Professional make-up at home: tips from stylists. Video
High-quality professional makeup helps girls look much more stylish and attractive, hides facial imperfections, emphasizes its dignity. However, of course, visiting a makeup artist every time you want to look perfect is not a good idea. Having studied the secrets of professionals, you can learn how to perform a high-quality make-up at home.
Beautiful professional make-up at home
How to apply the foundation correctly
Make-up always starts with the application of the foundation, i.e. foundation and concealer, and then powder. The result will depend on how correctly the cosmetics are chosen and used. One of the secrets of professional makeup artists is that they use not one, but two shades of cream. A light tone is used to even out complexion and mask imperfections, and a dark tone is used to reduce the nose, cheekbones, etc., if necessary. Thanks to this combination, you can visually correct facial features even at the initial stage of makeup.
Professional makeup artists never apply cosmetics to untreated skin. It is important to clean and moisturize it so that the base lies flat.
Concealer should be used to mask minor blemishes, including fine lines and circles under the eyes. It is important to remember a simple secret: light tones visually increase volume, so if you need to hide puffiness on the skin or bags under the eyes, a dark shade corrector is the best choice.
Blush can be applied not only to the cheekbones and cheeks, but also to the forehead and chin – they help to visually correct the oval of the face, just like a dark foundation. Using such cosmetics, it is important to study the schemes of its application, which are used by professional makeup artists. The choice of schemes depends on the features of the shape and facial features. If you need to tweak your makeup a little to remove excess blush, simply apply an extra thin layer of powder to your skin.
Remember to shade the foundation thoroughly. To do this, use a large soft brush with natural bristles. Of course, many makeup artists easily blend borders with their fingers, but this requires special skills.
The art of lip and eye makeup
When doing makeup, it is very important to pay attention to the eyebrows. First of all, you need to correct their shape, taking into account the characteristics of the face. Then, to highlight it, it is recommended to lighten the skin under the eyebrows a little. Hair should not be painted over with a hard pencil, but with an elastic small brush. Brunettes should remember one more secret: they should use cosmetics half a tone lighter than the natural shade of their eyebrows.
Makeup without mascara often looks inexpressive, but it is even worse if there is too much makeup. To “open up” the eyes, make-up artists curl their eyelashes with tongs, and then apply two layers of special cosmetics, giving them extra length and volume. As for the lips, gloss applied over lipstick will help to make them more sensual.
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