Products that harm men’s health

Products that harm men’s health

Some popular dishes should be banned for representatives of the strong half of humanity, because food can affect hormones, physique and sexual energy.

Of course, you should not take away a plate with your favorite dish from your beloved man. But it is simply necessary to take into account the effect of certain products on your dear organism! Gently, but consistently, replace lingering food with healthier, but no less tasty. And you will be rewarded with the excellent well-being of your companion, as well as the vigor of his spirit and body.

What a man would refuse delicious fried potatoes for dinner, but with meat! It sounds delicious, but there is little benefit from such a dinner. The fact is that trans fats are formed in such well-fried foods. What is the threat? Firstly, it contributes to the appearance of excess weight, and secondly, it reduces testosterone levels. As a result, you will get a well-fed man, but fat and lethargic.

Sweets: cakes and candies

It turns out that not only women need to be careful with sweets. Moreover, if in the case of the weaker half, only slenderness is threatened, then for men everything is much more complicated: there is a risk of lowering sexual desire. True, a large amount of carbohydrates increases the level of serotonin in the blood, as a result, the mood rises. But sexual desire decreases.

Many men do not mind pampering themselves with seafood. However, it is just right to hang a sign on them: “Caution, pesticides!” Harmful chemicals from the soil enter water bodies and accumulate in plants. Fish, shrimps and other marine life feed on these plants. Now about the main thing: pesticides disrupt the endocrine system and affect male hormones. So you need to be careful with seafood. By the way, this also applies to women. The correct way out of the situation: do not abuse and cook correctly.

Fish, legumes, various soups in cans greatly facilitate the cooking process. This is a plus. However, there is a huge disadvantage: in the production of canned food, special resins based on the chemical bisphenol A are often used. The problem is that it significantly reduces testosterone levels, contributes to problems with the prostate. Women should also be careful – in their case, it reduces bone density, and also affects the immune system and mental stability.

Soy is another source of danger from the legume family. A seemingly useful plant can seriously affect the hormonal balance in the male body. The product contains the so-called isoflavones: genistein, daidzein and glycitein. They are classified as plant substances, very similar to female hormones, which men do not need at all. They can contribute to breast enlargement and other unwanted metamorphoses.

Sausage itself is, to put it mildly, not the most useful product. Who knows what additives are mixed there. In addition, we often see vacuum packages with pre-cut sausages, meat or cheeses on the shelves. Of course, this is convenient and saves a lot of time. However, if you are going to buy these products, then it is better in small quantities and by weight. The fact is that vacuum packaging made of polyvinyl chloride, while waiting on the shelf, endows products with not the best properties. With long-term adherence to this format, hormonal changes can be the result.

It would seem, than one of the healthiest vegetables can be dangerous for men? In fact, it can, but, fortunately, on rare occasions. If a man does not have any problems with testosterone, then there is nothing to worry about. If there is a hormonal imbalance, then it is better to wait with beetroot dishes.

Greater love for dairy products is also best kept in check. Firstly, in artificial insemination of cows, hormones are often used. This is necessary so that the cow then recovers as quickly as possible after giving birth. And secondly, milk itself contains a large amount of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone, which suppress male testosterone.

Whole grain bread differs from white bread in the way it is prepared. In the case of white bread, the flour is ground and the outer shell of the grain is removed, in the case of whole grain, the outer shell of the grain is left. Why is this outer shell dangerous? The one that contains an analogue of the female hormone – phytoestrogen. However, this does not mean at all that you need to eat exclusively white bread. It can also affect blood sugar levels and hormones in general. So it’s better to know when to stop.

Well, of course, the beer belly is the subject of many jokes and ridicule! What can you say about beer … breasts? Men’s favorite frothy drink can cause breast enlargement, and this is no joke! Again, it’s all about the phytoestrogens found in beer. Hence the possible consequences.

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