Problems of Gifted Children: Basic Behavioral Features, Solutions
Gifted problems most often start at school. For a little genius, an adaptive education adapted to his needs is desirable. There are special tests for the level of IQ, but it’s not only about the developed intellect. Giftedness is also a strong and sustainable motivation, the ability to be creative, in order to maintain it, you need to take into account the child’s personal qualities and help him find solutions to problems.
The main behavioral problems of gifted children
You can determine the giftedness of a child by the children’s questions that he asks in the classroom. Some teachers support and encourage children’s thinking patterns with good grades, others do not understand and try not to notice. Such children are often isolated from the collective. These are the so-called botanists. They are bullied out of envy. Some gifted children have to go home schooling.
Gifted problems often start at school
Much depends on the teachers, who should know how to treat a special child. The development of giftedness in children can be harmonious or disharmonious. When they talk about gifted children, they often think about behavioral difficulties, problems of communication in a team. Difficult guys belong to the disharmonious type of development of the psyche.
Harmoniously developed children are friends for everyone. There are gifted students who have no distance from the teacher, who want to stand out in any way. They don’t like such children in class, they beat them. It is very difficult to socialize them, sometimes you have to change several schools.
Why gifted children are lost in adulthood
The development of children is uneven, so the practice of identifying giftedness at an early age is incorrect. It is bad when a child is identified as gifted, and after a while he shows standard abilities, but must bear an increased load. An unhealthy environment is created when nervous breakdowns and compromised health are possible. But even a really gifted kid after graduating from school sometimes does not justify the hopes that teachers and parents placed on him.
The reasons for the poor adaptation of a genius child in adulthood can be reduced to three main factors:
- uneven growth of abilities that interferes with the normal socialization of an adult;
- education in a special school, where children of a certain mindset study, and the subsequent transfer to the environment of ordinary people;
- undeveloped volitional qualities.
When a child is in school, the assessment of his abilities is in accordance with how he learns the material, and does not create something himself. The need for creativity, self-initiative, independence is not encouraged. An undeveloped volitional sphere interferes with the formation of an integral personality. In an adult who was a gifted child, the value system changes. If the life situation becomes unfavorable, it is not talent that comes to the fore, but the desire to survive, to make money.
The problems of gifted children can be solved only through a competent pedagogical approach. After leaving school, talented children need government assistance to continue their education and employment.