Prof. Flisiak: On May 10 it will be revealed whether the plan of easing the restrictions will be implemented
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We should wait until May 10 with optimism about loosening the restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic, Prof. Robert Flisiak. In his opinion, the disease may increase as a result of the return of children to school and irresponsible behavior during the picnic.

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Minister of Health Adam Niedzielski on Wednesday presented the calendar of easing epidemic restrictions for the whole of May.

«There is a lot of optimism. The media talk about loosening – I’m usually optimistic, but I cool down the mood a bit »- told PAP the president of the Polish Society of Epidemiologists and Doctors of Infectious Diseases, prof. Robert Flisiak.

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«Let’s wait to see what happens after the long weekend. Let’s wait a week until about May 10. If there is no increase in infections, this plan can be implemented »- he added. Prof. Flisiak emphasized that the recommendations presented by the prime minister were, however, a plan and could be subject to some modifications.

“On May 10, we will see whether it is feasible or whether it will have to be modified,” he added.

When asked why the date of May 10 is so important, he pointed to the return of some of the children to school and the May weekend. Under these circumstances, the number of infections may increase.

He recalled that he was in favor of a different solution regarding the return of children to school. Prof. Flisiak wanted schools to be opened in individual poviats, not all over Poland. “Then epidemic control is much easier,” he said.

According to prof. Flisiak of the loosening plan was not announced too soon. «It is very good that the plan has been announced and, as far as I know, it was said at the conference that you have to remember that if there is an increase in infections, you will have to go back a step. Let only a step »- he noted.

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When asked about other, potentially dangerous activities and industries in terms of spreading the coronavirus, he pointed out gyms and weddings.

The information on the website shows that from May 1, uniform safety rules will apply throughout Poland. From May 1, hairdressing and beauty salons will be open; from May 4 – art galleries and museums, DIY and furniture stores, shopping malls. Hotels will open on May 8. On May 15, it is planned to abolish the obligation to wear masks in open space. A lot of restrictions are to be loosened from May 29. Then, among others restaurants, cinemas, theaters, primary and secondary schools are to be opened. In all of the above-mentioned places, strict sanitary rules will apply, and there will also be restrictions on the number of people, e.g. in cinemas or restaurants.

«Recently, we have seen a decrease in the daily number of cases. If this trend continues, in May the restrictions will be gradually eased. However, this does not mean that we have defeated the coronavirus. The fight continues. Therefore, despite lifting restrictions, remember about the safety rules! » – underlined on the website (PAP)

Author: Szymon Zdziebijowski

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