Professional cosmetics against the promoted brands of the mass market

Who will be the fools? Alexey Savostin, professional beauty insider, expert of beautiful business, co-founder and CEO of BIOSFERA cosmetics company, shared his opinion on the effectiveness of cosmetics of different groups with Woman’s Day editorial staff.

Recently, I again came across the opinion that it is not at all necessary to buy professional cosmetics, when there are so many inexpensive shiny jars of luxury and mass market around, inside which there is exactly the same effective cream.

In a conversation with me, the girl claimed that she carefully studies the composition of any cosmetic product and buys in the store exactly the cream that does not contain chemicals and really works on her skin. I will not persuade someone to change their opinion about the product or the choice of cosmetics in general. Let professional marketers do this and get paid for it.

I will just share my point of view and insider information as a direct participant in the cosmetic market. Today I decided to split the battle of professional cosmetics, luxury brands and the mass market into fights and see who will leave the imaginary ring first.

When I hear the phrase “Why is it so expensive? In terms of composition, your cream is almost the same as mine for 1500 thousand rubles. What’s the point in paying more? ”, I want to take this person by the hand, go with him to the airport, buy a ticket, for example, to Switzerland and show him a real scientific laboratory of one or another brand of professional cosmetics.

Why a laboratory? Because it is in it that the most intimate, which any cosmetic product is proud of, is developed. Effective formula. This is the basis, without it in any way. “What does the laboratory have to do with it?” – the person who firmly believes in luxury and mass-market cosmetic products will ask me again.

Moreover! There are very few companies in the global cosmetic market that have their own laboratories. Many of them do not produce cosmetics on their own at all, but buy ready-made formulas from third-party companies that specialize in this. Often, the creative process of the manufacturer of your cream is limited only by deciding what color this cream will be, what it will smell like and which jar is suitable for it.

Then all this is purchased from various companies, added and bottled. Naturally, the cost of such a product will be lower than that of a cream with a unique patented formula with a complex of active ingredients. But don’t be fooled. The cost of a luxury cream or mass market does not always depend on the cost of the formula.

The same manufacturer costs nothing to buy prettier packaging for their product, tie a velvet bow on it, put a glass spoon for the cream and sell it to you for five times more. That is why manufacturers of professional cosmetics, which beauticians buy for their clients, rarely pay attention to packaging, concentrating all attention on the result of using the product.

I often see: on cans with cream they write the words organic or paraben free, and its admirers desperately prove to me that the composition (albeit mass market) of organic cream is much safer and more effective for the skin than chemistry in a professional presentation. So ladies and those who believe in the power of cucumber masks in the morning, let’s figure it out.

Personally, I have nothing against cosmetics labeled “organic” or “paraben-free”. But what do these words mean and why are you rushing to condemn the formulations of other creams that cannot boast of containing only natural organic ingredients or lack of parabens?

The most interesting thing is that when a person sees a cream (supposedly without parabens or completely organic), he is not at all embarrassed by the inflated cost of such a product. Who wins this round? Only a manufacturer who multiplies his profits by playing on your fear. Do not be lazy, open the Internet and look for a set of rules that determine which cosmetics have the right to be called organic.

There is a whole list of requirements that sometimes companies simply cannot comply with. From the soil in which the ingredients for the products grow, to the certification of the fertilizers with which these lands should be cultivated and nothing else. Just think, how many elements of the periodic table even in our simple rain? I am silent about the air. This is why I sincerely respect the few companies that truly comply with all these requirements and carry their product philosophy to the world.

Now answer yourself the question whether all the ingredients in your natural cream are truly plant-based, and if so, where and under what conditions all this wealth has grown. Dyes and natural preservatives are not very fond of the natural environment with its unstable molecules.

This is why professional cosmetics from Europe can be stored for 6-9 months unopened, while organic cosmetics cannot. This is why parabens are a great preservative to keep your cream jar from souring. Avoiding formulations with parabens, you do not even think that these preservatives do not even interact with the ingredients of your cream, and even more so, they can not affect the fact that your cream works better or worse.

And if your supernatural cream in a beautiful package still says loud paraben free and has a shelf life of more than 30 months, think about what kind of preservative is used instead of paraben? Is it safe? Why is the serum with hyaluronic acid marked “completely natural ingredients, identical to those in our body.”

What is it like? They went to the garden, picked up hyaluronic acid and mixed it in a jar for you? Yes, we have hyaluronic acid in our bodies, but for all cosmetic products it is synthesized in the laboratory, like many of the ingredients in your favorite “natural” and safe creams. They are created by chemical processes, since it is often impossible to obtain them by extraction.

As a consequence of the previous two rounds, there is an endless debate about efficiency. Due to their formulations, mass-market cosmetics, even luxury ones, cannot solve such serious problems and guarantee you a therapeutic effect. It is impossible and simply stupid to make high demands on it. You are not asking a five-year-old child for a doctoral dissertation on the topic “Sociocultural determination of new educational paradigms”? No. But you may well require yourself to personally learn to understand the effectiveness of cosmetic products.

I am not saying that mass-market or luxury cosmetics are ineffective. It can increase the protective functions of the skin, reduce the loss of moisture, but it cannot get rid of deep wrinkles or correct other age-related changes. No illusions. That is why professional products can only be purchased in beauty salons or clinics from your beautician after prior consultation. And this is a huge plus.

The effectiveness of cosmetics lies in the fact that they actually work, and not just mask the problem. The use of professional lines is aimed primarily at solving problems and achieving a cumulative result. We all know that the effectiveness of professional cosmetics is achieved through a balanced combination of active ingredients.

Although the composition of the product may be very similar, the main difference between mass market products and professional products remains the concentration and bioavailability of the active ingredients. Thanks to high technologies, the therapeutic concentration of active substances overcomes the barrier and penetrates into the deeper layers of the epidermis, where work is carried out with living cells.

Ask yourself why your friends can use the cream for months and not see the desired effect. Because in mass-market cosmetics, active substances often remain on the surface of the skin and cannot have a deep therapeutic effect. Of course, working on the surface, such funds will also give some effect of moisturizing, toning, smoothing wrinkles, but this effect will be short-lived. In simple terms, the structure of your skin will not change, because the concentration of active substances in such products is not very high.

In conclusion, is it worth saying that, having tried professional cosmetics once and feeling its truly effective effect on himself, a person will never return to the mass market and conventional body and face care products? I’m sure not. Love yourself and your skin, use the cosmetic product that suits you, just don’t be fooled.

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