Probiotics for children – action, choice, indications, opinions [EXPLAINED]

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Probiotics for children are preparations containing live bacterial strains, supplementing the healthy bacterial flora in the intestines. Probiotics can be given to children during and after antibiotic therapy, which sterilizes the bacterial flora, or prophylactically to strengthen the immune system.

The name probiotic comes from the Greek “pro bios”, which means “for health.” According to the World Health Organization, probiotics are numerous microorganisms that, when administered in the right amount, have a positive effect on the quality of health. Each of these microorganisms must have a confirmed health-promoting effect.

The name of a probiotic usually consists of 3 elements: the generic name, species name, and the letter-digit name of the strain. The most commonly used probiotics are lactic acid bacteria: Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. Saccharomyces cerevisiae ssp boulardi yeast and some species of Bacillus and Escherichia bacteria also have health-promoting properties.

Bacterial strains must meet several conditions to be considered probiotics, including:

  1. have the ability to adherence, i.e. transplant into cells in the intestines,
  2. be resistant to the low pH of gastric juices,
  3. not to produce toxins that may adversely affect health,
  4. easily colonize in the digestive tract,
  5. have established taxonomic affiliation, i.e. strain, species and genus using modern genetic methods,
  6. be alive in the presence of bile,
  7. behave antagonistically against pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.

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Probiotic bacteria come in four forms. The first of them, single-component, contain only one type of microorganisms, e.g. lactobacilli or colibacteria. Probiotics also come in multi-component form, including several types of microorganisms at the same time.

Another form of probiotics are synbiotics, which contain a probiotic and a nutrient medium that accelerates the growth of bacteria. The last form of probiotics are recombinant, i.e. genetically modified. When they are created, good genes are implanted into bacteria, which gives them new properties.

Probiotic bacteria are characterized by a very broad activity. Some of them are supported by many years of scientific research, others are undergoing verification. The beneficial effects of probiotics include:

  1. digestion support,
  2. treatment of inflammation in the digestive system,
  3. prevention of urinary tract infections,
  4. treatment of kidney stones,
  5. preventing gingivitis,
  6. alleviating the effects of lactose intolerance,
  7. lowering cholesterol.

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Probiotics for children and adults do not differ in their composition. They usually contain the same live bacteria strains: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium and Saccharomyces. These bacteria are naturally present in the human intestines, and their replenishment is expected to have a beneficial effect on health and the immune system. The composition of the gut bacteria varies depending on the state of health and the situation. For example, after antibiotic treatment, the gut flora is usually depleted because the antibiotic not only works against pathogenic organisms but also reduces the number of “good” bacteria. It is believed that during and after the use of antibiotics, it is worth giving the child a probiotic so as not to sterilize its bacterial flora and to restore it quickly.

There are relatively few products containing probiotics. The most popular food products containing probiotic bacteria include: silage, sour milk and natural yoghurt. One of the sources of probiotics are also cheeses that have not been pasteurized.

A good source of probiotics is kefir, the fermentation process of which takes place with the participation of the so-called kefir mushrooms consisting of, among others from bacteria and yeast. Thanks to this, kefir is richer in probiotics and contains min. 10 different strains of bacteria. People who are allergic to dairy products can take advantage of alternative kefirs based on plant milk. Unfortunately, these products contain fewer strains of bacteria.

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Babies are born without bacteria in the intestines, but this changes very quickly and beneficial strains of microorganisms appear in their digestive tract. Babies born naturally (not via Caesarean section) and those fed with breast milk have more beneficial bacteria in their gut. Therefore, a probiotic is now added to infant formula, so that bottle-fed babies can develop a normal intestinal flora at about the same time as their breastfed peers. However, scientific studies have not confirmed that adding a probiotic to milk has a real effect on children’s health. It should also be remembered that probiotic therapy should be individually tailored to the individual case and health of the child. It is best to implement it under the supervision of a doctor, after examining the child’s intestinal microbiota. You can then use a probiotic with an appropriate strain of bacteria. You can buy probiotic for children in the form of drops or dissolving sachets on Medonet Market – click and order today. Try, among others Nº1 KidsBiotic – a probiotic preparation for children, which you can buy at a promotional price.

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Opinions on the sense and effectiveness of administering probiotics to children are divided. Proponents point to the fact that bacterial strains beneficial to health that colonize human intestines have a real impact on the health and well-being of a child, and also strengthen the body’s defenses. The fact that it is so, however, does not confirm the thesis that giving a child a probiotic improves health. Probiotics actually help people recover faster from severe diarrhea, but researchers have shown that they have no effect on antibiotic-induced diarrhea in children. Even very early administration of a probiotic for children does not reduce the likelihood of atopic dermatitis, eczema and irritable bowel syndrome in a child. It has also been found that administering probiotics to children does not alleviate the symptoms of the latter ailment. On the other hand, probiotics for children have a beneficial effect on the alleviation of colic in infants, and probably also reduce some other ailments of the digestive system. On the other hand, probiotics for children do not have side effects, or at least they are not known at the moment, so it seems that they can even be administered prophylactically – if they do not help, at least they will not harm or adversely affect the child’s health. However, a probiotic for children should always be administered after consulting a doctor.

Baby probiotics can be given as drops or tablets. Currently, it is common to administer a probiotic in the form of a special fruit-flavored yogurt. Children eagerly reach for sweet and pleasant-tasting yoghurt, thus supplying the intestines with bacteria that are beneficial to their health. The probiotic is also added to infant formula.

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health.

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