Problematic facial skin, at first glance, is a typical cosmetic flaw. Acne, oily sheen, enlarged pores, friability – all these signs really make the appearance of their owner somewhat unattractive, and even unhealthy. The problem is that, in addition to aesthetic value, problematic skin on the face can have diagnostic value for physicians, since in some cases it is a sign of disorders within the body. Most of the doctors to whom patients come, be sure to pay attention to the condition of their skin, especially on the face, to whether they have peeling, redness, acne, dark circles under the eyes – these signs can indicate problems with the kidneys, digestive organs , endocrine system.
What does the concept of “problem skin” include, how does it manifest itself?
The term “problem facial skin” refers to a set of features that distinguish it from healthy, with a normal appearance, skin. Objectively speaking, almost every person on Earth has any problems with the condition of the skin, they can manifest themselves in a variety of ways.
In addition to the fact that facial skin problems differ in external diversity, they can be caused by hundreds of different factors, each of which requires specific treatment. It is not for nothing that among doctors it is believed that the skin is a mirror of human health.
What types of problems can occur on the face? The most common are acne and rashes, especially acne annoys adolescents during adolescence. At the same time, acne occupies a “territory” not only on the face – very often they affect the back, chest, neck, shoulders, giving a person a lot of unpleasant moments. In addition, problem skins have enlarged pores, oily sheen if the skin is oily, or, conversely, peeling spots if it is dry, and if improper care is determined for it, they have hyperpigmentation, an unnatural shade of the entire skin, itching, redness, allergic reactions, post-acne, scars, warts, capillary problems.
The listed problems are divided into three groups, according to the types of skin to which they are more characteristic. For example, redness and flaking are more common in people with dry skin types, enlarged pores are more characteristic of oily skin. The combined type on the face is represented by a combination of areas more prone to oiliness and dryness, and may have disorders characteristic of the first two types.
Causes of skin problems
In what cases can “troubles” appear on the skin of the face, and is medical assistance required?
Some of the main causes of skin problems include:
- improper care;
- disturbances in the processes of digestion, in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
- parasitic infection;
- bad habits, the use of certain medications;
- diseases of the endocrine system, hormonal disruptions;
- nervous disorders;
- improper daily routine, lack of sleep and fresh air;
- poor heredity;
- unfavorable ecological situation, exposure to harmful sunlight, dust, polluted air;
- adolescence (acne), age-related changes in skin aging (hyperpigmentation).
Incorrect skin care measures
Improper care is such care, as a result of which the skin does not look normal and healthy, and they have any kind of problems, inflammation or rashes. This category, of course, is completely subjective, and a person has the opportunity to choose suitable care products for himself only by trial and error. Even a dermatologist cannot always predict with certainty exactly how the epidermis will react to this or that cosmetics and procedures. As a result of improperly selected care measures, a person may experience:
- acne;
- comedones;
- rashes of any nature;
- scars and post-acne;
- early wrinkles;
- dryness, dehydration;
- redness and peeling.
The scheme of proper skin care involves performing twice a day – in the morning and in the evening – a bundle of three simple actions: cleansing, toning, as well as nourishing and moisturizing. Be sure to use gels, foams or special therapeutic soap for washing, after which the skin is wiped with a tonic, lotion or a special tonic emulsion. Skin nutrition consists of applying a day or night moisturizer (depending on the time of day), serums, fluids or pharmacy ointments, if a dermatologist has prescribed special therapeutic care. Periodically, the procedure for exfoliating dead upper skin cells through the use of a scrub is allowed. For deeper nutrition, as well as reducing redness and narrowing of pores, you can sometimes apply masks to your face that are suitable for the type of skin. Ready-made masks can be purchased at specialized cosmetic stores (for example, DNC and Cettua care masks), or at a pharmacy. Some prefer homemade masks to purchased ones, and prepare them on their own, with clay, essential oils, vitamins, and herbal ingredients. In addition to cleansing, peeling and nutrition, the skin needs protection from the environment, primarily from the harmful effects of the sun. For the face, it is imperative to choose a day cream with a sunscreen effect, or a foundation with SPF from 25 to 50. If the skin is prone to comedones, appropriate non-comedogenic care creams are selected for it.
