Prof. Gut: it may take two or three weeks for the daily number of infections to drop
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On March 20, a nationwide lockdown was introduced in Poland. The main reason is the huge increase in the incidence of COVID-19, but also the very large share of the British variant of the coronavirus. The restrictions are to last three weeks. When can the effect be expected? – If people follow the restrictions introduced throughout the country, the decrease in the daily number of infections may take place only in two or three weeks – says virologist Prof. Włodzimierz Gut.

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  2. A record number of people are staying in hospitals and under ventilators
  3. Restrictions are in force across the country from Saturday. However, according to specialists, greater social mobilization and strict adherence to safety rules are also needed
  4. The disease dynamics is a measure of social reason. It is one thing to issue a regulation, and another to implement it – believes prof. Włodzimierz Gut
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Coronavirus in Poland. Record high indicators

On Saturday, the Ministry of Health announced that 26 people had been infected with the coronavirus. 349 people died. According to the reports published by the ministry, there are 23 patients with COVID-293 in hospitals, 19 of which are under ventilators.

A day later, the number of hospitalized people and those requiring breathing support was even higher – 23 and 583, respectively.

«Indicators are high and it is not known what will happen next week. Tuesday’s data will only show us whether we are standing still or whether the number of cases will continue to increase »- said prof. Włodzimierz Gut in an interview with PAP.

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Coronavirus. Young people report to the doctor too late

In the virologist’s opinion, “the high percentage of hospitalized people and those under respirators indicate that Poles visit their GP too late, ignoring the symptoms of the disease”.

«Currently, more and more sick people are young people who, unlike older people, see their doctors much less frequently and later, because they are convinced that they have not caught the coronavirus. They think that the appearing symptoms of malaise are just a common cold and they are trying to heal on their own »- said prof. Gut.

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He admitted that it is not always COVID-19. “However, if the symptoms are ignored and it turns out that it is a coronavirus, then such people are ventilated much faster” – warned the virologist.

Coronavirus. Lockdown effects in two or three weeks

Prof. Gut reminded that the disease is very dynamic and is treated symptomatically. «If left untreated, symptoms cause much more havoc in the body, which is later more difficult to heal. As a consequence, such a person goes under a respirator faster »- noted prof. Gut. As he added, “the way someone goes through COVID-19 also largely depends on their genetic predisposition.”

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When asked when the positive effects of the introduction of the restrictions in the whole country can be expected, the virologist replied that only in about two or three weeks.

«Dynamics is the measure of social reason. It is one thing to issue a regulation and another to implement it. If we respect the introduced restrictions, we may have a decrease in infections in about two or three weeks »- said prof. Gut.

Author: Magdalena Gronek.

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