Definition: what is a private nursery?
Private nurseries include nursery businesses as well as certain associative nurseries or micro-nurseries. Since 2004, most of these private structures have been approved by the Family Allowance Fund (CAF). They can thus obtain public funding and allow families to benefit from the same rate as in the municipal crèche. In return, these structures must comply with strict regulations. Private nurseries operate within the same framework established by the State as conventional nurseries, in terms of quality, regulation and control. This hospitality offer is growing today. According to the federation of nursery enterprises (FFEC), 20 nursery places and 000 jobs should be created by 7. They now often work hand in hand with the municipalities. However, their operation remains quite complex and a source of questioning for many parents. Here are the different types of private nurseries.
The Public Service Delegation (DSP)
A crèche company or an association can manage a crèche on behalf of a community, that is to say within the framework of a Public Service Delegation (DSP). Sometimes, the municipality entrusts the creation and management of the nursery to the private operator. This is then referred to as full public service delegation. In these two cases, the process of allocating places remains assured by the town hall. How to recognize this type of structure? If, in the 3 nursery vows that you gave to the town hall when you applied for registration in a nursery, there is a private establishment, it is probably because this structure benefits from a public service delegation.
Inter-company nurseries
They are developed on their own by private organizations, whether or not they are driven by companies. Places are mostly reserved for employees of nearby businesses. These are financially assisted by the State, through a family tax credit of 50% up to a limit set at € 500 (000 places). At the same time, the cost of a place in a crèche is deductible from company charges up to 80%.
In the end, an employer pays only 17% of the place in a crèche. For the employee, the system is win-win. He does not pay more than for a place in a public crèche, the employer finances the part usually paid by the town hall. For more flexibility, many inter-company crèches can now reserve cradles in their network and allow salaried parents to benefit from a place near their home. Some inter-company crèches offer their remaining places to town halls. This is called a mixed crèche which brings together companies and communities.
The company or single-company nursery
It was the historical model but it is much rarer. The crèche, created by a private organization, is dedicated to a single company. It is located on or near its premises. Places are reserved exclusively for employees.
Price: what are the prices of a private nursery?
To calculate the cost of placing a child in a private crèche, it is necessary to base oneself on his own income. This is calculated via an effort rate applied by the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales. (CAF). This is multiplied by the annual income of the family (and varies according to the number of dependent children) and allows you to have the monthly price of a place in a crèche.
Focus on 3 private nurseries
This nursery business was created in 2004. It is developing today both on behalf of businesses and communities. Its strong point: sustainable development. All its premises are built according to the HQE standard (high environmental quality). Within the structures, the teams are very involved in the environmental approach of their company. Each respects the principles of sustainable development in energy and waste management. Children are also made aware of ecology. On the educational project side, at La Maison Bleue, each child has a referent, special attention is given to respecting the toddler’s sleep and play is privileged as a source of pleasure, learning and socialization..
Created in 2003, Babilou is today the first private network of childcare centers in France, with 250 nurseries spread throughout France. 12 children are welcomed there every week. All the teams are mobilized around an educational project called “The small steps that count…”. We find in this project the flagship values of the company such as respect for the individuality of the child, the implementation of living together … Babilou today wants to be a leader in parenting support solutions in the – beyond the simple place in a crèche. Drawing on its experience, the group now offers business conference cycles as well as educational videos dedicated to parents.
For Little Red Riding Hoods, the crèche is much more than a practical form of childcare, it must actively participate in the well-being and awakening of the child. The educational project of this structure is based in particular on the work of early childhood specialists such as Françoise Dolto, Maria Montessori or Boris Cyrulnik. The educational project revolves around 4 missions: personally welcoming the children; respect their rhythm; play, read, help people discover; recognize the child’s emotions. To know : this network of nurseries supports breastfeeding. Mothers can either express their milk and bring it to the crèche or breastfeed on site discreetly.