Profile pipe: dimensions, weight, wall thickness, specifications

Metal frames for a variety of structures are more convenient and reliable. With even a small inverter welding machine, assembling any design is not a problem. In recent years, more often they use not a round, but a square or rectangular pipe. It is called profile. The dimensions of the profile pipe are very different, so you can choose a product for any purpose – for poles, and for racks, and for lintels.

What is a profile pipe 

Profile pipes are pipes whose cross section differs from a circle. They can be oval, square and rectangular. Oval are rarely used. Most often, when they talk about a profile pipe, they mean either square or rectangular. It is also called profiled, professional pipe, metal / steel profile, metal profile, pipe profile. There are also names according to the section – square or rectangular. In general, there are many names, but they are all the same material.

When talking about the dimensions of a profile pipe, they mean its external dimensions. Also in the nomenclature is the wall thickness. Thus, the greater the wall thickness, the smaller the internal section will be. Sometimes this is important and worth taking into account.

What is a professional pipe – rolled metal with a cross section in the form of a rectangle, square or oval

Each type of section of a profile pipe is prescribed in a separate standard. The entire assortment is described there, indicating the dimensions of the section, wall thickness and weight per linear meter of the pipe.

  • square section GOST 8639-82;
  • rectangular 8645-68;
  • oval 8642-68.

Why is a square or rectangular tube usually used, and not an oval one? Profile is more resistant to certain types of load than round. But because with a square it is easier to make a connection, whatever it may be – welded, bolted, rivet or fasteners. And also because due to the stiffening ribs, the corrugated pipe can withstand heavy loads. This is with the same radius, wall thickness and metal of the same brand.

The disadvantage of a profile pipe of square or rectangular cross section is that when the load is exceeded, it folds. Fast and sharp. And this usually leads to the destruction of the structure. A round pipe bends for a long time and breaks very slowly. There is time to take action – reduce the load or strengthen the structure.

What steel are they made from

Profile pipes of any shape and section are made of carbon and alloy steel. Their brands are registered in GOST 13663-86, which contains all the requirements for products. Including steel grades. You can find aluminum and alloys, but they are made according to DSTU, and not according to the standard. However, they also exist.

Profile pipes are made of structural steel and alloyed

For normal use, carbon steel is suitable. The brand should be chosen specifically when calculating large structures (trusses). In home construction, it is unlikely that St1sp or St3sp makes a big difference. Completely unimportant. Usually they take what is in the nearest warehouse and what suits the price.

Dimensions of a square profile pipe and the weight of a running meter

The square pipe goes more often to the racks, a supporting frame is assembled from it, and the jumpers are made of a rectangular one. It is easier to attach materials (any) to such a frame. And yet, other things being equal, the bending strength of a square profile pipe is higher. It is comparable to that of an I-beam. But the resistance to torsional loads in a round pipe is much higher. So this must be taken into account.

But in order to avoid problems, it is necessary to maintain the recommended dimensions of the profile pipes. As already mentioned, all sizes (range) are prescribed in GOSTs. The possible wall thickness is also indicated there. For small pipes – from 10 to 35 mm in diameter – the thickness is from 0,8 mm to 5 mm. But for pipes with a side of 10 mm and 15 mm, the walls are not thicker than 1,5 mm. Then there is a gradual increase in the minimum size. For example, 40*40 mm has the thinnest wall 1,4 mm, 45*45 mm has no wall thinner than 3,0 mm. The same trend continues. The larger the size of the profile pipe, the thicker the walls.

