lasts a few more days and depends on how serious she was operation and how they heal in the process operation wounds. While in hospital, the patient is given painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs to help him withstand this period better and to counteract the dangerous complications. Proper oral hygiene is extremely important during this time, so that no infection can enter it. After leaving the hospital, the patient should appear for checkups from time to time to monitor the process of bone fusion.