Did your favorite dog growl at you and even bite? Understand the reasons for his aggression!
When a dog is sick, it, like a person, wants to be left alone. Therefore, if the dog suddenly becomes aggressive, take him to the vet, even if it seems that he is full of health.
The dog feels like the leader of the pack, that is, your family. He decides when to play with him, sleeps on the couch and always strives to lie down next to you. This is how he takes away a piece of the “throne” from you. You can fight this type of aggression until the dog reaches 1,5 years. It is necessary to prove that you are the leader in the family, and not he. Always enter the door first, and only pass the dog after you. If a pet asks for food when you are having lunch, ignore it: the leader always eats first.
Such dogs try to avoid “dangerous” people and places. They do not like to be touched by their hands, they run away from an outstretched hand. And they bite, defending themselves. To overcome this aggression, you need to conduct several training sessions with the dog. If you have a timid puppy, take him with you more often, teach him to the world around him. If the dog is afraid of people coming towards you, ask your friends to come up to you, while giving the dog something tasty.
The wolfish habits remained even with the pet. He wants to catch up, kill, and only then eat his lunch. That is why dogs run after bicycles, cars. With this type of aggression, the dog can easily attack and tear apart the victim. When correcting behavior, it is important that the dog feels you are the leader of the pack. Then, during the pursuit of the victim, you can stop the dog with the command “Lie down!” or “Come to me!” You can also teach the dog to stop on time during the game – throw the toy and brake the dog with a long leash.
Lactating dogs are jealous of their offspring. Even previously calm, she can become overly aggressive. No need to provoke her, take the puppies. This type of aggression usually goes away as the puppies get older.
This type is typical for males, because the selection of the best father for the next generation is important. Basically, such aggression is manifested in relation to the encountered males. You can solve the problem either with the help of castration, or a strong leash and muzzle.
If the dog behaves aggressively, it achieves its goal. For example, let’s say you decide to brush your dog. At first he grumbles with displeasure and pulls away, and then begins to growl. And you stop combing it out. So you yourself, unknowingly, teach the dog to be aggressive.
If you allow the puppy to bite his hands while playing with you, to grab the edges of his clothes with his teeth, the dog gets used to communicating with a person in this way. And later, already in adulthood, dogs can, without realizing it, bite your hand (after all, this is how you played in childhood!), While leaving impressive bruises. Use objects during the game that the dog can bite with his teeth (ball, stick).
Some owners, during the aggression of the pet, try to distract it: they offer a treat, pet it. And the dog thinks: since a person encourages him, it means that such a model of behavior is correct.
Little load
For many dogs, those 20-30 minutes of walks a day that their owners allow themselves are absolutely not enough. They don’t have enough time for exercise. Excess energy also leads to aggression. The ideal option would be to increase walking to 2 hours a day.
The dog ignores commands known to him. It means that he believes that you are not the leader of the pack.
Barks constantly.
Unhappy (growls, grumbles, swallows food quickly) when you approach him while eating.
Too zealously guards his bedding, toys.
Regularly barks at moving objects.
Shows fear in a new situation and at the sight of new people.