Cardiac surgeon prof. Marian Zembala, director of the Silesian Center for Heart Diseases in Zabrze, which we recently saw in the film Bogowie, as a co-creator of the first heart transplant in Poland, implemented a program of implanting the American-Australian ventricles in Zabrze. It is an implant thanks to which a patient waiting for a heart transplant does not have to be in the hospital. Last year, the Center in Zabrze carried out 2300 cardiac surgeries on adults and children. Prof. In the last elections to the regional assembly of the Silesian Voivodeship, Zembala won the largest number of votes.

Prof. Jacek Jassem, the head of the Oncology and Radiotherapy Clinic in Gdańsk, is the initiator and co-creator of the comprehensive Strategy for Fighting Cancer in Poland 2015-2024. Poland is the only European country that does not have such a strategy. The document was sent to the Ministry of Health. What the ministry will do with him is still unknown. – I think that in the selection of prof. Zembala also includes the strong position of Polish cardiac surgery and its breakthrough achievements – says the editor-in-chief Krzysztof Jakubiak. – Selection of prof. Jassema undoubtedly reflects the urgent need to modify the Polish health care system in the context of the problem of neoplastic diseases – he adds.

The list of laureates in the field of medicine also includes: prof. Henryk Skarżyński, known for the hearing impairment detection and treatment program, prof. Adam Maciejewski, who performed the first face transplant in Poland. In terms of the impact on the organization of the healthcare system, the next places were taken by the laureate of the medical list, prof. Marian Zembala and prof. Bolesław Samoliński dealing with senior policy in the context of health care.

Puls Medycyny has been compiling the list of the hundred most influential people in medicine for 12 years. A jury composed of representatives of the world of science, politics, health care managers and representatives of associations of drug manufacturers assess the candidates in two categories: patient treatment, introduction of revolutionary treatments to medical practice and impact on statutory changes, organization and operation of the system.

In the field of medicine, the top ten included: prof. Marian Zembala, prof. Henryk Skarzyński, prof. Adam Maciejewski, prof. Jacek Jassem, prof. Marek Krawczyk, Grzegorz Opolski, prof. Zbigniew Gaciong, prof. Tomasz Trojanowski, prof. Janusz Meder, prof. Witold Zatoński. In the field of impact on the healthcare system: prof. Jacek Jassem, prof. Marian Zembala, prof. Bolesław Samoliński, prof. Henryk Skarżyński, dr. Wojciech Matusewicz, Jerzy Starak, dr. Maciej Piróg, prof. Alicja Chybicka, prof. Witold Zatoński, prof. Janusz Meder.

Tekst: Halina of Pilon

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