Size in mmWeight of one meter, kgSize in mmWeight of one meter, kgProfile pipe cross section in mmWeight of one meter, kgProfile pipe cross section in mmWeight of one meter, kgProfile pipe cross section in mmWeight of one meter, kgProfile pipe cross section in mmWeight of one meter, kg
Square pipe 10x10x0,80,222Square pipe 30x30x0,80,725Profile square pipe 40x40x3,53,85Profile square pipe 60x60x23,59Profile square pipe 90x90x38,07Profile square pipe 150h150h938,75
10h10h10,26930x30x,10,89740h40h55,1660h60h35,2590h90h513,00Profile square pipe 180h180h842,34
10h10h1,40,35230h30h1,31,15Profile square pipe 42x42x33,5560h60h46,8290h90h717,58180h180h105,03
Square pipe 15x15x0,80,34830h30h1,41,2342h42h3,54,0760h60h58,3090h90h819,73180h180h1261,36
15h15h0,90,38830h30h1,51,3142h42h44,5660h60h69,69Profile square pipe 100h100h39,02180h180h1470,33
15h15h10,42630h30h21,7042h42h55,4760h60h711,00100h100h411,84Square pipes of special sizes
15h15h1,40,57130h30h32,42Profile square pipe 45x45x22,65Profile square pipe 70x70x36,19100h100h617,2236h36h43,80
Square pipe 20x20x0,80,47430h30h43,0445h45h3,54,4070h70h48,07100h100h822,2555h55h34,78
20h20h0,90,529Square pipe 35x35x0,80,8545h45h44,9370h70h49,89100h100h924,6265h65h610,63
20h20h10,58335h35h0,90,95345h45h55,9470h70h611,57Profile square pipe 110h110h619,11
20h20h1,50,84135h35h22,0245h45h88,43Profile square pipe 80x80x37,13110h110h927,45
20h20h21,07535h35h2,52,46Profile square pipe 50x50x22,9680h80h3,58,24Profile square pipe 120h120h620,99
Square pipe 25x25x0,80,59935h35h32,8950h50h2,53,6480h80h49,33120h120h724,16
25h25h1,2087835h35h54,3750h50h45,5680h80h715,38Profile square pipe 140h140h624,76
25h25h1,41,01Profile square pipe 40x40x1,41,6750h50h4,56,1680h80h817,22140h140h728,57
25h25h2,51,6840h40h2,52,8550h50h78,7980h80h1122,20Profile square pipe 150h150h730,77

The tables also indicate the weight per linear meter of the profile pipe of each size. It is needed not only in order to be able to calculate the load on transport. Using this data, the wall thickness can be controlled. You can weigh a piece of pipe, calculate the weight of a linear meter, and then compare it with the standard. If the data is close, everything is fine. If the actual weight turned out to be much less, the wall thickness is less than the declared one. True, the table shows the weight at a steel density of 7,85 g / cm². If the density of the steel pipe is less, this will need to be taken into account.

Dimensions of a rectangular profile pipe

Rectangular profile pipes have thicker walls. Even with the smallest section (15*10 mm), the wall thickness cannot be less than 1 mm. For private traders, the most common dimensions of a profile pipe are 20 * 10 mm or 20 * 15 mm, often 25 * 10 mm or 25 * 15 mm are used. Jumpers are made of them during the construction of gazebos, sheds, other buildings and small forms. Usually, lintels between support posts for fences made of corrugated board or other sheet material are also made from the same pipe.