Digestive health
Facial skin really reflects all the problems of internal organs. If the processes of digestion and assimilation of nutrients are disturbed, her condition will certainly signal this. Diseases and abnormalities in the work of the digestive organs can occur due to many reasons:
- malnutrition, alcohol intake and smoking;
- insufficient fluid intake;
- inadequate medication;
- parasitic infection;
- infectious diseases;
- stress, neurosis, prolonged mental stress;
- excessive physical activity;
- hereditary factor.
Wrong lifestyle in general, bad habits, unhealthy diet lead to the fact that a person can develop a whole “bouquet” of problems with the gastrointestinal tract (and these diseases often exist in the body in a complex way) – gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastroduodenitis. Because of this, the main function of the intestine is disturbed – excretory, toxins accumulate in it, which inevitably affect the general state of health. Naturally, in addition to these problems, we must not forget that digestion begins in the oral cavity, and its poor condition, with caries, bleeding gums and bacterial damage, also partly causes problems with the skin of the face.
Parasite infestation
The presence of worms and helminths is one of the common causes of unhealthy skin on the face. Especially susceptible to this disease are pet owners (cats, dogs), people who do not have the habit of washing their hands thoroughly before eating and after being outside, lovers of sushi and other raw meat and fish dishes. Parasites can be found in the liver, intestines, stomach, feeding on living cells of the body, causing irreversible damage to the walls and parenchyma of organs.
Drinking alcohol and smoking
Ethyl alcohol, which forms the basis of any alcoholic beverage, is a poison for the body. It has a particularly destructive effect on the brain, liver and pancreas – it simply destroys their cells. For the pancreas, ethanol is an irritating factor that makes it especially intensive to produce enzymes for its breakdown and excretion. Accordingly, a person develops disorders in the work of the digestive organs, diseases appear – cirrhosis of the liver, gastritis and stomach ulcers, ulcerative lesions of the intestine, pancreatitis.
About how harmful smoking is for a person, comes literally from every iron. Poisoning by inhaled cigarette smoke is the cause of the development of cancer, heart attacks, strokes, and diseases of almost all internal organs. Naturally, as part of the excretory system of the body, the skin also suffers, and in addition to it, hair, nails, teeth. The skin of a smoker has a yellowish tint, a grayish color on the face under the eyes, they age faster, are very susceptible to the formation of wrinkles, and are characterized by flabbiness and dullness. Hair becomes duller and more brittle than it was before the addiction. Nails and teeth noticeably turn yellow, acquire a fetid odor.
The use of certain groups of medicines
The medicines that exist today can be divided into natural and synthetic, and the latter usually have a narrowly focused effect, and a long list of contraindications and side effects. Due to their intake, the digestive organs can suffer – the liver, kidneys, intestines, which take the first blow in removing the decay products of synthetic elements. Further, the skin is included in the processes of removing excess medicines – various kinds of rashes, peeling and redness, and allergic reactions appear.
Hormonal pathologies
The deterioration of skin health during the onset of hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function) is pronounced – the skin becomes dry and pale, the face has an edematous appearance.
Diabetes mellitus is a disease associated with insufficient production or lack of production of the hormone insulin. In diabetes, a person also has dry skin, pustular rashes, and itching may disturb.
Due to long-term use of glucocorticosteroid drugs, a person may develop hypercorticism. The skin at the same time becomes dry, thin, acquire a bluish tint.
Adolescence is a time when a global hormonal restructuring occurs in the body, the work of the sebaceous glands intensifies, which causes a large number of acne, blackheads, pustules. In addition to special care, to treat problematic skin in a teenager, you need to contact an endocrinologist in order to influence the problem from the inside.
Nervous pathologies and disorders
The skin is one of the human sense organs, they contain a huge number of tactile receptors. Naturally, any nervous stresses and upheavals experienced by a person inevitably affect their condition.
Often, in response to severe stress, a person may develop itching, urticaria, various rashes, exacerbations of eczema, psoriasis, and neurodermatitis. Doctors in such cases advise using essential oils and resorting to aromatherapy, for example, in case of depression, geranium, bergamot, patchouli, peppermint, and lemon oils have a positive effect on the body. Tea tree, geranium, lavender oils help relieve irritability and improve sleep; ylang-ylang oil is used for insomnia.
