Exactly a month is left before the holiday, and therefore all procedures related to beauty treatments, it is time to start now. Woman’s Day has prepared detailed instructions on how to look beautiful and rested on New Year’s Eve.
Are you going to shine at the New Year’s party in a mini dress? It is worth taking care of the flawlessness of your legs in advance. You can make a course of anti-cellulite massage. This procedure will help to get rid of extra centimeters, make the skin more elastic, and also relax tight muscles. The massage will correct the figure, remove toxins, accelerate metabolism, and destroy old fat. The course of anti-cellulite massage is prescribed individually, on average from five sessions. To achieve faster results, we advise you to turn to anti-cellulite apparatus vacuum massage, the effectiveness of which is so high that experts tend to consider it as an alternative to liposuction. The number of sessions for treatment is assigned individually.
For a month, every two weeks. In the old year, you should leave all unnecessary, unwanted body hair as well. One of the most popular methods for creating smooth skin is shugaring, a depilation method performed using a thick sugar paste. Sugaring is suitable for all skin types, especially sensitive. Ideal for dry skin, since shugaring is very delicate, there is practically no risk of damaging the skin. Wax depilation will also help to cope with the vegetation on the body, on the eve of which it is recommended to refrain from visiting the solarium and using a scrub to avoid damage to the skin. Waxing is also suitable for women with sensitive skin. You need to go to wax depilation once every 2-4 weeks, depending on the rate of hair growth. Of all types of long-lasting epilation, laser has the most delicate effect on the skin. Laser hair removal is less painful, and thanks to the advent of new devices (such as IP-laser), the cost is quite comparable to wax or sugaring. New types of devices also work with fairly dark skin, but the laser removes only dark hairs (since it affects the pigment in the hair and destroys it). But you can get rid of unwanted dark hair a month before the New Year dramatically – in just one or two sessions.
Another procedure that will help bring your body to perfection is body wrap. A popular cosmetic procedure, the principle of which is that an active substance is applied to the problem areas, and then the body is wrapped in a film, thus creating a greenhouse effect. Thanks to this, blood circulation is activated, sweating increases, and accumulated toxins and toxins come out of problem areas. If you are attracted to the idea of losing weight while lying down, consider a procedure such as infrared pants. This apparatus itself resembles an astronaut’s suit, which is worn mainly on the lower half of the body with the grip of the abdomen. The therapeutic effect on the body is explained by the warming up of problem areas and increased sweating. As a result, body weight is normalized, cellulite is eliminated; the skin becomes youthful and elastic. Infrared pants have a lot of contraindications. Pressotherapy is also suitable for body modeling. The pressotherapy apparatus is similar to infrared pants, the procedure consists in the fact that compressed air, which is supplied through special cuffs, acts on the lymphatic system. This procedure leads to the fact that the receptors of the cells responsible for the breakdown of fats are activated. At the same time, the skin layer is nourished and cleaned.
Before the New Year’s celebration, the girls will still have time to do mesotherapy – a non-surgical face skin tightening (a procedure based on microinjections of special, individually selected preparations on problem skin areas). The introduced components increase blood supply, correct the oval of the face, the fineness of the features, the metabolism in the skin becomes more intense. By the way, after face mesotherapy, you cannot touch it for 6-8 hours, use decorative cosmetics, sunbathe or visit the solarium, bathhouse and sauna.
You can also refresh your skin with the help of hardware rejuvenation. There are several such methods: darsonvalization – under the influence of currents of low purity, dermatological diseases (psoriasis, lichen) are treated; ultrasonic lifting relieves of blackheads and acne of a different nature; cryotherapy – the procedure is performed using liquid nitrogen. It helps to stimulate blood circulation in tissues, treat acne and dermatological formations. Laser therapy will help to fight fading facial skin – exposure to the laser beam on the areas of wrinkles, scars and hyperpigmentation helps to remove them; lymphatic drainage helps to level the tone and relief of the face, strengthens muscles and accelerates blood flow; microcurrent lifting – activating the metabolic intracellular processes of the dermis, improving blood circulation; radiofrequency rejuvenation prevents the processes of aging and aging of the skin, actively combats age-related defects.
Two weeks before the celebration, you can go to the beautician for a facial cleansing. The skin will have time to recover after the painful procedure. The cleaning itself will help get rid of blackheads and refresh the skin of the face. In order to urgently rejuvenate your face, you can resort to Botox injections. Botox is injected intramuscularly into the facial muscles, where it temporarily blocks their sensitivity to nerve impulses. This relaxes the muscle or part of it. Hyaluronic acid injections will also help smooth expression lines. Hyaluronic acid is actively used on various types of skin, regardless of color, you will see the effect of the procedure immediately. To reduce the depth of wrinkles in cosmetology, injectable dermal fillers are also used. Fillers are flexible and have a long lasting effect – up to one and a half years. Due to their composition, they not only fill the missing volume, but also radically rejuvenate the injection area, thereby preventing aging.
Do you want to enchant all men at a corporate party with your look? We advise you to go for an eyelash extension. Just hurry up to sign up for a date convenient for you in advance, because on the eve of the holiday, masters of a spectacular look are in great demand. Do not forget about expressive eyebrows – let them give them the correct shape and tint. The date for both procedures can be chosen one week before December 31, but it is better to sign up in advance.
On the eve of the New Year, you can surprise all your friends with a cardinal change of image – cut and dye your hair. For girls who do not plan to change their look, it is enough to go for hair lamination. After this procedure, the hair will look well-groomed, it will acquire a healthy look, volume, shine, silkiness and smoothness. But if you are planning a haircut and coloring, make an appointment with the master in advance, making an appointment a few days before December 31.