Section of a rectangular pipe, mmWeight of one meter, kgSection of a rectangular pipe, mmWeight of one meter, kgSection of a rectangular pipe, mmWeight of one meter, kgSection of a rectangular pipe, mmWeight of one meter, kg
rectangular pipe 15*10*10,348rectangular pipe 30*15*0,80,536rectangular pipe 35*20*1,20,972rectangular pipe 40*20*2,52,07
15 * 10 * 1,50,48830 * 15 * 0,90,60035 * 20 * 1,51,1940 * 20 * 32,42
15 * 10 * 20,60530 * 15 * 10,66135 * 20 * 21,5540 * 20 * 3,52,75
rectangular pipe 20*10*10,42630 * 15 * 1,20,78335 * 20 * 2,51,8840 * 20 * 43,05
20 * 10 * 1,20,05130 * 15 * 1,50,95935 * 20 * 32,19rectangular pipe 40*25*1,51,43
20 * 10 * 1,50,60530 * 15 * 21,23385 * 20 * 3,52,4740 * 25 * 21,86
20 * 10 * 20,76230 * 15 * 2,51,48rectangular pipe 35*25*1,51,3140 * 25 * 2,52,27
rectangular pipe 20*15*10,50530 * 15 * 31,7135 * 25 * 21,7040 * 25 * 32,66
20 * 15 * 1,20,595rectangular pipe 30*20*0,80,59935 * 25 * 2,52,0740 * 25 * 3,53,02
20 * 15 * 1,50,72330 * 20 * 0,90,67035 * 25 * 32,4240 * 25 * 43,36
20 * 15 * 20,91930 * 20 * 10,74035 * 25 * 3,52,75rectangular pipe 40*30*1,51,55
20 * 15 * 2,51,0930 * 20 * 1,20,877rectangular pipe 35*30*0,80,78840 * 30 * 22,02
rectangular pipe 25*10*10,50530 * 20 * 1,51,0835 * 30 * 0,90,88240 * 30 * 2,52,47
25 * 10 * 1,50,72330 * 20 * 21,3 9 #35 * 30 * 10,97640 * 30 * 2,52,89
25 * 10 * 20,91930 * 20 * 2,51,6835 * 30 * 1,21,1640 * 30 * 3,53,30
25*10*.251,0930 * 20 * 31,9535 * 30 * 1,51,4340 * 30 * 43,68
rectangular pipe 25*15*0,80,474rectangular pipe 35*15*0,80,59935 * 30 * 21,86rectangular pipe 42*20*2 (42mm is not recommended)1,77
25 * 15 * 0,90,52935 * 15 * 0,90,670rectangular pipe 40*15*21,5542 * 20 * 2,52,15
25 * 15 * 10,58335 * 15 * 10,74040 * 15 * 2,51,8842 * 20 * 32,52
25 * 15 * 1,20,68935 * 15 * 1,20,87740 * 15 * 32,1942 * 20 * 3,52,86
25 * 15 * 1,50,84135 * 15 * 1,51,0840 * 15 * 3,52,4742 * 20 * 43,17
25 * 15 * 21,0835 * 15 * 21,3940 * 15 * 42,73rectangular pipe 42*30*2 (42mm is not recommended)2,08
25 * 15 * 2,51,2935 * 15 * 2,51,68rectangular pipe 40*20*0,80,72542 * 30 * 2,52,54
rectangular pipe 30*10*10,58335 * 15 * 31,9540 * 20 * 0,90,81142 * 30 * 32,99
30 * 10 * 1,50,84135 * 15 * 3,52,2040 * 20 * 10,89742 * 30 * 3,53,41
30 * 10 * 21,08rectangular pipe 35*20*0,80,66240 * 20 * 1,21,0742 * 30 * 43,80
30 * 10 * 2,51,2935 * 20 * 0,90,74140 * 20 * 1,51,31
30 * 10 * 31,4835 * 20 * 10,81940 * 20 * 21,7

The tables show standard dimensions with wall thicknesses for each section. The mass of one linear meter is also affixed. At retail metal depots, rolled products are sold in whips – segments that they have in stock. The minimum length of the whip depends on the method of manufacture. Seamless cold-formed and all electric welded ones can be from 1,5 meters to 11-14 meters. This is a range of their unmeasured length. Whips of measured length of the same manufacturing methods are not less than 4 meters. The same minimum length – 4 meters – (both measured and unmeasured) for seamless hot-deformed and furnace welding.

