The human side, the medical skills required and the joy of being able to give birth to children pushed Prisca Wetzel to reorient herself towards the profession of midwife, after a first year of medicine. In addition to two or three “guards” of 12 or 24 hours per week, this young 27-year-old temporary midwife, always dynamic, multiplies the commitments to cultivate her passion.
A humanitarian mission for 6 weeks in Mali, to train locals, consolidated his enthusiasm. However, the exercise conditions were harsh, with no shower, no toilet, no electricity… “Finally, practicing a birth by candlelight and with a caver lamp hanging on the forehead is not impossible,” explains Prisca. Wetzel. The lack of medical equipment, not even to resuscitate a premature baby, complicates the task, however. But mentalities are different: there, if a baby dies at birth, it’s almost normal. People trust nature. At first, it’s difficult to accept, especially when you know that the newborn could have been saved if the birth had taken place under more favorable conditions. ”
Let nature do it
However, the experience remains very enriching. “Seeing Malian women about to give birth arrive on the luggage rack of a moped, whereas two minutes earlier they were still working in the fields, it surprises at first!”, Laughs Prisca.
If the return was not too brutal, “because you get used to comfort very quickly”, the lesson learned from her experience remains: “I learned to be less interventionist and to work as naturally as possible.” Clearly, the triggers of convenience so that the childbirth takes place on the desired day, are far from satisfying her! “We must let nature act, especially since these triggers significantly increase the risk of cesarean section.”
A volunteer at Solidarité SIDA where she works in prevention with young people throughout the year, Prisca has also joined forces with Crips (Regional AIDS Information and Prevention Centers) to intervene in schools. The goal: to discuss with young people subjects such as the relationship with others and with oneself, contraception, STIs or unwanted pregnancies. All this while waiting to leave one day …