Sleep deprivation and its disorders
Night time is the period when the human body needs to rest. Sleep, the most useful for the beauty and health of the skin, is considered sleep until 12 o’clock at night. How many people today go to bed at 10-11 pm, given that some people only get home from work at 8-9 pm? The skin reacts to lack of sleep and its incorrect regimen accordingly – with a grayish tint, bags and bruises under the eyes, flabbiness, swelling.
It is at night, in sleep, that all regeneration processes take place, so it is very important not only to go to bed on time and sleep for a sufficient amount of time, but also to apply night cream or special serums to the skin.
Environmental factor
Too much sun exposure is known to cause premature skin aging. Similarly, a person is affected by polluted air, dirty or chlorinated water, radioactive elements and various chemical emissions into the air. The only way to partially protect yourself from such influence is to select protective cosmetics for the skin.
Heredity and skin health
The hereditary factor is not only the transmission at the gene level of a tendency to a particular disease, but also the laying of a lifestyle, food culture and attitude towards one’s health. It often happens that people in the same family suffer from the same chronic diseases and skin problems – this is not surprising, because they jointly lead the same wrong lifestyle, eat wrong. If one person in a family smokes, the rest inevitably become passive smokers, and their health is constantly harmed.
Treatment of facial skin problems: what to do, which doctor to contact
First of all, if you have acne, comedones, redness and inflammation on your face, you need to contact a dermatologist. This narrow specialist examines the patient, asks him about all the symptoms that cause concern, directs him to take specific tests, prescribes and develops an individual treatment regimen.
Cosmetologists also deal with skin problems, but, firstly, not all cosmetologists are doctors and have a medical education, and secondly, their field of activity is the treatment of external disorders and problems, and not the selection, development of an internal exposure scheme and complex treatment. Usually, they are contacted after the dermatologist has determined the etiology of the disorders, prescribed treatment, and it has been successfully carried out. Through various cosmetic procedures (cleansing, mesotherapy, peeling, biorevitalization), the beautician helps to achieve the desired appearance, smoothing the skin, giving it elasticity, freshness, normal color. In addition, this specialist can select cosmetics and give advice on care.
In addition, to eliminate the unhealthy and unaesthetic condition of the skin, you may need the help of an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, nutritionist, allergist, infectious disease specialist, gynecologist.
A very important component of caring for problematic facial skin is proper nutrition, with enough vitamins and minerals, quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, normalizing sleep and rest, a sufficient amount of exposure to fresh air, walking, playing sports.
For care and make-up, it is necessary to choose the most sparing cosmetics suitable for the type of skin. For the duration of the treatment of problematic skin, it is generally better to refuse decorative cosmetics.
The treatment regimen for problem skin necessarily includes a part aimed at the root cause of disorders and unhealthy appearance. If the source of problems is the endocrine system, the patient is prescribed appropriate hormonal drugs, a special diet. For patients of a gastroenterologist, special types of therapeutic diets, drug therapy are provided. Infection with worms is treated by taking antihelminthic and antiparasitic drugs, as well as general strengthening of the body.
In addition, the treatment also contains recommendations for skin care, often with the use of special medications for care: washing gels, emulsions, antiseptic creams and ointments.
To date, the cosmetology industry offers many procedures designed to restore a healthy and attractive appearance to the skin – moisturizing lifting, ozone therapy, mesotherapy, beauty injections, cryosurgery of neoplasms, laser resurfacing, cryotherapy.
It should be noted that folk recipes for home skin care are somewhat popular, although they lose to professional products and procedures in efficiency. So, for example, with acne, you can use a decoction of mint leaves in the form of a tonic, as well as infusions and decoctions of chamomile, string, linden. To relieve inflammation and care for sensitive skin, a decoction of raspberry leaf juice is used – it has antiseptic and antibacterial, soothing properties.
For home peels, scrubs and masks, honey, aloe juice, eggs, mint, lemon, sour cream, essential oils, various types of clay, oatmeal are used.
A person’s face is the first thing that people around pay attention to, his “calling card”. Maintaining his skin in a healthy and aesthetically attractive state is not an easy task, but doctors, cosmetologists and a huge number of medical procedures, products and recipes give hope for acquiring healthy and beautiful skin even in difficult cases.