Prof. Flisiak: the obligation to wear masks outside can be abolished now
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On Wednesday, Health Minister Adam Niedzielski announced that on May 15 the order to wear masks in the open air would probably be lifted. The condition will be a decrease in the infection rate per 100 thousand. people to a value below 15. – The obligation to wear masks in the open space should be lifted earlier, even now – comments prof. Robert Flisiak.

  1. On April 28, the government announced the gradual lifting of restrictions related to the coronavirus
  2. One of the elements of easing will be the abolition of the obligation to wear masks in the open
  3. It is to take place on May 15, but according to prof. Robert Flisiak, it should happen earlier
  4. However, as the infectious disease specialist emphasizes, the condition is to keep a distance of 1,5 m
  5. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage

Coronavirus in Poland. From May 15th, the requirement to wear masks outside will be lifted

From May 15, the government plans to abolish the obligation to wear masks in the open (while maintaining a distance of 1,5 m) if the infection rate per 100. people will fall below 15. The obligation to cover the nose and mouth with an indoor mask will remain unchanged.

«The abolition of the obligation to wear masks in open space should come much earlier, even now. We should not wait so long for this element of loosening the restrictions »- emphasized in an interview with PAP Prof. Robert Flisiak, president of the Polish Society of Epidemiologists and Doctors of Infectious Diseases. He added that in open space, however, one should remember to keep a distance of 1,5 m.

Earlier, prof. Flisiak told PAP that external conditions are not conducive to the spread of the coronavirus. In the open space, virus particles are thinned, and yet the risk of infection is proportional to the density of the infectious material and the massiveness of exposure of organisms exposed to infection.

  1. Where is the requirement to wear masks outside?

When asked why this discipline is still in force, he said that Minister Adam Niedzielski pointed to the difficulty of maintaining discipline in society and if this universal and key obligation was differentiated, it would be difficult to enforce.

When are masks unnecessary indoors?

Prof. Flisiak was not able to give an approximate date when the masks could be removed in confined spaces. “It will clarify naturally – we will see what the situation will be,” he added.

“The only thing I fear is that when it seems to us that the virus is no longer available, the lines that are now lining up for vaccination will disappear and the public will stop vaccinating; those who have not been vaccinated will find out + and against what? + and then we will have another wave of infections as the children go to school in September »he warned.

  1. The infection rate in Poland is surprisingly low. We infect less and less

On Wednesday, the head of the Ministry of Health, Adam Niedzielski, said that individual regions when it comes to the average number of infections per 100. inhabitants, approached each other.

«At the moment, this spread is such that in the region that is still the most affected by the epidemic, i.e. Silesia, this incidence rate is practically below 30. And in the region that is at the other extreme – in Podlasie – we have over 10, so this relation of differentiation is less than 3 to 1. Previously, this differentiation was greater »- he emphasized.

  1. Vaccinations against COVID-19 in the EU. How is Poland doing? [RANKING]

On the other hand, the data from the Ministry of Health released on Wednesday by PAP show that the average value of the last two weeks (from April 15) of new infections per 100. the population of Poland is 31,995.

Authors: Szymon Zdzierałowski, Klaudia Torchała

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