Potato is rightfully the main root crop in the life of every summer resident and any other person. That is why we strive to select the best varieties for planting and take care of them as carefully as possible. But often we fail to protect our plants from pests – such as the Colorado potato beetle, wireworm and others – so the modern drug “Tabu” takes on this important role.
Description of the preparation
Among the huge number of currently existing drugs that can be used to treat potatoes immediately before planting, experts single out the well-proven highly effective drug “Taboo”. This high-quality insecticide is designed to effectively treat seeds and tubers of potatoes in order to provide them with reliable protection against a number of insects – those pests of various potato varieties that in the future can cause a lot of trouble to vegetable crops during their intensive growth and development.
The main active ingredient of the drug “Taboo” is imidacloprid, which belongs to the group of so-called neonicotinoids. Also in the instructions for the preparation, the composition contains substances such as antifreeze, dye, adhesive, thickener, dispersants and wetting agent. The drug is produced by the manufacturer in a very convenient form for use, which is an aqueous solution. The entire available area of seeds treated before planting is covered with a thin film that will not fall off or succumb to breaking after it dries.
This highly effective agent is able to show its protective effect within about 40-45 days from the moment the potatoes are processed. From the Colorado potato beetle, this drug, as practice and reviews of satisfied gardeners on numerous sites show, protects the crop for a period of at least 30 days after germination, from the wireworm – throughout the growing season. What is the mechanism of action of the drug “Taboo”, which should be treated with potatoes immediately before planting on the site?
This systemic drug is able to get from seeds directly into young shoots, as well as sprouts. In the middle of the body of pests, where it exhibits neurotoxin activity, the agent enters through the intestines and by contact. The mechanism of operation of the modern drug “Taboo” is simple – it acts depressingly on the receptors of special postsynaptic nerves, thus blocking the transmission of impulses of the nervous system. The result of potato processing will be complete paralysis of the harmful insect, leading to its inevitable death. To completely destroy the insect, the drug “Taboo” needs about a day from the moment it enters the body of the pest. During the period that this drug works, you will not need to use other insecticides for treatment.
The advantages of the Taboo preparation, which is used immediately before planting to obtain a good harvest in the future, can rightfully be called reliable protection of plants in the most vulnerable period – at the stage when the first fragile shoots break out of the ground. Due to its rather long period of its effectiveness, this product helps to save money, since it replaces several insecticidal sprays with other preparations of a similar effect for treating potatoes throughout all the necessary stages of its cultivation. A tool for treating a root crop before planting will also help reduce the number of pests that have already developed strong immunity to other drugs. The drug shows its positive effect regardless of environmental conditions, it can be used in conjunction with special fungicidal protectants.
The features of this drug should include its special formula. Thanks to the composition, the maximum lasting effect is achieved when processing potatoes. Coloring components make it possible to evenly distribute the agent on the material being processed. It is very convenient in work because it does not rise into the air in the form of dust during the breeding process. And directly in the course of processing in means the undesirable deposit does not appear.
But still, when working with the agent, one should be as careful as possible, although the agent belongs to the third class of danger to humans, having an average degree of toxic effect on people and animals. If it enters the human body, it can cause an increase in the mass of the liver. The remaining symptoms of possible poisoning are as follows – a decrease in fluid intake, weight loss, poor coordination, lethargy, shortness of breath, swelling of the palpebral fissures, tremor of the extremities. The drug is quickly destroyed when exposed to sunlight – even if it is in the top layer of soil or in water. Otherwise, it can stay in the ground for a long time, even enters the groundwater, where it remains unchanged.
Separately, it is worth listing those pests against which this modern remedy is excellently fighting. These are not only the eternal enemies of any variety of potatoes, Colorado potato beetles, but also grain beetles, cruciferous, wireworms, bread and flax fleas, leafhoppers, grass aphids, winter scoops and swedish flies.
Video “How to protect plants”
How to apply
In order to prepare a working solution for the purpose of processing potatoes before planting on your personal plot, you should take the amount of the product required according to the instructions and dilute it in a third of the required volume of water. After that, the suspension to be made should be mixed well, then the remaining water should be added.
During application, the solution must be shaken from time to time to stir and achieve even greater effectiveness of the product in the processing process. The finished solution is placed in a special sprayer or dressing machine (it all depends on the area of the cultivated plot). After that, they should process not only the planting material, but also the furrows prepared for planting. Remember that it is permissible to store the finished solution for no more than a day. Ideally, the product should be used up immediately after preparation.
As the practice of many gardeners shows, about 100 – 200 liters per hectare is usually enough for spraying the soil, and about 80 – 100 grams per ton for processing tubers. Various studies conducted in laboratories have confirmed that the Taboo preparation can be used together with such disinfectants as TMTD VSK, Bunker, Vitaros, Vial Trust. The interaction of the drug with other chemicals is still unexplored.
Video “Drug “Tabu””
From the video you will learn about the beneficial properties of this irrigation preparation, and what properties it has for potatoes.