Probiotics for the intestines – composition and action. How to choose a probiotic for the gut?

Probiotics for the intestines are recommended especially for people who struggle with constipation, flatulence or digestive disorders, which may be the first symptoms of serious diseases. These problems can, of course, be remedied by changing the diet and lifestyle, but specific strains of probiotic bacteria are also supportive. So what probiotics for the intestines should be used during constipation, and which will support the intestines during diarrhea or antibiotics?

Probiotics for the gut – normal gut microbiota

Probiotics allow the intestines to function properly. The intestines play an extremely important role in the human body. It is worth remembering that this is not only a section of the digestive system that allows you to get rid of food remnants. It is by far the longest organ of the human body with a very complex structure and functions. Our intestines are divided into small and large intestines.

The small intestine enables active digestion thanks to pancreatic enzymes and stomach acids. It is there that carbohydrates, fats and proteins are absorbed, as well as electrolytes, water, mineral salts and vitamins. The large intestine allows it to absorb water and electrolytes from food debris, but also detoxifies, thickens the intestinal contents and, above all, collects and excretes faeces on a regular basis. In the large intestine we find symbiotic bacteria, which we owe vitamin K and some of the B vitamins.

The intestines are inhabited by a large number of various microorganisms, which are referred to as the intestinal microbiota. It includes both pathogenic microorganisms and beneficial to health parasites, bacteria, fungi and viruses. Of course, they can be found throughout the human body, but it is the intestinal microbiota that is their most numerous and heterogeneous environment. Among them we find dominant, rarer and so-called microorganisms. transitional. It is worth adding that they also differ in each section of the intestine.

For example, in the empty part of the small intestine we find mainly Bacteroides, Lactobacillus and Streptococcus bacteria. In the ileum, it is primarily Clostridium, Enterobacteriaceae, Enterococcus, Bacteroides as well as Lactobacillus and Veillonella. On the other hand, in the large intestine, we find absolutely anaerobic bacteria, such as Bifidobacterium or Clostridium, in the highest numbers. In addition, there are also aerobic and relatively aerobic bacteria, i.e. Gram-negative rods belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family, Gram-positive rods Lactobacillus and cocci of the genus Enterococcus and Streptococcus. The large intestine is also a natural habitat for some Candida spp fungi, but they are found in small amounts.

Such a rich bacterial flora not only serves the efficient digestion and absorption of nutrients. A balance in the intestinal microflora is also necessary for overall health and the proper functioning of the body. Thanks to numerous studies, it is now certain that the intestinal microbiota has many functions essential for the human body:

  1. protective – prevent the negative impact of pathogenic microorganisms on the human body;
  2. metabolic – they are necessary for the proper course of digestive processes;
  3. supportive – they are needed for the proper course of the maturation process of the digestive tract cells;
  4. defensive – stimulating the immune system to work properly.

In other words, in a healthy person all microorganisms that inhabit the intestines are in a state of both quantitative and qualitative equilibrium, known as eubiosis. By equilibrium we mean 85 percent. beneficial microorganisms up to 15 percent. those pathogenic. If the amount of pathogenic microorganisms increases, dysbiosis occurs. As a result, there are mainly disorders of the digestive system, but also other serious diseases, including autoimmune and mental diseases.

One of the ways to deal with imbalances in the gut microflora is the use of probiotics. Probiotics are nothing more than live strains of microorganisms, which in the right amounts have a beneficial effect on human health.

The composition of probiotics includes mainly beneficial cultures of bacteria and yeast. Various food products are also their source, but today you can get them in special probiotic preparations, medications and dietary supplements.

At Medonet Market you can buy, among others BIO concentrate of a probiotic drink made from hops, which has a beneficial effect on the immune and digestive systems. Also reach for BIO concentrate of probiotic drink from hawthorn. You can buy the preparations separately or in the BIO set of probiotic drink concentrates (forest fruit + hawthorn + hops).

