Products for the prevention of cardiovascular disease in women

A delicious way to avoid the effects of stress, overwork, lack of sleep and other troubles that destroy our health.

If you try to describe our life in one word, it will be the word “running around.” You need to rush to work, to the store, to fetch the child, to have time to solve household issues and manage the household. And it would also be nice to somehow magically include a gym and meeting with friends into this list … All this fuss and the stress caused by it does not affect our female heart in the best way. After all, it always hurts for something. has compiled a list of 18 products that will help preserve your heart.


These fruits are rich in potassium, a trace element whose importance for the heart cannot be overestimated. It is even called a vitamin for the heart. Potassium helps regulate blood pressure. And most people are deficient in this trace element. In addition, dates help lower blood triglyceride levels. Triglycerides are compounds that, when high, can cause heart attack or even stroke.

Dates contain a lot of natural sugar, but they have a rather low glycemic index. That is, they do not cause a sharp increase in blood sugar, but they do give a feeling of satiety. But remember, one date contains about 65 calories. So try to eat no more than two a day.

Pineapple and corn

One cup of pineapple contains as much vitamin C as you need per day. And even a little more. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant that helps the body fight free radicals, molecules that destroy cells. And the lutein and zeaxanthin found in corn protect us from atherosclerosis – the harbinger of heart attacks.

Nuts and spinach

They contain a huge amount of magnesium, a trace element that almost everyone lacks. But magnesium is the second element of drugs that are prescribed to support cardiac activity. Lack of magnesium can lead to high blood pressure. Women over 30 need 320 mg of magnesium per day. 30 grams of cashews or almonds contains about 80 mg of magnesium, half a cup of spinach has 78 mg.

Kale salad

Along with spinach, this salad is rich in magnesium. But it has a plus: the feces contain less nitrates. In addition, this salad is great for helping to cope with high blood pressure and improve heart function.


Well, yes, it smells. But it smells due to the sulfur content in it, a very useful mineral. Scientists have found that sulfur, when ingested, has the miraculous ability to relieve vascular spasms and helps regulate blood pressure.

To get the most out of the garlic, you need to crush it and let it sit for 10 minutes. And only then add to the dish.

Fiber-rich foods

Every 7 grams of fiber a day can help reduce your risk of heart disease by 9 percent. This is because fiber lowers blood cholesterol levels. Most people get a maximum of 16 grams of fiber a day, according to research. And the recommended amount is 25 grams. Foods especially generous in fiber are oatmeal, Brussels sprouts, black beans. But the products should be whole – just oatmeal, rolled oats, and not instant flakes that do not require cooking.


Mushrooms are high in vitamin D, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, mushrooms are an exclusively dietary product. Unless you deep-fry them and over-salt them. And to increase the level of vitamin D in mushrooms, they need to be exposed to the sun for half an hour. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, mushrooms begin to produce the solar vitamin with a vengeance.

Leafy greens

Kale, lettuce, spinach, and other leafy greens are high in calcium. And calcium works in the same way as magnesium: it helps relieve vascular spasm, relaxes veins and arteries. In addition, dairy products contain a lot of calcium. For calcium to be better absorbed, it must be taken in tandem with foods containing vitamin D. And note: calcium is extremely poorly absorbed from skim milk. Choose 5 percent fat.


According to studies, women who ate berries at least three times a week were much less likely to suffer from heart disease. It is noteworthy that this rule works with all age categories from 30 to 50 years old. So lean on currants, blueberries, and raspberries.

Peanut butter

Well, yes, high in calories. But do not rush to turn away. It is actually a healthy food, despite its high fat content. The fact is that fats are unsaturated here. Doctors say peanut butter not only helps prevent heart disease, but also protects against diabetes. The main thing is to know when to stop. You can add a tablespoon of oil to your morning smoothie or spaghetti sauce.


And again, talking about healthy fats. Omega-3 fatty acids are just in this series. These substances lower triglyceride levels and help cleanse the blood vessels. Salmon, trout, tuna, mussels and crabs are rich in omega-3s. Two servings of these foods a week – and the risk of developing hypertension is reduced by 36 percent.

Watermelon and tomatoes

It’s the season for them, and that’s great. Because tomatoes and watermelons are both rich sources of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. If you consume enough of this substance, your risk of stroke is reduced by 55 percent. By the way, watermelons and tomatoes can be eaten together. For example, here’s a recipe for a delicious salad: chop the tomatoes, add half a finely chopped red onion, a few basil leaves and top with the sauce. We do the sauce like this: mix two tablespoons of lemon juice, a spoonful of olive oil, half a teaspoon of honey, a little salt and pepper. Cut the watermelon into thin slices, put the tomatoes on them, add a little feta cheese on top.

Bananas and red potatoes

Bananas have until recently been the champions in potassium. Until their record was broken by red-skinned potatoes. It turns out that potassium in such potatoes is almost twice as much as in bananas. Potatoes work especially effectively in combination with tomato sauce.

Oranges and bell peppers

It’s not just about the high content of vitamin C, whose benefits we have already found out. Oranges are also rich in natural fibers that can lower blood cholesterol levels. The white core and zest contain a lot of pectin, which also helps to eliminate bad cholesterol. The same can be said for bell peppers. Only in it, in addition to pectin and fibers, it is also full of potassium. So eat to your health.

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