Products from the USSR that will never be tasted

Products from the USSR that will never be tasted

And it’s not even about prices – once and a penny were in use. And not in taste – this is a subjective concept. In principle, such products no longer exist. All that remains is to be bored.

Oh, what was not produced in the Soviet Union: chewing gum with mint and orange flavors, and condensed milk, similar to the food of the gods, and amazing chocolate, and even bouillon cubes were already there. True, most of us remember the USSR as an era of scarcity, when food was sold on coupons, there was not much to buy, and there was nothing for it. In addition, the current nostalgic fashion is making itself felt: products appear stylized to resemble those that were in our childhood – dumplings in boxes, for example. The labels are full of the words “Soviet”, “USSR”, but still it’s not that. We remembered products that you can’t buy anywhere and never try.  

Brick bread

How much does the bread weigh in the store today? 200-300 grams. Sometimes 400, but this is already a luxury. Airy loaves, cut into weightless slices – probably such a serving is not bad. It is easier to control the amount of food eaten. And in the relatively recent past, only loaves could afford to weigh 300 grams. Ordinary bread was baked in kilogram loaves – white, rye, gray. And, naturally, nobody cut it before selling it. Moreover, they didn’t even pack it. Bread was taken from wooden shelves, through and through with the aroma of baked goods, right with bare hands. Now, from such a sight, anyone in the store will faint.

And then, in order not to shock people with the growing price, the cost of bread was kept, but the dimensions of the loaf were steadily reduced.

Fruit jelly plates

Marmalade is now more than enough. Gummy bears, worms, all kinds of figurines, classic “orange-lemon” slices, just diamonds sprinkled with sugar … And in Soviet times, marmalade was also produced in plates packed in a paper wrapper. There was no excess sugar, they made marmalade from natural products, and there was just enough sugar so that it did not clog the natural taste of fruit essences.  

Real ice cream

Mmm, perhaps the ice cream nostalgia is the most powerful memory. No substitutes for milk fat, herbal ingredients, crazy flavors that have nothing to do with the taste of real products. Milk, cream, sugar, butter, sugar, vanillin – that’s probably all. Oh yeah, more frosting. The frosting was really chocolate. You can’t find such ice cream now. The only option is to make your own ice cream. By the way, this is not very difficult.

Kefir in glass and milk in triangles

Glass bottles with foil lids – remember those? No labels: all the information was on this cap. Each type of dairy product had its own lid color: green for kefir, silver for milk, lilac and yellow-silver stripe for cream, purple for acidophilus. Moreover, despite all the fragility, the bottles reached the store whole, and the thin caps – without a single dent or scratch.

And milk in triangular bags – it was very convenient to drink directly from it, cutting off (or biting off) a corner. Now, there are also attempts to produce milk in such packages. But they do not seem to find understanding.

Krasnodar tea

Everyone remembers the advertisement of Indian “tea with an elephant”, but the fact that it was our Krasnodar tea that was popular was not. It tasted absolutely amazing: tart, bright. And the aroma … This tea was appreciated even higher than the Georgian one. They packed tea leaves in tin cans, simpler varieties – in paper boxes. Now Krasnodar tea has lost its status. Although it is still produced today, it is of a wide variety of varieties. However, inexpensive varieties are, unfortunately, more like straw.

And there was also tiled tea – now this is brought from China. It looks like a brick made of pressed tea crumbs. They made it practically from the waste of tea production. Now this tea leaves are packed in tea bags.

Pasta “Ocean”

This is a frozen pasta made from Antarctic krill. And from it, in turn, it was possible to make salads, pates, snacks, sandwich spread. The product was, surprisingly, inexpensive, low-calorie, nutritious – now there would be no price for it. But in Soviet times, for some reason, he did not take root. Although now the housewives are inventing their own recipes for that very paste: they mix crab sticks, pollock roe in a blender, add mayonnaise and butter. They say that the taste turns out to be similar, but as for the nutritional value of the product – alas, it did not even stand next to that very Soviet dish.

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