Deformation of a professional personality is a change in personality traits (perception stereotypes, value orientations, character, ways of communication and behavior), which occur under the influence of long-term professional activity. Due to the inseparable unity of consciousness and specific activity, a professional type of personality is formed. Professional deformation has the greatest influence on the personal characteristics of representatives of those professions whose work is connected with people (officials, managers, personnel workers, teachers, psychologists). The extreme form of professional deformation of the personality is expressed in their formal, purely functional attitude towards people. A high level of professional deformation is also observed among medical workers, military personnel and intelligence officers.
According to the conclusions of psychologists, professional deformation of managers consists in psychological disorientation due to constant pressure on them, both external and internal factors. It is expressed in a high level of aggressiveness, inadequacy in the perception of people and situations, and finally, in the loss of a taste for life. All this gives rise to another common problem for many managers: the inability to effectively self-improve and develop.
Professional deformation of personality can be episodic or persistent, superficial or global, positive or negative. It manifests itself in professional jargon, in demeanor, even in physical appearance. Special cases of professional deformation are Administrative Delight, Managerial Erosion and Emotional Burnout Syndrome
Administrative delight is a kind of psychological state, expressed in excessive enthusiasm for administration, intoxication with one’s power. It leads to abuse of power, administrative arbitrariness. Quite often, administrative enthusiasm is one of the evidences of professional personality deformation among leaders of various ranks.
Managerial erosion or “corruption” by power is one of the interesting psychological phenomena. It lies in the fact that over time, the effectiveness of the activities of subjects of power (leaders) decreases. A long stay in a leadership position leads to the fact that the decisions that the leader makes become less and less effective and rational. Power as an organizing and directing force, as they say, «spoils».