Probiotics: Uses and Contraindications. Video

Probiotics: Uses and Contraindications. Video

Probiotics are living microorganisms that have a beneficial effect on the digestive processes. Most often, they include yeast fungi, as well as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which have a detrimental effect on the pathogenic intestinal microflora. For their application to be effective, a number of rules must be followed.

Probiotics: Effectiveness

Indications for the use of probiotics

Probiotics improve the functioning of the digestive system, have a beneficial effect on the health of the intestines, help to strengthen the immune system and help the body produce the antibodies necessary to protect against infections. In addition, they help break down toxins that are produced by pathogenic microorganisms and help restore healthy microflora.

Indications for probiotic treatment are:

  • diarrhea caused by taking antibacterial drugs
  • infectious diarrhea
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • flatulence and bloating
  • allergic diseases, especially in children
  • infringement of a microflora of a vagina
  • inflammatory bowel disease
  • bowel disorder in travelers
  • intestinal dysbiosis

Probiotics can be given to children with frequent illnesses to strengthen their immune system. In this case, the treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor and be comprehensive.

Probiotics are available in liquid and dry form. A liquid medicine contains active microorganisms, their metabolic products, a nutrient medium and additional components that enhance the effect of the drug (trace elements, vitamins, amino acids).

Probiotics in this form of release can be taken orally or used for rinsing, microclysters, rinsing the nose, ears, irrigation of the vaginal mucosa, etc. Depending on the indication, the dosage regimen for probiotics may differ. As a rule, the medicine should be used for a long course (at least two to three weeks) 3-4 times a day.

For liquid probiotics to remain active throughout the shelf life, you must store them in the refrigerator.

Dry probiotics are lyophilized (dried using a special technology) microorganisms produced in capsules, powders and tablets. Dry probiotics, like liquid probiotics, must be drunk in a course of at least three weeks, 2-4 times a day. Preparations in enteric capsules are not recommended to be opened before use (unless otherwise indicated in the instructions).

Both dry and liquid probiotics must be taken after meals. You can take the medicine with a little water or tea.

Contraindications to the use of probiotics

Usually, probiotic treatment is well tolerated, but their use should be abandoned if there is hypersensitivity to dairy products or drug components. Some medicines may be contraindicated in pregnant women and young children. You can find out if you are allowed a particular remedy from your doctor or from the instructions for use.

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