Some products do not have to be eaten, and even more so if they disappear – they can be used for domestic purposes – to wipe off stains, add to cosmetics, relieve pain or paint a picture.
– Milk removes fruit and berry stains well. Provided that the stains are fresh and the milk is warmed up. You can try soaking fresh wine or ink stains overnight – chances are good that the stains will come off after this procedure.
– Cleopatra had a milk bath and her skin was soft and well-groomed. All you need is half a liter of milk and half a glass of honey.
– Milk fat tends to form a protective film if clean shoes are treated with milk for a while and allowed to dry. Such shoes will not get wet and will shine.
– Coffee is famous for its taste and aroma and is capable of overpowering other strong odors. For example, tobacco smoke. Put the coffee grounds in the refrigerator – and it will absorb the strong smells of the food.
– With the help of coffee, you can take care of your skin – how much cosmetics are prepared on the basis of coffee grounds. It is not necessary to run to the store for a novelty, but just have the habit of not throwing away the brewed grounds, but using it as a scrub while taking a shower.
– Coffee is a strong colorant, so the owners of brown leather shoes or accessories can slightly correct scratches or creases.
– Tea can also absorb unpleasant odors, small sachets can be used as a scented sachet in your cosmetic bag or purse.
– Used tea bags have long been used as a means to eliminate redness and puffiness under the eyes. Most importantly, use gauze before applying the bag to your face.
– A solution of salt is used to treat surfaces on which, theoretically, mold can form. Also, a mixture is prepared from salt and lemon juice, which removes mold on the fabric.
– Salt, along with coffee, is used as a body scrub – just mix it with honey and apply to problem areas.
– Salt can be used to make crafts with a child – sprinkle salt on the area covered with glue, and after drying, simply shake off excess salt.
– Lemon is an excellent antiseptic, it is used to treat surfaces, eliminate odors after fish on a cutting board, and disinfect knives. Lemon will also help get rid of the unpleasant smell – just scald the lemon so that it releases essential oils, stick dried cloves in it and hang it in the room.
– You can rub your hands with lemon to get rid of stubborn stains that remain after cleaning products. And they will also remove the unpleasant smell on their hands.
– Lemon juice also removes stains on clothes, but you should be careful, as lemon eats away the color.
– And who does not know about the properties of citric acid to remove scale in a kettle or washing machine?
– Sugar is also a natural scrub, but softer and more gentle. Therefore, it can be used for areas of the body where the skin is especially thin and delicate – for example, lips. Mix sugar with honey and butter and rub your lips.
– If you throw 3 teaspoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of vinegar into a vase of water, where there is a fresh bouquet, the bouquet will not fade soon.
– If you accidentally burn your tongue or palate with hot soup or tea, just put some sugar in your mouth – it will numb the affected area.
– With a solution of vinegar, you can easily wipe off the place where the price tag was. And the glue is not washed off with plain water. You can also soak brushes in vinegar after painting with paints – soak them in it for an hour, and then heat them up – and the brushes are like new!
– Use vinegar, baking soda and boiling water to remove a blockage in a sink or sink. And also to scare off the moth – living creatures will be afraid to move to the surface wiped with vinegar solution.
– You can relieve burn pain while cooking with raw protein. And use the yolk as a base for a hair mask, mix it with yogurt, honey or butter.
– Eggshells are fertilized by plants – just crush it as small as possible and fill it with water for several days, water the flowers with this dressing.