Products for increasing hemoglobin levels

Low hemoglobin is a fairly common problem that mainly affects the fair sex. However, if the decrease in hemoglobin level is not critical and does not require rapid recovery, then this scourge can be easily dealt with at home. How exactly? For example, you can balance your diet so that your diet includes more foods containing iron, which contributes to an increase in the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Woman`s Day presents a list of products that will help you cope with this problem.

From an early age, we know that hemoglobin is a protein that delivers oxygen to all organs and tissues. Therefore, if there is not enough hemoglobin, then oxygen starvation can begin, affecting the brain, kidneys and heart, which will be forced to drive a large volume of blood, trying to saturate the organs with oxygen.

And before you self-medicate, of course, you need to consult with a specialist. After all, the reason for a decrease in the level of hemoglobin can be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (when iron is not absorbed into the blood), severe blood loss or, more dangerous, various cancers.

However, if the hemoglobin level is slightly below normal, then you should not buy all the iron-containing drugs, you just need to review your diet and add products to your menu that increase hemoglobin. In addition, unlike iron-containing drugs, in this case there is no danger of overdose, which means that you can not be afraid of negative consequences.

Introducing healthy foods to help normalize blood hemoglobin levels.


It has long been known that not all fruits are created equal. However, avocados, quince, persimmons, pears, red grapes, kiwis, plums, and peaches are not just healthy, they actually help increase hemoglobin. These fruits are even recommended to be consumed regularly in order to prevent anemia.

This also includes an apple with a high iron content, although it is not a fruit.

Dried fruits

This group of products is recommended to be included not only in the children’s menu, but also to be regularly consumed by adults. Dried fruits, in principle, are useful for any, but dried apricots and prunes are especially distinguished.


Nuts, which contain many beneficial micronutrients, can be called one of the best suppliers of iron to the body. Particular attention should be paid to walnuts, which can be consumed alone or in combination with honey (if there are no contraindications). Pine nuts, pistachios, peanuts, and cashews are also helpful.


Raspberries, strawberries, black currants, mountain ash and cranberries are also excellent helpers in the fight against low hemoglobin. Moreover, raspberries are not in vain ranked first in this group, they hold the record for iron content.

Scientists are sure that it is enough to eat five raspberries a day or, for example, one tablespoon of mountain ash to maintain normal hemoglobin levels.


Potatoes, carrots and beets also increase blood hemoglobin levels. Moreover, potatoes, in fact, are not the main dish, but will only be an addition (side dish) to meat or fish, which, by the way, are also excellent suppliers of iron to the body. Baked potatoes in their skins, which are a kind of storehouse of useful microelements, will be digested especially well.

And you can make a delicious salad from carrots and beets. To do this, grate the vegetables on a coarse grater and add olive oil or sour cream to them. A simple but very healthy dish is ready!

Pomegranate and rose hips

These shrub fruits can be eaten both in pure form and in the form of juice (pomegranate) or decoction (rose hips). However, it should be remembered that only natural pomegranate juice is useful without any additives or preservatives.

And if lemon and honey are added to the rosehip broth, then this drink will not only help increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, but will also be an excellent prevention against colds.

Meat and fish

Animal products (especially red meat, liver and other by-products, fatty sea fish, seafood and caviar) occupy, perhaps, the first place in terms of the content and degree of absorption of iron.

Pork liver and veal, although inferior in iron content to beef and seafood, are also very useful products for the body.


The benefits of greenery cannot be overemphasized. But I would especially like to highlight in this group spinach, which, due to its high iron content and oxalic acids, is a versatile product. Although oxalic acids slow down the absorption of iron by the body, this does not affect the benefits of spinach.


Hercules, lentils, barley groats, wheat bran and buckwheat give iron a little worse, but they also help to increase hemoglobin and contain many vitamins and nutrients.

In this case, buckwheat, for example, in this case, is recommended not to boil, but to pour boiling water, wrap in warm clothes and leave in a warm place for 6-7 hours. This time is quite enough for buckwheat to cook. We also advise you to pay attention to green buckwheat, which contains even more useful microelements than ordinary ones.

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