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Probiotics for the intestines – action

Probiotics have different characteristics depending on the selected strain and the specific properties of probiotics depend on them. Intestinal probiotics not only improve the functioning of the intestines, but also positively affect other health functions that depend on the proper functioning of the intestinal microbiota. So, gut probiotics have the following effects on the body:

  1. they protect the body against pathogens, thanks to the fact that they penetrate the body and adhere to the intestinal walls;
  2. they take care to maintain the proper, i.e. acidic pH in the intestines, which stimulates the proper reaction
  3. immune system of the organism, thus preventing the development of pathogenic microorganisms;
  4. ensure the production of lactic acid, bacteriocin and hydrogen peroxide, which has a beneficial effect on the elimination of harmful bacteria;
  5. stimulate immune system receptors to work, which increases the production of cytokines and antibodies;
  6. thanks to the fact that they adhere to the cells of the intestinal epithelium, they reduce the penetration of allergens and alleviate the annoying symptoms of allergies;
  7. increase the amount of absorbed vitamins and other nutrients;
  8. take care of the lipid profile and blood glucose concentration.

The effect of probiotics on the intestines is very broad. Intestinal probiotics strengthen the body’s defenses, making it easier for us to avoid infections.

Probiotics for the intestines – indications

Probiotics for the intestines, thanks to their numerous pro-health properties, are worth introducing into the diet both during treatment and as part of the prevention of various diseases. Our diet should therefore include natural sources of probiotics, and when the need arises, it is also worth using probiotic supplements and drugs.

Probiotics for the intestines should be used primarily in the case of:

  1. the need to rebuild or maintain the balance of the intestinal microbiota;
  2. prevention and treatment of diarrhea;
  3. irritable bowel syndrome;
  4. mitigating the negative effects of antibiotic treatment;
  5. high cholesterol;
  6. weakening of the immune system;
  7. rotavirus infections and the intestines induced by it;
  8. allergies, including food allergies;
  9. various inflammatory bowel conditions, such as, for example, ulcerative colitis;
  10. severe symptoms of SIBO, i.e. bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine;
  11. treatment of diverticula of the large intestine;
  12. treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection – to increase the effectiveness of treatment;
  13. lazy intestine – to improve intestinal peristalsis;
  14. reducing lactose intolerance;
  15. constipation;
  16. celiac disease;
  17. cleansing the body of toxic substances;
  18. anxiety or depression to support treatment;
  19. atopic dermatitis as an element of prophylaxis;
  20. obesity treatment and prevention.

In addition, it should be remembered that intestinal probiotics have anti-cancer properties and have a prophylactic effect against colorectal cancer. However, research on such effects of probiotics is still ongoing.

Check it out: Five symptoms that may indicate a disturbed intestinal bacterial flora

Probiotics for the intestines – irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS for short, is a very onerous condition. It is associated with abdominal pain, flatulence, changes in the consistency of the stool, defecation disorders, or the feeling of pressure. The reasons for the development of the disease include genetic, environmental and psychological factors, as well as the history of the disease in the immediate family.

Probiotics have a very beneficial effect on the relief of IBS symptoms as they help fight pathogenic bacteria that are harmful to the gut. Moreover, thanks to them, tight intestinal connections and intestinal walls are strengthened. In addition, probiotics stimulate mucus production by goblet cells, which also strengthens the functioning of the intestinal barrier, normalizes the defecation cycle and soothes visceral hypersensitivity.

In people with IBS, several probiotic strains, including Bifidobacterium bifidum, have a beneficial effect. However, remember to use the probiotic for a minimum of 4 weeks to see satisfactory results. Its use can be extended for another month.

Probiotics for the intestines – constipation

Constipation happens to everyone and it is a fairly common problem that causes great discomfort. Constipation can occur when the balance of the gut microbiome is disturbed. Trillions of bacteria in the intestines live in balance between both beneficial and pathogenic bacteria. However, it can be disturbed mainly by our lifestyle, leading to dysbiosis.

Disturbances in the balance of the intestinal microbiome can be corrected by probiotics, which will help restore the proper functioning of the intestines and the bowel movement cycle. Probiotics are very important in eliminating constipation, however choosing the right probiotic can be difficult. Most of the bacteria in the large intestine belong to Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus, so you should choose probiotics belonging to these two species. In addition, clinical trials have indicated that there are also other strains of bacteria that help treat mild, intermittent constipation. Therefore, in supplements, you should look for, among others:

  1. Bifidobacterium lactis BB-12®,
  2. Bifidobacterium lactis HN019,
  3. Bifidobacterium lactis DN-173 010,
  4. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG®.

