Prof. Matyja: The peak of the epidemic may occur exactly on the day of the elections
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– It may turn out that the peak of the disease is still ahead of us. You cannot see any changes, you cannot see that the number of daytime cases has changed, it is quite the opposite – said prof. Andrzej Matyja, president of the Supreme Medical Council. So for me, lifting the restrictions is not only incomprehensible but also irresponsible. We can lead to an Italian or Spanish scenario – Matyja said on TVN24.

The weekend of June 6-7 was a record-breaking weekend in terms of new COVID-19 cases since the beginning of the pandemic. On Saturday, there were as many as 576 cases, and on Sunday – 575. At the same time, on June 6, Poles were returned to cinemas, fitness clubs, swimming pools, amusement parks and many other public places. After a break of several weeks, you can also organize wedding receptions for up to 150 people. From May 30, restaurants are available, and the obligation to cover the nose and mouth does not apply in the open, if we keep the distance of 2 meters.

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Prof. Matyja: We are not dealing with the epidemic

The President of the Supreme Medical Chamber was asked to comment on these reports.

– The course of the epidemic in our country in the form of a very high daily incidence, but a simple form, was dangerous, because it proves that we are probably not coping well with the fight against the epidemic – said Matyja. – You can’t see any changes (you can’t see) that the number of daytime cases will decrease, or the other way around. So for me, lifting the restrictions is not only incomprehensible but also irresponsible. It may turn out that the peak of the disease is still ahead of us. Let the Italian or Spanish scenario not work. I am not a fortune teller, but we can lead to such a situation – added prof. Matya.

He described the possibility of organizing weddings and relaxing other restrictions as “irresponsible”. The head of the NIL also appealed to Poles to continue to be very careful and not give up on safeguards against coronavirus infection.

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“Regardless of the recommendations of the authorities: let’s be responsible”

– Regardless of the recommendations (or the lack of them) responsible for the organization of health care in the country, it is necessary to appeal to the society: let’s be responsible. It is the responsibility of all of us that may lead to a decline in the number of cases – said Prof. Matyja on TVN24.

The head of the NIL was also asked how he assesses the safety of Poles in the context of the upcoming elections. Let us remind you that they were scheduled for June 28. The election campaign has already started, and for many candidates the last days are a time of travel around Poland, election rallies and meetings with voters.

– I am afraid that the peak of the epidemic may be just before or exactly on election day. This is more or less the time when the coronavirus hatches and the symptoms appear – said Prof. Matya. – Each candidate has their own voters, everyone wants to show their good side, but in all this you need to be careful, because just before the elections it may turn out that they will not be possible (to be organized) in polling stations – warned prof. Matya.

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