Prof. Caning: Are We Prepared for the Prostate Cancer Epidemic?
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According to the 2020 National Health Test of Poles XNUMX, men in Poland test the prostate too rarely. But, as the urologist Prof. Piotr Chłosta, awareness and sanitary culture are growing. Nevertheless, the number of cases of prostate cancer will increase as we live longer and longer, and this cancer is closely related to age. – Are we prepared for the prostate cancer epidemic? – asks prof. Flogging.

  1. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men in terms of incidence and mortality
  2. It is closely related to aging. At a certain age, prostate cancer may affect up to 100 percent. men
  3. Men in Poland examine the prostate too rarely, but – as the urologist points out – this is changing
  4. A urologist may become a primary care physician of any Polish family in the near future – believes the president of the Polish Urological Society
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

According to the 2020 National Health Test of Poles, only 12% of prostate tests have been performed in less than the last 24 months. men aged 55-64 and 40 percent. in the age group 65+. Such a study has never been carried out by as many as 41 percent. men aged 55-64 and 22 percent. men over 65. These are not optimistic data. Men in Poland far too rarely examine themselves.

We talk to prof. Piotr Chłosta, urologist, head of the Department of Urology at the Medical Faculty of Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University and president of the Polish Society of Urology.

Adrian Dąbek, MedTvoiLokony: Why do men have tests so rarely?

Prof. Piotr Chłosta: This is probably changing systematically, but I think that the underlying cause of this state of affairs may be the image of a urologist who, to some extent, violates the intimacy of both men and women. And through some embarrassing research. But it should be clearly emphasized that they are embarrassing for both the patient and the doctor. However, brushing your teeth takes significantly longer than such an examination.

But I have to say that this is changing. Now it’s fashionable to be healthy. What deserves special attention is the systematic growth of the sanitary culture of world and European societies, including Polish. The reason for the change is also that finding the disease early allows for less damaging, less invasive treatments.

It should also be said in the context of potential embarrassment that the urological problem is the couple’s problem. And very often women are a good stimulus to force their partner or husband to urological examination. It’s really worth it, because my fate is in my hands, as the saying goes.

The guy is still afraid of letting himself peek back there?

Physical examination, which is one of the elementary urological examinations, is embarrassing. There is a transrectal finger examination, sometimes transrectal ultrasound is used with the intention of determining the configuration of the pelvic organs in relation to each other, as well as with the intention of assessing the structure of the organ that is of interest to urology. I am talking about the prostate gland.

You mentioned that awareness and willingness to research are increasing. Has the pandemic disrupted this trend?

The pandemic in general has reduced scheduled urological visits. It caused the emergence of one of the largest pathologies in my opinion, which are telepaths. You cannot heal over the phone, and you cannot heal over the internet. Due to a pandemic, postponing certain things in time may adversely affect the health of our society, because the coronavirus can kill, but cancer will certainly kill if it is not diagnosed and the patient is not treated for this circumstance.

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So, after the pandemic, it will be necessary to rebuild this positive trend to heal yourself?

If the editor asks me if any of the doctors or the Polish Urological Society, I will say this as the president of PTU, will ever be satisfied with the level of pro-health culture in Poland, we will answer that never. There is always something to be done in this regard. One of the fundamental goals of PTU is not only to care for the scientific and professional development of our members, but also to educate the society. Because we are also responsible for that.

What can be done to make it even better?

The Polish Society of Urology organizes a series of campaigns, one of them is the KultURO festival. This is a unique event that tries not only to present the image of a urologist as the best friend of a man and woman in terms of health, but also to encourage people to perform preventive examinations through art and music. This project, which has a six-year tradition, is always organized in late September and early October, with a large musical setting, with many renowned artists from the entertainment scene, as well as painters and graphic artists. This event, strongly supported and co-organized by the city of Krakow, is one of the elements that allow us to ensure the appropriate level of urology promotion and raise the level of sanitary culture in our society.

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Another event, organized in Poland, also under the patronage of PTU, is UroRun, a urological run for health. Through these mass sports events, because UroBike is still organized in Warsaw, we try to show the public that the disease detected early is curable, that “if I take care, I will win” and “my fate is in my hands” are not really empty slogans, then it works.