Section of a rectangular profile, mmWeight of one meter, kgSection of a rectangular profile, mmWeight of one meter, kgSection of a rectangular profile, mmWeight of one meter, kgSection of a rectangular profile, mmWeight of one meter, kgSection of a rectangular profile, mmWeight of one meter, kgRectangular profile size, mmWeight of one meter, kgRectangular profile size, mmWeight of one meter, kg
Rectangular pipe 45*20*21,86Rectangular pipe 50*40*22,65Rectangular pipe 70*30*67,8Rectangular pipe 90*40*610,63Rectangular pipe 110*60*49,96Rectangular pipe 150*80*723,0828 * 252,51,8
45 * 20 * 2,52,2750 * 40 * 2,53,25Rectangular pipe 70*40*34,7890 * 40 * 712,09110 * 60 * 512,22150 * 80 * 826,0140 * 25 * 1,51,43
45 * 20 * 32,6650 * 40 * 33,8370 * 40 * 3,55,49Rectangular pipe 90*60*48,7110 * 60 * 614,4150 * 80 * 928,8640 * 28 * 1,51,5
45 * 20 * 3,53,0250 * 40 * 3,54,3970 * 40 * 46,1990 * 60 * 410,65110 * 60 * 716,48150 * 80 * 1031,6240 * 28 * 21,95
45 * 20 * 43,3650 * 40 * 44,9370 * 40 * 57,5190 * 60 * 612,51Rectangular pipe 120*40*511,44Rectangular pipe 150*100*621,9340 * 28 * 2,52,39
Rectangular pipe 45*30*22,17Rectangular pipe 60*20*22,3370 * 40 * 68,7590 * 60 * 714,59120 * 40 * 613,46150 * 100 * 625,2870 * 50 * 710,99
45 * 30 * 2,52,66Rectangular pipe 60*25*2,53,05Rectangular pipe 70*50*35,25Rectangular pipe 100*40*48,07120 * 40 * 715,38150 * 100 * 828,5390 * 50 * 36,19
45 * 30 * 33,1360 * 25 * 33,6070 * 50 * 3,56,04100 * 40 * 59,87120 * 40 * 817,22150 * 100 * 931,69140 * 60 * 39,02
45 * 30 * 3,53,5760 * 25 * 3,54,1270 * 50 * 46,82100 * 40 * 611,57Rectangular pipe 120*60*513,0150 * 100 * 1034,76150 * 60 * 720,88
45 * 30 * 43,9960 * 25 * 44,6270 * 50 * 58,3100 * 40 * 713,19120 * 60 * 615,34Rectangular pipe 180*80*726,37160 * 130 * 833,55
Rectangular pipe 50*25*1,51,6760 * 25 * 55,5570 * 50 * 69,69Rectangular pipe 100*50*48,7120 * 60 * 717,58180 * 80 * 829,78180 * 145 * 2084,10
50 * 25 * 22,17Rectangular pipe 60*30*1,52,02Rectangular pipe 80*40*23,59100 * 50 * 510,65120 * 60 * 819,73180 * 80 * 933,1190 * 120 * 1251,94
50 * 25 * 2,52,6660 * 30 * 22,6580 * 40 * 35,25100 * 50 * 612,51Rectangular pipe 120*80*514,58180 * 80 * 1036,33196 * 170 * 1888,99
50 * 25 * 33,1360 * 30 * 2,53,2580 * 40 * 3,56,04100 * 50 * 714,29120 * 80 * 617,22180 * 80 * 1242,52200 * 120 * 837,32
50 * 25 * 3,53,5760 * 30 * 33,8380 * 40 * 46,82Rectangular pipe 100*60*37,13120 * 80 * 719,78Rectangular pipe 180*100*832,29230 * 100 * 838,57
50 * 25 * 43,9960 * 30 * 3,54,3980 * 40 * 58,3100 * 60 * 3,58,23120 * 80 * 822,25180 * 100 * 935,93
Rectangular pipe 50*30*1,51,7860 * 30 * 44,9380 * 40 * 69,69100 * 60 * 49,33Rectangular pipe 140*60*514,58180 * 100 * 1039,47
50 * 30 * 22,3260 * 30 * 55,9480 * 40 * 710,99Rectangular pipe 100*70*49,96140 * 60 * 617,22180 * 100 * 1246,29
50 * 30 * 2,52,86Rectangular pipe 60*40*1,52,25Rectangular pipe 80*50*35,72100 * 70 * 512,22140 * 60 * 719,78Rectangular pipe 180*150*838,57
50 * 30 * 33,3660 * 40 * 22,9680 * 50 * 3,56,59100 * 70 * 614,40140 * 60 * 822,25180 * 150 * 942,99
50 * 30 * 3,53,8560 * 40 * 2,53,6480 * 50 * 47,44100 * 70 * 716,48Rectangular pipe 140*80*516,15180 * 150 * 1047,32
50 * 30 * 44,360 * 40 * 34,30Rectangular pipe 80*60*3,57,14Rectangular pipe 110*40*48,7140 * 80 * 619,11180 * 150 * 1255,71
Rectangular pipe 50*35*1,51,960 * 40 * 44,9480 * 60 * 48,07110 * 40 * 510,65140 * 80 * 721,98Pipes of special size
50 * 35 * 22,4960 * 40 * 55,5680 * 60 * 59,87110 * 40 * 612,51140 * 80 * 824,7628 * 25 * 0,80,637
50 * 35 * 2,22,7260 * 40 * 66,7380 * 60 * 611,57110 * 40 * 714,29Rectangular pipe 140*120*622,8828 * 25 * 0,90,713
50 * 35 * 2,53,09Rectangular pipe 70*30*34,380 * 60 * 713,19Rectangular pipe 110*50*49,33140 * 120 * 726,3728 * 25 * 10,787
50 * 35 * 33,670 * 30 * 3,54,94Rectangular pipe 90*40*3,56,59110 * 50 * 511,44140 * 120 * 829,7828 * 25 * 1,20,934
50 * 35 * 3,54,1270 * 30 * 45,5690 * 40 * 47,44110 * 50 * 613,46140 * 120 * 933,128 * 25 * 1,51,15
50 * 35 * 44,6270 * 30 * 56,7390 * 40 * 59,08110 * 50 * 715,38Rectangular pipe 150*80*620,0528 * 25 * 21,49

