Prof. Simon: they threaten me with death, they intimidate my family and they call me Dr. Mengele
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– I just got, in addition to Christmas cordials, gingerbread and flowers from patients: “heartfelt death wishes for promoting preventive vaccinations against COVID-19”. And threats to kill me and blow me up. Not bad for one day – says prof. Krzysztof Simon.

  1. Prof. Simon: I and other healthcare professionals are intimidated by various psychopaths who write aggressive anonyms and threaten my family
  2. Krzysztof Simon: prime minister, deputy prime ministers, president of the Republic of Poland, marshals of the Sejm and Senate as well as current and former ministers should stop arguing, stand in an even row and get vaccinated in the light of cameras
  3. «A minister who says to everyone that he will not get vaccinated, I would immediately demote him. Let him better find a job at some porter’s lodge »
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.
Prof. Krzysztof Simon

head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Hepatology of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of the Medical University in Wrocław, Head of the First Infectious Ward of the Provincial Specialist Hospital Gromkowski in Wrocław, Provincial Consultant in the field of infectious diseases for the Dolnośląskie Province.

Edyta Brzozowska / Medonet: Professor, are you afraid?

Prof. Krzysztof Simon: Absolutely not, though – like many other doctors who practice their profession diligently, I encourage Poles to get vaccinated with them. This is the only way to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

Like other health care professionals, I am constantly bullied by various psychopaths. Aggressive anonymous letters are written to me that I am a “PiS pig financed by this party”, they are threatening my family. They accuse of “taking money” from pharmaceutical companiespresenting our, yet open, declarations of a possible conflict of interest in a false interpretation. And yet we conduct scientific research commissioned by companies and give lectures at scientific conferences, and it is a great honor. They call me “the second doctor Mengele”, which I will remind you – during the Second World War he practiced not treating the sick, but eliminating them.

I just received by mail, in addition to numerous wishes, flowers and gingerbreads from patients encouraging us to work, “heartfelt death wishes for promoting preventive vaccinations against COVID-19”, the threat of blowing up the wedge and killing me. Not bad for a day. And all because we act and opt for saving human life.

Did you report all of this to the police?

Of course, the more that I was able to identify some of these people. It turns out that they are known in their circles for constantly questioning almost everything, regardless of the topic. If you cannot exist with knowledge, work or scientific achievements, you have to threaten someone or “swindle” someone. I do not understand why special services are not interested in this kind of harmful, anti-vaccine activities to the detriment of Poland and Poles …

When the value of vaccines is denied, and they are different, then given the scale of misfortunes and deaths, something constructive must be proposed. I am convinced that this is an organized action, a cyberattack fueled from the outside. It works to the detriment of the state and our entire society. The more so because the hosts of messages sent to me and those who encourage vaccinations have, in part, provenance evidently from beyond our eastern border.

What is this anti-vaccine cyber attack aimed at?

Hit the fake news and pyramidal nonsense about the COVID-19 vaccine to doubters, less educated people, doubters, unaware of the progress of modern knowledge and medical technologies. But also to various frustrates, psychopaths, characteropaths and various people who are in conflict with the medical community. The latter are unfulfilled scientists who have failed to create or achieve anything in their lives. That is why they are bitter, want to exist and fight with vulgar, primitive anonyms and threats against the most important people in the country and against us, doctors.

After all, would you be willing to vaccinate yourself publicly to set a good example for Poles and show that the vaccine is safe?

Of course! I am willing to get vaccinated even in the middle of the Wrocław market square. And I am waiting impatiently when the first doses will finally appear in Poland. After all, as a doctor of infectious diseases, together with my assistants, I deal with very dangerous activities every day. And that is fighting COVID-19 and treating patients who have a hard time with this disease.

Medical staff of the hospital of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Provincial Specialist Hospital at ul. Koszarowa in Wrocław, where you are the head of the hospital, is also convinced to get vaccinated?

Of course. Just out of curiosity, please provide me with a rational argument not to vaccinate myself in this catastrophic epidemiological situation.

But it’s not only health care workers who save their lives and health by getting vaccinated. Two female nurses had some doubts, but finally declared that they would receive the vaccine as soon as it was available. Unfortunately, two chief physicians from the hospital where I work did not survive the vaccination program. They banned themselves and did not win the fight against the coronavirus, they died. And yet they did not die from the excess of fresh air! Many of the staff who survived in serious condition are permanently disabled after fighting the disease. 14 percent the crew had already contracted the infection working with these patients. Isn’t that an argument to get vaccinated as soon as possible?

