Probiotics ranking – how to choose the best probiotics for various ailments?

It is not easy to identify the perfect probiotic because probiotic preparations contain various bacterial strains. Unfortunately, there is no one strain that can do everything. That is why it is worth knowing what to pay attention to in order to choose a good quality product that will bring the expected results quickly. Check out our probiotics ranking.

Probiotics ranking – what should you pay attention to?

Probiotic preparations contain various bacterial strains that have different properties. Therefore, identifying one ideal product is almost impossible. When choosing a probiotic, however, it is worth remembering about certain criteria that will help you choose the perfect product for us.

When choosing a probiotic, you should first of all pay attention to the selection of the appropriate strain of bacteria. A good probiotic preparation should contain information about the type and species of the bacterial strain. Additionally, there should be information about the strain in the form of a code made of letters and numbers. Correctly recording the genus and species of bacteria is important in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the probiotic preparation, and also allows you to choose the probiotic according to your needs.

The type of strain is also worth paying attention to in terms of clinical testing of a given strain. Only clinically tested strains that pass through the digestive system will be able to maintain their properties and reach the site of action.

Another aspect is the expiry date. It is very important. Unfortunately, probiotic preparations do not provide stability of bacterial strainsand thus the closer to the expiry date, the less effective the probiotic will be as the amount of good bacteria gradually decreases. In practice, this means that the body does not get enough the amount of probiotic bacteria. In addition, remember that products after the expiry date should not be used because they completely lose their properties.

For the effectiveness of probiotics, the optimal dose of bacterial strains in a given preparation is also important. Such information, specifying the number of bacteria in one capsule, can also be found on the product packaging. The effectiveness of the product is guaranteed by a dose of approx. 5-10 x 109 CFU or 250-500 mg / day.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the appropriate packaging and proper storage of the preparation. This is most important for keeping by probiotic supplement your properties. Keep in mind that probiotics are often very delicate products. They contain living organisms that are very sensitive to various external factors, such as sunlight and temperature changes. Therefore, remember to always buy preparations in a package that will provide protection against UV radiation, and check before buying whether a given supplement must be stored in the refrigerator.

Silage works great as probiotics, as it naturally supports the intestinal bacterial flora and strengthens the immunity of the human body. We recommend, for example, Bioherba sourdough with lemon, turmeric and ginger, available in bottles of three different capacities or in a set of shots for 7 days – 100 ml each shot.

Check it out: Five symptoms that may indicate a disturbed intestinal bacterial flora

Ranking of probiotics – properties of individual bacterial strains

Probiotics are preparations that are recommended especially during and after antibiotic therapy. However, keep in mind that these products can also help treat other ailments. Therefore, when choosing a probiotic preparation, it is worth knowing the properties of a given bacterial strain. In probiotics, we can find:

  1. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and / or Saccharomyces boulardii – strains of bacteria that are most often recommended during antibiotic therapy, because they will prevent diarrhea during its use; Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG is found i.a. in Lacto30Dr. in capsules – a supplement that you can buy on Medonet Market and in Probiotic for use during Lactibiane ATB antibiotic therapy;
  2. Saccharomyces boulardii, Lactobacillus acidophilus or Bifidobacterium bifidum – these are bacterial strains recommended to travelers who are exposed to stomach problems caused by poor water or food quality;
  3. Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Streptococcus thermophilus – bacterial strains that will help people with lactose intolerance. They produce the enzyme lactase, which helps the intestines digest and absorb lactose. Check out the LACTIBIANE Imedia Probiotic offer for acute gastric disorders and diarrhea;
  4. Bifidobacterium infantis 35624, Lactobacillus plantarum DSM9843 or Bifidobacterium bifidum MIMBb75 – bacterial strains that will help people with a sensitive intestine. These strains support intestinal peristalsis, help eliminate gas and other stomach ailments. They are very important to the effectiveness of a probiotic;
  5. Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus fermentum – strains will help relieve itching and peeling of the skin in case of eczema on the skin. It is a suitable probiotic for children;
  6. Bifidobacterium animals lactis Bi-07 and Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM – a strain favorably increasing immunity. It is worth reaching for them during a cold and they can even shorten the duration of infection;
  7. Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 – strains supporting the treatment of intimate infections, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by research. They are recommended especially to pregnant women who are particularly exposed to intimate infections.

If you want to take care of your digestive system and support your intestinal microflora, try Probiotics, prebiotics and phytonutrients – Terranova complex. We also recommend BIO hop probiotic drink concentrate, which has a positive effect on the digestive system and immune system, or BIO hawthorn probiotic drink concentrate. You can buy the preparations separately or in the BIO set of probiotic drink concentrates (forest fruit + hawthorn + hops).

Ranking of probiotics – Lactibiane with vitamin D.

Lactibiane with vitamin D is a probiotic for children produced by PiLeJe. It is a Polish manufacturer specializing in the production of probiotics for both children and adults. This supplement is based on lactic acid. The product is intended for children over 5 years of age.

