Products against colds and flu

Healing menu: ten products for winter diseases

This winter, the flu is rampant on a special scale. And colds are more intrusive than ever. Therefore, standard methods of treatment with pills and medicines do not hurt to reinforce the products against the flu and colds.

Lemon Sun

Lemon for colds is a time-tested remedy. Shock doses of vitamin C will give strength to the immune system, and special volatile substances will destroy bacteria. In combination with ginger and honey, lemon works wonders. Grate 300 g of ginger root, pass through a meat grinder lemon with peel. Mix them into a mush, add 150 g of honey and close them in a jar with a lid. Take this medicine for 1 tsp. 3 times a day-and the cold will pass faster.

Life-giving broth

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Chicken broth gently relieves inflammation and is merciless to viruses. Fill the chicken carcass with water, bring to a boil, constantly collecting foam. Put a whole onion, parsley roots, garlic clove, ½ root celery and carrot slices in a saucepan. Cook the broth for 2 hours, and 10 minutes before the end add ½ chili pepper, bay leaf and salt. We take out the chicken, onion and bay leaf, the rest of the ingredients are ground. This broth will quickly put the patients on their feet.

Healthy mind

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Garlic is a product that destroys the runny nose, and with it, pathogenic microbes. We pass the garlic through the press and mix it with honey in equal proportions. This medicine is taken for 1 tsp. before going to bed, washed down with water. You can also rub garlic with olive oil in a ratio of 1:1. This mixture is rubbed into the skin under the nose. After the first applications, it will become easier to breathe. The only unpleasant, but quite tolerable side effect is the specific smell of garlic.

Clean breathing

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An effective product for a runny nose is beetroot, or rather its juice. Active substances remove mucus from the nasal cavity and gently remove mucosal edema. Scald the root vegetable with boiling water and peel it. Rub the beetroot on a grater, squeeze out the juice and dilute it with warm boiled water in the proportion of 1:3. The juice is instilled 1-2 drops in each nostril three times a day. This product is safe even for children, if, of course, they do not have allergies.

Honey pot

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If you are exhausted by a cough, black radish with its miraculous essential oils will help you. Choose a larger root vegetable, cut off a little peel from above, cut out a recess and fill it with honey. Ideally, the radish should be infused overnight. If treatment is required immediately, wait at least 2-3 hours. Take the medicine for 1 tbsp. l. before meals. Do not forget to add honey to the radish, and after 3 days make a new “pot”.

Sweet couple

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Dates plus milk — a killer combination of products against colds, especially prolonged dry cough. Wash 5-7 fruits of dried dates, remove the bones, lightly knead and pour a glass of milk. Gradually bring them to a boil and cook for 10 minutes on low heat. The finished broth should be drunk immediately, and the dates themselves should be eaten. It is best to do this before going to bed. The very next morning you will feel the long-awaited relief.

The power of the Tropics

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A sore throat with a cold is familiar to everyone. Bananas will get rid of it the fastest. Thanks to their delicate texture, they envelop the mucous membrane and relieve tickling. Mash the banana with a fork, add 1 tsp. cocoa and pour a glass of milk. Constantly stirring, bring the mixture to a boil and immediately remove from the heat. Strengthen the combination of 2-3 crushed fruits of dried figs. Drink this cocktail hot-the effect will not take long to wait.

Bright head

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What headache products help with colds? There is no equal to almonds. The magnesium contained in it brings the pressure back to normal, and the pain recedes. Grind 100 g of dried nuts into a large crumb and mix with honey, so that a viscous mass is obtained. If desired, you can add a pinch of ginger and cinnamon to it. Keep this medicine in a glass jar, take it as needed, and the headache will be relieved as soon as possible.

Crimson coolness

The eternal companion of the flu is a high temperature. As a child, our grandmothers and mothers knocked it down with tea with raspberries. And they did it right, because raspberries have an antipyretic effect. Pour a glass of boiling water over a handful of dried berries and insist in a glass container for 20 minutes. The infusion is drunk still hot and the procedure is repeated for 3-4 hours. Raspberries are not only good at relieving fever and inflammation, but also kill pathogenic bacteria.

Curly immunity

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Doctors do not call broccoli a product against diseases, and any. No vegetable or fruit has such reserves of vitamin C. In combination with other active substances, they increase the body’s immunity. Boil 300 g of broccoli inflorescences in salt water and sprinkle them with a mixture of 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 tsp wine vinegar, a pinch of coriander and cumin. This simple snack will quickly help you come to your senses.

Remember, at the first symptoms of the flu, you should immediately consult a doctor — only he will prescribe the right treatment. If you are quite healthy, include the products from our rating in the diet, then the probability of getting sick will become much less.

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