Professor Horban: We are on a downward wave
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Professor Andrzej Horban, a national consultant in the field of infectious diseases, during an interview with Polsat News, admitted that Poland is on a falling wave when it comes to new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infections. He also added that it is not yet known how the May weekend will affect the course of the epidemic.

Fewer and fewer new cases of COVID-19

From May 1 to May 3, the Ministry of Health issued one announcement a day regarding new cases of COVID-19. On Friday there were 228, on Saturday 270, on Sunday 318. These are not large numbers, taking into account that a dozen or so days earlier we celebrated Easter and some people decided to “loosen” the restrictions.

Professor Andrzej Horban, in an interview with Polsat News journalist, said that although we cannot yet predict how the epidemic will develop after the May weekend, “there will not be such a large increase”.

– We have been observing for several days not only the flattening of the curve of newly diagnosed patients, but also a reduction in this number. It seems that we are happily on a slightly falling wave and this would confirm that it is worth starting to ease the restrictions.

Check: Prof. Horban: In Poland, we may even have 40-50 thousand. infected with SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus

Therefore, we would like to remind you that from today (May 4), hotels and accommodation places, shopping malls and some cultural institutions will be opened under the new sanitary regime. In addition, rehabilitation is launched. From May 6, kindergartens and nurseries are to be opened. The decision to open them is made by the local government.

See also: “Do not send your children to nurseries and kindergartens”. Parents respond to the PPOZ appeal

«Let’s get used to the masks»

Prof. Horban also referred to the validity of using social distance: – If we breathe or cough, the range of the exhaled air, or the range of our saliva droplets, is approximately two meters, hence the 1,5-2 meters is the safe distance.

According to the professor, we also need to get used to the masks in public places. The expert emphasized that the mouth and nose protectors used on a daily basis are not fully protective compared to professional masks used, for example, in hospitals during contact with patients.

The masks that we wear are, in fact, designed to protect people in our environment.

– The point is that someone who is a carrier of this virus has a very poor clinical or asymptomatic disease, not to infect others. And this mask protects others from this man who is the source of this infection. It is supposed to work the other way – summed up Horban.

What is your opinion on wearing masks in public spaces? Write to us on [email protected]

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected]. You will find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers

Highlights of COVID-19:

  1. Current data on the coronavirus from Poland and the world
  2. Pulse oximeters are gaining in popularity. All because of the words of an American doctor
  3. The FDA approves remdesivir for the treatment of COVID-19 in critically ill patients

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