When the last strawberries have already been plucked from the bushes, the plants need to be processed. The main purpose of autumn processing is to prepare strawberries for the next season. The plants need to be ready to survive the cold winter, so you need to make sure they are strong and have a strong root system.


Start processing strawberries after harvest by trimming old leaves. It is very easy to distinguish them from new healthy leaves: the color of the old ones is darker, in addition, they have clearly visible lesions in the form of spots. The antennae with rosettes should also be trimmed. Except, of course, the very first socket, which you can use as a material for transplanting plants.

Not all gardeners agree on the need for pruning. Some argue that the leaves are the main vegetative organ of strawberries, and by cutting it, we harm the bushes. But still, the fact remains, and no one can argue with the fact that old leaves are a favorite habitat for pests and diseases. Therefore, it is still worth agreeing that pruning after harvesting is a necessary healing procedure.     

In addition, do not forget that during the period of fruiting, the plant has managed to squander all the useful substances, so it needs rest. And pruning is a great way to give strawberries a chance to build up strength until next season.

In order to prune plants, do not wait for autumn. You can start getting rid of old leaves immediately after harvesting. And then by September the strawberries will have time to gain strength and acquire new green leaves. For pruning, you can use secateurs, scissors, a sharp knife. Particularly lazy people do not bother with this matter, and simply mow strawberry bushes. But this often ignores the allowable crop height.

Be aware that pruning too low can damage the growth cup, which is needed for new foliage to develop. That is why you should not be lazy, but it is better to carefully cut the plants to a height of 10 centimeters from the ground.


In autumn, after harvesting, you can start transplanting strawberries. There are still different points of view about when it is better to transplant plants: in spring (April) or autumn (September)? Of course, every gardener has the right to decide for himself, but you must remember that by planting strawberries in September, you give it time and the opportunity to take root. Strawberries will sprout leaves and also grow a good root system so they can survive the winter. By the onset of cold weather, the plants will be strong and will be able to hide with their own leaves. Then neither frost nor lack of snow can harm them.

Of course, those plants that you plant in the fall will bloom and begin to bear fruit only in the spring. They will not be able to please you with the same big harvest as their 2-, 3-year-old relatives in the garden, but they will not leave you completely without tasty fragrant berries.

Before planting strawberries in the fall, make sure that the soil is free of May beetles or wireworms, as they can cause great damage to plants.

Transplantation is best done in cloudy weather, or in the late afternoon. You can plant strawberries in 2 or 3 lines, it all depends on the width of the beds. Before planting in the holes, you need to pour a lot of water. The bushes should be placed in the recesses, and then gently straighten the roots. After the water is absorbed, you can sprinkle the holes with earth. Lightly tamp the soil with your hands so that it fits snugly around the base. After transplanting, the soil must be mulched.

Of course, you need to fertilize the soil before planting. But still, before planting, it is necessary to dip the plants in a nutrient mixture that you can make from clay, water, manure.

Most gardeners strongly recommend processing the roots without fail, since top dressing will never be superfluous, but will only protect the bushes from dangerous diseases and pests.

Additional fertilizing

Both old and newly planted bushes need organic fertilizers. It has been noticed that natural products, such as humus or mullein, are best suited for feeding berries. But at the same time, one should not forget that it is not worth using these organic fertilizers in their pure form, as this can provoke the appearance of leaf burns. If you want to do everything right, then it is better to dilute the mullein with water in a ratio of 1:10 and water the soil around the bushes. Humus can simply mulch the soil around the plants.

Some gardeners prefer to lay chicken manure pellets under the bushes.

You can prepare a good top dressing with your own hands. Fill half of any airtight container with grass (tops, weeds will come in handy), add nitrogen fertilizer, and then fill it all with water. Let the mixture ferment for about ten days, and then use this “living water” for top dressing. However, it still needs to be pre-diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Each bush needs to be watered with a liter of this fertilizer. The benefits of such top dressing are even greater than those of humus, because in addition to fertilizing plants, it provides another “bonus” – the neutralization of ground acidity.

After harvesting, strawberries need to be treated for another of the most common pests – the strawberry mite, which damages the leaves. Calculating whether your plants are infected or not is very simple: if the bushes are sick, then the leaves are deformed and curled up. But even if healthy and lush foliage grows on the bushes, it will still not be superfluous to exercise forethought and, for prevention, treat the plants with a special solution that you can prepare at home. In a bucket of warm water (up to 30 degrees), you need to pour 2 tablespoons of soap (it is better to use liquid), 3 tablespoons of burnt vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of wood ash and vinegar. Treat the leaves and soil around the bushes with this solution, and no pests and diseases can affect your future harvest.

To treat strawberries in the fall from a tick, you can use drugs such as Aktellik, Kleshchevit, Titovit Jet, a solution of colloidal sulfur. Slugs, snails, centipedes can also harm strawberries. To get rid of all this scourge, you can simply spread metaldehyde granules under the bushes in those places where pests accumulate. It will be enough for 5 grams per square meter.

If you do not treat the bushes from diseases and pests, then not only berries, but also neighboring plants may suffer. Therefore, do not forget about the timely and proper processing of strawberries with various preparations, because the well-being of the garden depends on this. 

Do not forget that strawberries need to be covered for the winter so that they feel good even in severe frosts. As a shelter, you can use straw, spruce branches will also come in handy. Remember that frosty snowless winters are very dangerous for plants, and shelter will not only keep you warm, but also keep the snow.

Caring for strawberries after harvest is easy. But still there are some rules that should not be ignored. After all, only armed with certain knowledge, you can do everything right. Then the plants will survive the winter well and will bring a good harvest next season.

Video “Caring for strawberries at different times of the year”

In this post, an expert talks about how to properly care for strawberries in spring, summer and autumn.

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