Condoms are one of the most popular methods of contraception. Although they protect against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, many people complain about the lack of comfort during their use. It also happens that at the time of their application or already during intercourse, there is a serious problem with maintaining an erection. Can this be remedied?
The moment of putting on a condom is a break in moments of intimacy, it is a moment of detachment from sexual activities for a more mundane matter, i.e. protection against unwanted pregnancy – no wonder that this short moment can quickly distract a man. That is why it is a factor causing a decrease in arousal and problems with erection. Such failures often become the cause of the growing problem, because there is a fear that the next intercourse may look similar. There are ways to deal with these types of situations:
- Changing the method of contraception is certainly the most effective and at the same time the most obvious solution. There are many methods of contraception nowadays, there are pills, vaginal rings, patches, spermicidal gels, etc. Of course, not everyone can afford such a change, e.g. for financial or health reasons, but it is an option worth considering and understanding the subject, which method would be a good alternative.
- A visit to a sexologist – if changing the method does not help, it means mental problems that are best dealt with with the help of a specialist. It may turn out that the problem with erection lies deeper, and the condom has nothing to do with it.
- Erectile Dysfunction Medication – There are a variety of over-the-counter drugs on the market. Thanks to having several intercourses using them, you can gain confidence, which will contribute to improving the hardness of the penis during subsequent sexual contacts. Very often, the problem with erection has its source in stress that you will disappoint your partner once again, which of course is not conducive to excitement.
- Changing the type of condoms – the problem may also be in the brand, thickness or size of the protection. Depending on your body and preferences, some condoms may feel weaker, others may be too tight.
There is also the possibility that you are allergic to latex. The problem with erection affects most young men and it happens to everyone at least once in their lives. Regardless of which method of contraception we choose, it should be remembered that the lack of an erection can be caused by many factors, such as physical and mental condition, diseases, stress, alcohol abuse or smoking. If we determine that the problem is not with the method of contraception, other potential causes should also be considered.