These probiotics support the production of short-chain fatty acids that stimulate the peristaltic movement of the colon. In addition, they can increase the amount of serotonin in the colon, which further stimulates intestinal peristalsis. Thanks to probiotic bacteria from the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria strains, the production of lactic acid and fatty acids is also increased. Increased acidity of the intestinal lumen also has a beneficial effect on peristalsis and makes the food pass through the large intestine much faster. This can stimulate the weight loss process and prevent chronic constipation, so it is worth taking care of the right amount of probiotics primarily due to the diet.

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Probiotics for the intestines – diarrhea

The most common causes of diarrhea are intestinal infections, but also treatment with antibiotics. The antibiotic disrupts the natural intestinal microflora, therefore antibiotic-induced diarrhea may appear as a result of treatment. Therefore, it is worth using a properly selected probiotic during antibiotic therapy. In order to increase the effectiveness of a probiotic, there should be a two-hour interval between the antibiotic and the probiotic, so it doesn’t really matter in what order you take them.

If the diarrhea is severe, in addition to getting adequate fluid intake to prevent dehydration, special treatment is also required. During mild diarrhea, it is most often recommended to use probiotic products, eg Probiotic + Prebiotic Oxeo GG, which you can currently buy at a promotional price on Medonet Market. The bacteria and yeast they contain stop the germs that cause diarrhea from growing and help your body fight infections. The most popular are lactic acid bacteria, which can be found, for example, in natural yoghurt or other dairy products. They are now also an ingredient in dietary supplements.

However, there should be an interval of about 2 hours between the probiotic and the antibiotic. Which of these preparations is taken first is irrelevant.

Probiotics for the intestines – flatulence

We talk about flatulence when after a meal we have the impression that our stomach is swollen. Most often it is a consequence of too much gas production or disturbances in the movement of the digestive system. Bloating causes pain, discomfort and fullness in the stomach, and our stomach feels bigger than normal.

This is mainly due to the gases produced by the bacteria. It is worth remembering that there are many types of bacteria in the human intestines, which may also differ from person to person. Certain probiotic bacteria can therefore have a positive effect on the amount of gas produced and reduce the risk of bloating or other digestive problems.

Unfortunately, there is no conclusive research on the beneficial effects of probiotics on flatulence. However, due to their overall positive effect on the health of the intestines, it is worth trying out their effects. To prevent diarrhea, you can use a probiotic in capsules, a probiotic in drops, or a probiotic in sachets. For children, the most convenient drop probiotics make dosing and administration easier, even to infants.

Probiotics for the gut – other uses

Gut probiotics can also be used to improve immunity. These properties are mainly shared by lactic acid bacteria. Thanks to them, we suffer from infections of the upper respiratory tract much less frequently. Probiotics should also be given to children during colic, thanks to which the symptoms will be milder and will last shorter.

Probiotic preparations should also be used to prevent travelers’ diarrheaas they support the intestinal microflora. In this way, they prevent the development of many diseases and the appearance of various ailments resulting from the development of pathogenic bacteria.

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How To Choose The Best Gut Probiotic?

An effective and good probiotic has the effect and properties confirmed by research. They are strain dependent, which is called strain dependency. Good quality probiotics should have information on the label regarding:

  1. classification of the genus, species and strain or strains of probiotics;
  2. a detailed description of the strain;
  3. a detailed description of the indications for use;
  4. the number of living colonies of microorganisms given in CFU units – this number should be sufficiently high, which affects the effectiveness of the probiotic – preferably between 15 and 20 billion;
  5. indications for probiotic dosage;
  6. the best-before date of the probiotic.

This information should also be included in the preparation leaflet. In addition, each label should contain a standard specifying the type, species and a special letter-numeral designation that defines the taxonomic affiliation of the probiotic, e.g. Bifidobacterium lactis FloraActive 32269. Such a designation gives us confidence that a given strain has been thoroughly tested and there is scientific documentation confirming its effectiveness.

