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– The epidemic is here and will be. Sometimes it is better, sometimes it is worse, so it will hesitate until there is no vaccine and no medications – says prof. Krzysztof Simon, head of the Infectious Ward of the Provincial Specialist Hospital J. Gromkowski in Wrocław, who was a guest of Jarosław Kuźniar in the Onet Rano program.

When asked about the development of the epidemic in Poland, prof. Simon replied that the number of severe cases and active forms of the disease was decreasing. As he added, it is difficult to get such an impression when following the official statistics. “The numbers that are reported are mixed data from screening tests, that is, those who have had contact with the virus and those with active disease,” he explained.

When will the virus completely stop threatening us?

– The virus will not go away. We expected SARS-CoV2 to disappear like SARS, but it did not happen, explained Prof. Simon in conversation with Jarosław Kuźniar. – This virus is highly aggressive. But perhaps it will lose its aggressiveness as it passes through successive human populations. This is what happens with some viruses, he added during the interview.

Find out more:

  1. Prof. Simon: a fat man, a diabetic drinker – this is our most frequent patient
  2. One hundred days of the Polish epidemic. What are we doing wrong that the peak incidence is still ahead of us?
  3. Already 30 thousand. infected in Poland. “The creeping epidemic has entered its chronic phase”

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