It is all the more important that we are observing a systematic aging of the world, European and Polish population. Many malignancies of the male urinary and genitourinary system are linearly age-related. If we look at the global number of cancers diagnosed in our country, the so-called cancers. “Urological”, that is, those that come from the urinary system of both sexes and the genitourinary system in men, account for over 26%. the entire global number of cancers diagnosed in our country and Europe. So you can see that the problem is serious.

The dominant group in this respect, over 50%, are prostate tumors. And they are the second most common cancer in men, after lung cancer. Bladder neoplasms are in second place among the urological ones, and kidney neoplasms are the third.

I admit that KultUro is a great and very unconventional initiative. Congratulations on the idea.

I am very happy, because it turns out that every year it is spreading wider and wider and there are more and more influential artists who have something to say from the stage – not only the lyrics, but also a health message. They include Olek Klepacz from Formacja Nie Żywych Schabów and Marek Piekarczyk, the former leader of the TSA group, Janusz Grzywacz from the Laboratory. These are extraordinary characters who actively participated in the campaign to promote urology and I would like to thank them most sincerely. Another thing is the understanding of our city – Krakow, which is actively involved in this project, and the patronage of many media. All this allows us to show the true image of the urologist, as I mentioned earlier, as a true friend of a man and a woman in the context of health.

  1. Prostate cancer = sentence? Not necessarily! The latest treatment methods are a chance for a longer life

I have no doubts that if the society is aging so systematically – because we live longer, thanks to the fact that we have better and better tools for treatment and diagnostics, and we lead an increasingly hygienic lifestyle – then with a linear risk of certain diseases, primarily urological ones, then a urologist may become a primary care physician of any Polish family in the near future.

The last edition of KultURO could not be held in full.

It took place online, it was broadcast by a special internet portal and on Facebook pages. It was devoid of musical and artistic setting, painting or drawing. But it was not devoid of the substantive aspect. Together with my colleagues from the Department of Urology at the Jagiellonian University, we have prepared a series of meetings with family doctors, GPs, and representatives of patient organizations. The activity of patient organizations, such as Gladiator or the Krakow faction of the UroConti Association, bringing together women and men who are interested, not necessarily only sick, in promoting a health culture in the field of urology is worth the highest respect.

Returning, however, to the tumor itself.

As I mentioned, the problem is very serious. Therefore, we can ask if we are prepared for the prostate cancer epidemic? At the end of the last decade, we recognized nearly a million cases and a quarter of a million deaths worldwide. In 2030, we expect over 1 million 700 thousand. cases of prostate cancer and more than half a million deaths from it. This is an increase of 72 percent. new cases of the disease. In highly developed countries, where there are excellent diagnostic methods, it is over 53 percent. more deaths. Almost 20 percent the world’s population may be affected by prostate cancer. This is based not only on improved diagnostic methods, but also on the fact that cork cancer is strictly age-dependent. It is more common in the elderly.

  1. Prostate cancer – what is the treatment like in Poland?

The group in which it most often occurs are men between 50 and 85 years of age. And although it should be emphasized that thanks to modern and excellent diagnostic methods, and Poland in this respect, it does not differ from the countries with the so-called the old European Union and the world, the ratio of incidence, or in other words, detectability to mortality, is very favorable. This is also due to the biology of prostate cancer, which is completely different from that of kidney cancer or bladder cancer. There, the use of aggressive treatment must be implemented as soon as possible, because if not, worse results are obtained. In the case of prostate cancer, its development is quite slow. Ie. It often takes many years from the microscopic to the apparent clinical form. We are able, as long as our patient gives us a chance and comes to us, to choose the most optimal treatment method for him, without the need to perform sudden actions.

Prof. Piotr Chłosta

Urologist. Head of the Department of Urology at the Medical Faculty of Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University. President of the Polish Society of Urology.

If we look at European epidemiology, last year 417 thousand. men in Europe have been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Currently, about 2 million men with prostate cancer live in Europe, while 92 have died. people. You can see that the diagnostic and therapeutic methods are effective.

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