In addition, according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the best probiotic is the one that:

  1. comes from the human microbiome;
  2. shows resistance to low pH of gastric juice and the influence of digestive enzymes and bile;
  3. passes through the digestive system without prejudice to its properties, that is, it maintains its vitality and the ability to rapidly multiply its cells;
  4. has the ability to adhere to the cells of the human intestinal epithelium, i.e. adhesion – this enables effective colonization of the intestines;
  5. destroys pathogenic microorganisms;
  6. have a beneficial effect on human health.

The most important thing is that the probiotics reach the intestines alive. This is greatly influenced by the production technology, which, if properly planned, will increase the viability of these microorganisms. It is also necessary to store the preparation in a properly selected packaging and appropriate conditions.

Probiotics for the intestines – strains

The choice of probiotic strains depends on the intended use of the preparation. However, the most common in probiotic preparations are:

  1. Bifidobacterium, belonging to lactobacilli, including in particular: Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium lactis;
  2. Lactobacillus, i.e. lactobacilli, including: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus plantarum;
  3. Saccharomyces boulardii probiotic yeast.

It is also worth choosing preparations in which there is more than one probiotic strain, because they are the most valuable for our health.

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Natural probiotics for the gut

Gut probiotics can be found in a variety of natural products. A well-composed diet is always of great importance for health and the treatment process, especially of various diseases of the digestive system.

An excellent natural source of probiotics will be:

  1. natural kefirs, including those made from plant milk (e.g. coke milk, rice milk);
  2. yoghurts;
  3. curdled milk;
  4. buttermilk;
  5. unpasteurized cheeses;
  6. pickled cucumbers;
  7. sauerkraut;
  8. other pickled products.

In addition, various oriental preparations such as kimchi, kombucha and miso are also a valuable probiotic source.

Intestinal probiotic for children

Gut probiotics for children are different from those for adults. They have a different quantitative composition and should be given differently. The choice of probiotics for children will vary depending on the age of the child and the reasons for administration. Definitely different probiotics are given to newborns and infants, other to older children and adolescents.

In the case of children, just like in adults, other probiotic strains will be used to improve the child’s immunity, others prevent colic, diarrhea, and still others are used during antibiotic treatment.

In children, it is also necessary to select the appropriate form of the probiotic. For children, it is most convenient to give probiotics in the form of drops, and for older children, liquid probiotics or powdered preparations to be dissolved in water are perfect. Currently, for children, you can also get special preparations in the form of lozenges in various shapes. On the other hand, older children can successfully introduce food rich in natural probiotics, such as silage, into their diet.

In addition, remember to consult the type of probiotic administered with the pediatrician and be especially careful. It is a necessity in the case of newborns, infants, small children, but also the elderly.

Intestinal probiotics – use

There is no single best way to take probiotics. The effectiveness of probiotic supplements largely depends on the way they are administered. It is best to take your probiotics at meal time. It is best to give it together with food that will protect the probiotic bacteria in the upper digestive tract. Thanks to this, the bacteria will be much more effective.

It is also worth remembering that if we use probiotics with different strains of bacteria, it is worth using them at different times of the dayas they can be destructive to each other. As a result, the effect of their application may be completely opposite than expected.

The form of the probiotic in which it is sold should not be changed. This means that if it is in the form of a capsule, it should only be swallowed and not opened before consumption. The capsule protects the properties of the probiotic and allows bacteria to safely reach the intestines. So it’s best to choose the form of the probiotic according to your preferences.

You should also not use probiotics permanently. Their task is to periodically support our body, e.g. during intestinal diseases or antibiotic therapy. It is only intended to support the intestinal flora until the balance of the microbiota is restored.

Probiotics for the intestines – safety

Supplements and drugs containing probiotics are well-researched and safe preparations. However, probiotics for children are considered to be the safest, because it is children who are most likely to experience the effects of side effects. The strains that meet the GRAS criteria, ie Generally Recognized as Safe, are considered safe. GRAS is a concept that guarantees that a given product is safe for the human body. This designation was created by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Probiotics, like any other drug or dietary supplement, cannot always be used by every person. Many people, including those with immunity disorders, cancer or cardiological problems, should first see a doctor for a consultation. In the case of children, these are often specialist preparations.

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