However, I would like to emphasize that not all clinically symptomatic patients develop the infection to such a degree. The good news is also the information that at my home university over 6 employees and their families declared their willingness to vaccinate against COVID-19 as soon as possible

Did you have among your “covid” patients unrepentant anti-vaccines who contradicted their views after they found themselves in intensive care, under a respirator?

How else? Two were particularly aggressive. They barely survived, but when they recovered, they declared that they would fight all anti-vaccine theories and anti-vaccine with all their strength. However, I’m afraid that those who believe all this harmful nonsense – especially the fact that vaccines have been tested on human fetuses – are waterproof and will not get any arguments.

If, for example, Poland became the only producer of green dresses only, they would fiercely fight the production of green dresses, this time creating an anti-dress movement. Because, according to them, “you have to fight something”, no matter how irrational the fight is.

  1. How are the efficacy and safety of vaccines studied? Expert: It never ends

When vaccinations in the US began, for example, nurses who fainted during the vaccination were cited.

Well, she passed out? You can pass out and even die for many different reasons, including the pleasure of sex. Is this a reason to give up your sex life? It would be absurd. I am referring to my own personal example: I had a shock once after a flu vaccine and almost died in a car accident. And I keep vaccinating, although only in a hospital setting, because I do not want to die of pneumonia and COVID-19. I am a risky profession, I am also in my age.

Recently, one of the deputy ministers announced publicly that he was not going to get vaccinated.

I repeat ad nauseam. In my opinion: the prime minister, deputy prime ministers, the president of the Republic of Poland, marshals of the Sejm and Senate, as well as current and former ministers should stop arguing, stand in an even row in the Sejm and get vaccinated in the light of the cameras. And above all, remove from offices, in the interest of this country, various individuals who undermine the value of vaccines and promote unproven, even harmful drugs for the coronavirus. And the one who says to everyone that he will not be vaccinated, I would immediately degrade him. He’d better get a job at a porter’s lodge.

Well, as a professor and “educator” I may not have the strength to convince, but a minister who fights EU funds for Poland will be more convincing for the sovereign and persuade people to adopt an effective drug. Including vaccinations, the purchase of which seems to be largely covered by EU funds.

What will this year’s Christmas look like in your hospital?

They will be sad because some of the patients will have to stay in the ward for epidemiological reasons. And the number of severe cases is large. Unfortunately, it will also be the case that some families will not want to and have even declared that they do not want to pick up their older parents. Cured with COVID-19, but with multiple diseases.

Do you think that after family feasting at the Christmas table and carolling during shepherd masses, the number of COVID-19 patients will increase significantly?

There is an epidemic this year, so I am a staunch opponent of mass celebrations, participation in the midnight mass in closed churches and celebrating New Year’s Eve together. Let’s hold out until vaccinations, a few months have not yet saved anyone. And if we really want to take part in the services, it is rather in front of the church, in the open air. I suspect, however, that the Poles will not resist it, so There will be more cases after Christmas. After all, it is known that the greatest number of infections occur in the home environment and in any other closed rooms. And unfortunately also in hospitals.

Especially since SARS-CoV-2 has just mutated.

Whether he is already present in Poland, it is not known yet. Nobody has done such research. But you can suspect that it is, because Poles came in large numbers from Great Britain, i.e. the place where a new variant of the virus, moreover more contagious, although it seems not more pathogenic, appeared.

  1. Virologist on the new coronavirus mutation: it’s no wonder [EXPLAINED]

But are you going to treat anti-vaccines?

One of them told me with my own ears that it was my “smelly duty” to heal him when he fell ill. This smelly duty does not suit me very well, mainly for aesthetic reasons. If COVID-19 does not exist, vaccines are unnecessary, and pneumonia is also absent, then I ask this delinquent: why are you going to the hospital? Choke on and die at home.

Of course, when he shows up at the hospital, me and all my assistants will give whatever help is needed. According to the Hippocratic Oath, we must be above such antisocial behavior and activities. I know, I am speaking harshly, but maybe this is the way to address some Poles, so that they finally understand that there is simply no other way to fight the epidemic and protect against tragic deaths and disability. Apart from oxygen and heparin, there are no clearly effective drugs for the treatment of coronavirus disease.

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