Prof. Thrust: if a large percentage of Poles are ill, it may paralyze social life
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The latest data from the Ministry of Health indicate over 36 thousand. new cases of COVID-19. There are further increases in infections ahead of us, caused by a new variant of the coronavirus. – Omicron is very infectious, it is at the forefront of infectious diseases, along with pathogens such as the measles virus. Who has not done it yet – should get vaccinated as soon as possible, especially in people at risk – says virologist from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, prof. Krzysztof Pyrć.

  1. Omikron is responsible in Poland for about 25 percent. cases, this percentage increases every day
  2. The new variant may lead to – according to various simulations – up to 100 – 140 thousand. illnesses a day
  3. However, we must be prepared for a worse scenario. If a large percentage of Poles are sick, it may paralyze social life – says prof. Krzysztof Pyrć
  4. There is time to get vaccinated at any moment. It is in the interest of each of us, because most likely this winter most of us will be sick – adds the virologist
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Prof. Pyre: soon a flood of infections in Poland

PAP: What do we know for sure about Omikron? There is no doubt that it is more contagious – but less virulent? Regarding virulence, opinions seem to be divided. It may be that it is quite dangerous, but in turn the population immunity is greater, thanks to both vaccination against COVID-19 and numerous infections.

Prof. Krzysztof Pyrć: Omicron is no more virulent than its predecessors. Some studies even indicate that the disease caused by this virus may be milder than in the case of Delta. Remember, however, that the reduction is not very great – we are talking about reducing the risk of hospitalization by 25-50%.

And the transmissivity of the Omikron – is actually much higher, how is everyone afraid?

There is no doubt in the case of the transmissivity of this variant. It is already visible in Poland, and even more clearly in countries where it has become dominant. There will be a flood of infection cases in Poland in the coming weeks. What values ​​will we see in the statistics? Depends on how much we will test.

The rest of the text is below the video:

Let’s go back to the virulence of the Omikron, because it also raises concerns.

Laboratory studies suggest that when infected, the virus may do slightly worse in the lungs and much better in the bronchi. This would explain its greater transmissivity and just less virulence.

  1. Read also: Is it worth waiting for a vaccine dedicated to Omikron?

However, these are only laboratory tests. It is different in clinical practice.

Yes, you have to be very cautious about these results. Clinical reports suggest that there is indeed some reduction in the risk of hospitalization following Omicron infection compared to Delta. Let’s not forget, however, that the Delta was more dangerous than the previous variants. Therefore, I would absolutely not call Omicron a “cataract”.

Healthcare paralysis may occur

How is the vaccination? To what extent are they effective against the Omicron?

And here we come to the good and bad news. Vaccinations in the case of Omikron provide less protection against the infection itself and against the disease, but they protect quite well against the severe form of COVID-19 disease and death. In countries where vaccination rates are high, you can see that the number of infections is rising dramatically, but fortunately the number of deaths does not follow. This does not mean that people do not die of Omicron infection and do not end up in hospitals. Deaths and hospitalizations are rising, but thankfully slower. If it were otherwise, we would have had a catastrophe.

What may soon happen in Poland?

The omicron is slowly becoming dominant; we are already seeing very large increases. This is partly a delayed effect of Delta’s festivities and broadcasts, but most have to be combined with the Omicron.

  1. See also: Examination of an infected senior within 48 hours? Family doctor: that’s bullshit

What might the consequences be?

A huge wave of infections awaits us, and we will see how this will translate into paralysis of the health service and the number of deaths.


We have relatively few vaccinated people in Poland, even in high-risk groups. How this translates into deaths was already visible last fall. The number of infections in our country was similar or lower than in some Western European countries, but the number of deaths was much higher. Even an order of magnitude. We still have 56 percent. vaccinated people, but we also have a very large group of convalescents. However, in both groups some form of protection should be visible. How big is the group? Well, that’s the problem – we don’t have up-to-date data.

Omikron in Poland. There is still time to get vaccinated

What’s most important now?

I keep my fingers crossed that, as in other countries, there will be a separation of the death curve and the infection curve in our country. However, we must be prepared for a worse scenario, i.e. high occupancy of the health service and quarantine of a significant number of people. Already, the number of people in quarantine is starting to increase. If a large percentage of Poles are sick, it may paralyze social life. We warned against this already in December 2021 as part of the position of the Polish Academy of Sciences regarding the Omikron. In the event of a wave of even mild infections, there may be no doctors and nurses, as well as soldiers, drivers and pilots.

  1. Read: COVID-19 Incidence Statistics Will Be Launched In February? “They mostly die unvaccinated and unvaccinated with the third dose”

Even people after three doses of the COVID-19 vaccine get sick.

Yes, the risk reduction is lower than with earlier SARS-CoV-2 variants – both in terms of infection and disease. However, we know that a booster dose reduces the risk significantly.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

Despite these fears, are you optimistic about the further course of the Friday wave?

When I suggest that severe cases should be proportionally less than before, it does not mean that our healthcare system will not be under a lot of pressure. We have tough weeks ahead. But hopefully it won’t turn out that we have too little immunization and the death rate will be similar to Delta’s.

Is there still time to get vaccinated against COVID-19?

Of course! There is time to get vaccinated at any moment. It is in the interest of each of us, because most likely this winter most of us will be sick. The infectivity of the omicron variant is very high. In this respect, it is at the forefront of infectious diseases, along with pathogens such as the measles virus. Those who have not done so should get vaccinated as soon as possible, especially those at risk.

Interviewed by Zbigniew Wojtasiński (PAP).

Also read:

  1. “Coagulation cascade”. A neurologist explains why people with COVID-19 often have strokes and strokes
  2. 20 symptoms of Omicron. These are the most common
  3. “All those who want to live should get vaccinated.” Is it enough to protect yourself from the Omicron?
  4. How to wear masks in winter? The rule is more important than ever. Experts observe
  5. The Omicron Wave is approaching. 10 things that can stop her

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