Many of us, suspecting a partner of cheating, check his social networks and instant messengers, monitor his movements, ask his friends and colleagues. And some prefer to seek the services of professionals. And here’s what a private detective has to say about his work and the signs of adultery.
Alexandra Quick is a British private detective, a 49-year-old divorced mother of six and grandmother of four. She used to work as an accountant, but a year ago she decided to change her profession and got a job in a detective agency.
She has already exposed 150 cheaters in a year, so now she seems to know everything about the behavior of unfaithful wives and husbands. “If your partner is cheating on you, his behavior and habits change involuntarily,” the detective admits and shares on what grounds one can suspect betrayal of the chosen one.
signs of infidelity
- Close attention to the phone. The cheater becomes extremely secretive: he does not take his eyes off the gadgets, sets passwords and does not give anyone his hands – even to take a photo.
- Be careful with things. The unfaithful partner suddenly changes his everyday habits: he stops throwing checks and documents in prominent places, he checks the pockets of his trousers before handing over their washing. Thus, he tries to hide potential evidence of treason.
- Detailed explanations and justifications. The cheater is trying to remove suspicion from himself, and therefore begins to come up with plausible reasons for his strange behavior. He is ready to tell a detailed story, why he had this or that thing or with whom he talked for so long at night.
cost and duration
Detective services are expensive. So, for her work, Alexandra takes from 200 to several thousand pounds sterling (from 20 to hundreds of thousands of rubles). The most expensive services of a private detective will cost if a potential cheater needs to be tracked down for several months.
Often the suspicions of clients turn out to be justified: after all, a loving person intuitively notices the slightest changes in the behavior of a partner, even if the cause for concern seems insignificant. But sometimes it’s easier for people to spend a lot of money on detective work than to admit that they were wrong. Alexandra Quick shared two stories of her clients.
story number 1. “The woman thought it was strange that her man called her from another number”
The first client of a private detective is a single mother, confident that she has finally found the perfect man. The woman dated him for a while, and one day he called her from an unknown number. She could not get this oddity out of her mind and asked a private detective to check on her partner.
Alexandra Quick installed a listening device in the man’s car. It turned out that he really met with two women at the same time and called them from different phones. Moreover, as it turned out, the second woman was aware of the existence of a rival, while the detective’s client did not know about his double game.
story number 2. “The client was not ready to admit her mistake”
A second client hired a detective after her husband’s young mistress became pregnant. The woman was sure that she was lying and was actually dating another man.
The detective followed the young woman for a long time, but did not notice anything suspicious. However, the client was not ready to put up with this idea and spent a fortune in an attempt to prove that she was right and her husband’s illegitimate child was not really his.
Work principles
Few of us want to become the object of surveillance by a private detective, because his work involves a significant interference in our privacy. This is why detectives must be especially careful and careful when choosing a case.
They must first make sure that the potential client has no intention of harming the person they want to spy on. In addition, detectives are prohibited from disclosing to the client the location of the person he is following in real time.
Alexandra Quick emphasizes that private detectives work within the law. For example, they can install spy equipment in an apartment or car only with the consent of the owner. This means that GPS trackers, audio and video recording devices can be built into property that belongs to both spouses.
“At the moment I am the only woman working in a detective agency. Most of the employees are former police or military, so I stand out in a positive way. Firstly, few people will suspect that I am a detective, and secondly, my feminine look has repeatedly turned out to be useful for the case. For all the time I have never been caught – people are too busy with their lives, ”concluded Alexandra Quick in an interview with The Sun.