Lactibiane with vitamin D increases immunity and supports the digestive system of children. In addition, the probiotic also positively affects the growth and proper development of bones. It has a wide range of uses. It can be used in the case of recurrent infections, allergies and problems with atopy, problems with the digestive system, such as colic or gastric infections, and of course during and after the use of an antibiotic. Importantly, the probiotic is available in the form of drops and sachets with powder, which allows you to adjust the form of the probiotic to your needs. Lactibiane with vitamin D is available at

Another probiotic from PiLeJe. The probiotic is based on lactic acid, as well as onion and rosemary extracts. The task of the Lactibiane ALR probiotic is to alleviate the respiratory symptoms of allergies and asthma.

The product owes its properties to the Lactobacillus salivarius LA 302 bacterial strain, which helps fight fungi and bacteria. In addition, thanks to the extracts, the probiotic also strengthens our immune system. You can now buy Lactibiane ALR – a probiotic for allergy sufferers at a lower price.

Check it out: Learn about natural probiotics

Probiotics Ranking – Epic Pro 25

Epic Pro 25 is a probiotic created by the American company Swanson, specializing in the production of natural dietary supplements.

Probiotics, i.e. probiotic bacteria, have a positive effect on the immune system. Their food is prebiotics, which provide adequate nutrition for bacteria that are beneficial to the body. Thanks to them, the number of probiotics increases and the condition of our body improves. Therefore, probiotics and prebiotics should be used together.

That’s why Swanson set out to make Epic Pro 25, which is combination of prebiotics and probiotics. There are as many as 25 different bacteria that have a beneficial effect on the immune system and digestion. In addition, they also have anti-cancer properties. It is recommended as an aid in the treatment of irritable bowel, as it supports the intestinal regeneration process and reduces the number of allergic reactions.

In addition, Epic Pro 25 helps:

  1. restore the microbial balance of the intestines;
  2. protect the digestive system against the development of harmful bacteria.

The preparation includes strains of Kyo-Dophilus, Bifidobacterium and Saccharomyces boulardii yeast, as well as the Nutraflora® FOS prebiotic.

Ranking of probiotics – Probiotic-10

Probiotic – 10 is a product of Now Foods, which is one of the best-known brands of dietary supplements in the world. This supplement contains 10 probiotic strains that have a beneficial effect on our body and help rebuild the intestinal bacterial microflora. It is an excellent support for the body during antibiotic therapy. You can buy Probiotyk-10 Now Foods at

Ranking of probiotics – Lactibiane Iki

Lactibiane Iki is a preparation intended for people with intestinal inflammation. It supports the body in the case of inflammatory bowel disease or inflammation of the mucosa. It was produced by PiLeJe. This supplement contains a large dose of bacteria, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by research. It soothes the bothersome symptoms and discomfort associated with intestinal inflammation and helps restore the microbiological balance of the intestines.

Lactibiane Iki is worth using as an adjunct therapy in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. In addition, it also soothes inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Lactibiane Iki also supports the treatment of Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome and related diarrhea. You can get Lactibiane Iki at

Check it out: Truths and myths about probiotics

Ranking of probiotics – Vitama Nature probiotic

Vitama Nature probiotic will help to strengthen the intestinal flora. Vitama Nature is a Polish manufacturer of dietary supplements. His probiotic contains a complex of four cultures of microcapsule bacteria. The preparation strengthens the immune system, seals the intestines and prevents the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria.

The bacterial strains contained in the Probiotic Vitama Nature will also support the digestive system and improve the condition of the intestinal microflora. They also regulate metabolic processes and strengthen the bacterial flora. Probiotic strains they are also needed for the production of substances with antibacterial properties. Probiotics help prevent urinary tract and liver infections.

Ranking of probiotics – Lactibiane H-Py

Lactibiane H-Py is a probiotic intended for people with peptic ulcer diseases. It was created on the basis of lactic acid and various plant extracts. The preparation contains licorice and cinnamon extract, thanks to which the supplement has a positive effect on the gastric mucosa. In addition, the composition includes many probiotic strains valuable for health, which will strengthen the intestinal microflora and ensure the balance of microbes.

Probiotic is indicated for people with gastric and duodenal ulcer disease caused by Helicobacter Pylori. It is also worth using it together with an antibiotic.

Ranking of probiotics – Lactibiane CND 10M

Lactibiane CND 10M is to support the body in the fight against fungal infections and protect the body against fungi. It will be helpful in the treatment of intimate infections, as well as mycoses of the digestive system and mycosis of the mucous membranes. The probiotic contains the strain Lactibacillus gasseri LA806. It will help stop the development of infections and fight those caused by Candidia, which are the most common cause of fungal infections.

The formula of this probiotic preparation provides it with greater stability and a wide spectrum of activity, because it can fight as much as 96%. various microbes. In addition, the interaction of two probiotic strains is to inhibit the development of pathogens.

This probiotic is a support for the treatment of mycosis of the digestive system, but also a way to prevent recurrent intimate infections. It will work well in the period after antibiotic therapy, as well as as an element of prophylaxis, preventing the development of fungal infections. In the case of intimate infections, we recommend, for example, Ellen probiotic tampons.

It turns out that probiotics can also be used against dental caries and inflammation of the oral cavity. For example, we recommend LACTIBIANE Buccodental for oral infections and caries, which contains a specific probiotic strain: Lactobacillus paracasei LA 802.

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