Prodigy Cellglow: the power of edelweiss for radiant skin

Everyone dreams of young, radiant, elastic skin that resists time and stress. Is it possible? In search of a solution, scientists adopt the experience of nature and share it with us. Helena Rubinstein continues to reveal the secrets of “strong” plants to use for the glory of beauty: meet Prodigy Cellglow.

It all started with edelweiss alpine flower, similar to either a bizarre star, or a lion’s paw in miniature. It grows in the Swiss Alps above 3000 m above sea level in conditions in which no other flower can exist. And edelweiss doesn’t just survive it blooms and fragrant, as if mocking the winds and temperature changes.

Edelweiss blooms in the Swiss Alps.

The researchers found that edelweiss flowers are resistant to UV radiation (the microstructure of plant fibers is such that it provides protection from UV rays), and its stem (native) cells have a unique ability to regenerate: from a single one, a new plant can appear! This ability of theirs inspired specialists from the laboratories of Helena Rubinstein. They received an edelweiss extract and created a new remedy based on it. Prodigy Cellglow Deep Skin Renewal Concentrate.

What is the uniqueness of the new cosmetic product? It does not just help the skin, saturating it with moisture and nutrients, but transforms it, slows down the aging process, accelerates cell renewal, using the wonderful properties and power of edelweiss. This force Helena Rubinstein scientists tried to unravel and decompose into components that became the ingredients of Prodigy Cellglow along with other interesting and valuable components:

  1. native edelweiss cells have the ability to stimulate collagen synthesis;

  2. water extract of edelweiss strengthens the barrier function of the skin, moisturizes it, contains leontopodic acid, which protects against oxidative stress, preventing premature aging;

  3. edelweiss oil extract rich in fatty acids to nourish the skin;

  4. volcanic water source of minerals such as magnesium, calcium, silicon.

Edelweiss extract is the main “strength” of Prodigy Cellglow concentrate.

The melting texture of the concentrate is easily absorbed, intensely acting on the skin and providing a complex, long-term effect. Concentrate task activate the skin’s own resources and abilities. Changes can be seen immediately. Already four hours after applying the concentrate, the skin becomes more elastic, elastic, its tone increases. And after 28 days of regular use, as shown by a study involving 55 women, wrinkles are significantly reduced and the skin regains its lost radiance.

Already four hours after applying the concentrate, the skin becomes more elastic and elastic.

In addition to the concentrate, in the line of products Prodigy Cellglow includes:

  • cream to restore skin radiance, enriched with adenosine and lipohydroxy acid, it intensively moisturizes the skin and gives it radiance;

  • eye cream with five herbal extracts helps to reduce puffiness and puffiness under the eyes, while reflective optics add radiance to the eyes.

Each of them can be used individually, or can be used in stages, as part of a program to restore skin radiance.

Prodigy Cellglow line of products. © Helena Rubinstein

Program Prodigy Cellglow These are the four steps of beauty:

  1. gentle cleansing with your favorite cleanser;

  2. energizing skin concentrate, Cellglow lines;

  3. moisturizing and renewing cream of the Cellglow line;

  4. cream for skin care around the eyes of the Cellglow line.

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