This beauty in the wild can be found in the Far East. In our gardens, princepia is still a rarity. Although with such advantages should be on every site! Read how to grow it and propagate it

Description of the princepia

Prinsepia is a Latin name. botanists call the plant somewhat more prosaic: flat seed chinensis (Prinsepia sinensis).

This shrub is about 1,5 – 2,5 m high (1), and it is very interesting in shape: its long shoots are bent to the ground in arcs, forming a kind of fountain. Their bark is light gray, while the young shoots are greenish-gray. The leaves are green, matte, lighter on the wrong side. In autumn they turn ocher yellow. Along the entire length of the branches there are rare, but rather long spikes – up to 2 cm. The flowers are yellow, with a faint pleasant aroma, bloom in April-May. And in early August, the bushes are covered with bright red rather large (1,5 – 2 cm in diameter) berries, resembling cherries in appearance and taste.

In the wild, the princepia lives in Manchuria, in the south of Primorye and in Korea (2) – where it usually grows along the banks of rivers.

Principia Care

Light fertile soils and an abundance of light (it can grow in partial shade, but it will bloom worse and yield less yield) – that’s basically all she needs. It tolerates drought well, does not require special care. It only needs to be watered occasionally and occasionally fed. But it is better to add more humus when planting in a hole, and then you can forget about top dressing for several years.

In central Our Country and even in Siberia, princepia winters well without any shelter. Only in very severe winters can one-year-old shoots freeze slightly. But in summer the plant recovers very quickly.

Reproduction of princepia

Layering or green cuttings are the simplest and most reliable ways. It is possible with seeds, but it is advisable to sow them before winter – so there is less fuss. And if you sow them in the spring, the seeds will first have to be stratified – to withstand 4 months in the refrigerator.

Popular questions and answers

We asked questions about growing Prinsepia agronomist-breeder Svetlana Mikhailova.

Where to plant princepia in the garden?

Prinsepia will harmoniously fit into any orchard and give it some zest – not everyone grows exotics on the site. It will be good in the company of Far Eastern plants – actinidia and Schisandra chinensis.


And the princepia can be planted in an ornamental garden – it looks very interesting with other ornamental shrubs, including conifers.

When does the princepia begin to bear fruit?

This is a rather early crop, it gives the first harvest already in 3-4 years. The fruits ripen at the end of August.

How are the fruits of the princepia used?

The fruits of the princepia can be eaten fresh or made into jams and juices. For the winter, the fruits can be dried – this way they are stored for a very long time, and in winter they can be added to compotes.

Sources of

  1. Usenko N.V. Trees, shrubs and creepers of the Far East // Khabarovsk, Khabarovsk book publishing house, 1984 – 272 p.
  2. Vorobyov D.P. Wild trees and shrubs of the Far East // L.: Nauka, Leningrad. Otdel., 1968 – 276 p.

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