Wholesale bases sell a profile pipe in tons. If you have a serious amount of work ahead of you, why not save some money. But to know how much pipe will be in a ton, you need to divide it (ton) by the weight of one meter of pipe. Let’s say you want to buy a ton of metal profile pipe 35*20*2,5 mm. One meter of it weighs 1,88 kg (from the table). Now we divide a ton, and this is 1000 kg, by the weight of the pipe, we get 1000 / 1,88 = 531,9 m. This is almost 532 meters … You need such a footage – excellent. If not, then retail whips. Just remember that in the tables the weight is indicated for steel with a density of 7,85 g / cm². If the steel density of the pipe is higher, the footage will be proportionately smaller.

What load can the profile pipe withstand

The load that a profile pipe can withstand depends on its cross section, wall thickness and the characteristics of the steel from which it was made. The manufacturing method also has an effect. But all these factors are taken into account only when building frames, bridge spans, floor trusses, etc. are calculated. In less critical structures, it is usually limited to estimating the level of load that can affect the structure, and the pipe is taken with about a 20% margin of safety. It’s insurance “just in case”.

Profile pipe sizeMaximum load (in kg) per span length
1 метр2 meters3 meters4 meters5 meters6 meters
40 * 40 * 27091737235165
40 * 40 * 39792319646216
50 * 50 * 21165286120613114
50 * 50 * 31615396167844319
60 * 60 * 21714422180935026
60 * 60 * 323935892501296935
80 * 80 * 34492111047825214482
100 * 100 * 374731851803430253152
100 * 100 * 492172283990529310185
120 * 120 * 41372633341484801478296
140 * 140 * 419062473620691125679426

A few words about loads. A simple principle applies here: it’s better to play it safe and take a more “hardy” pipe than to redo it all over again. Therefore, the collection of loads is a very important step in choosing the section of a profile pipe. In private housing construction, a frame for a barn, gazebo, and a canopy is usually made from a steel profile. In such cases, it is necessary to take into account the mass of snow. It is he who usually causes destruction.

Rectangular pipe sizeMaximum load (in kg) per span length
1 метр2 meters3 meters4 meters5 meters6 meters
50 * 25 * 26841676934166
60 * 40 * 31255308130663517
80 * 80 * 219114712021055831
80 * 40 * 326726582811468143
80 * 60 * 3358388438019911262
100 * 50 * 454891357585309176101
120 * 80 * 378541957846455269164

Arches or pergolas, frames for retaining systems, and fences are also welded from a profile pipe. You have to be careful with arches. They are usually made for plants. When calculating the mass of trunks / branches, add another snow load. And in the summer, it is worth considering the green mass and wind. In this combination, the load is also not weak.

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