Any woman can experience menstrual problems. During the 35, 40 years of menstruation that await almost every woman, there may be many surprising and unusual situations related to menstruation. They can be caused by trifles, such as climate change due to travel or long-term stress, but they can also result from serious health problems. When should you go to the gynecologist, and when patience and greater care for your body are enough. How do I know that something is going on that I should talk to my doctor about and start treatment?
Usually menstruation, commonly known as a period, lasts from 3 to 7 days and occurs in cycles every 28 – 31 days. Its duration and cycle length depend on the woman’s age, lifestyle and hormonal conditions. Heavy menstruation is a very troublesome phenomenon, if you often use more than two pads per hour and the period lasts longer than seven days – this situation requires special attention. Heavy periods can be caused by problems with the thyroid gland, infections, polyps or endometriosis – a disease characterized by the fact that the lining of the uterus is outside of its cavity. They are dangerous for the body in the long term, because they can cause anemia, i.e. iron deficiency, giving symptoms such as tiredness and fatigue, headache and general weakness of the body. Again, too modest bleeding, i.e. lasting up to two days, may result from too low levels of progesterone, polycystic ovary syndrome, damage to the uterine walls, or inflammation or scarring within the reproductive organ.
Irregular menstrual cycles can affect many women at different stages of their lives. Mostly, their reasons are completely natural and each woman knows best if this problem applies to her. If so far your cycles have been regular and have become unregulated, it is best to observe them and, in case of concern, visit a gynecologist. The same applies to unusual periods, too long or too short, with prolonged painful cramps in the lumbar region. The regularity of the cycle may differ from the norm and this is completely natural. During the first years of menstruation, cycles can be irregular and last more than seven days or much less. As you mature and your body’s hormone levels develop, this process is regulated. After the age of 35, the cycle is often shortened, and after 50 it is almost certain. Then there are prolonged breaks between periods, there is a temporary suspension of the period. This is due to menopause>>menopause and is quite natural. To find out more and make sure about the nature of the changes taking place in your body, you should visit a gynecologist.
It is also not worth underestimating the pain appearing in the pelvic area within the lumbar spine. If the pain occurs a few days before your expected period, there is probably nothing serious going on. However, when the pain is prolonged or appears at a time unrelated to female ailments, it may be a symptom of fibroids and then a visit to the doctor is necessary.
Every woman knows her body perfectly well and knows how her body reacts to certain changes. You need to watch your body closely and record any deviations from the norm. Then we feel that a visit to the gynecologist is necessary and can only help us.