Principles of the ketogenic diet. What is the ketogenic diet? |

In this article you will learn, among others:

  • What does the ketogenic diet look like?
  • What can you eat on a ketogenic diet?
  • Who is the ketogenic diet for?
  • What are the effects of the ketogenic diet?
  • Is the keto diet harmful?

What does the ketogenic diet look like?

The main assumption of the ketogenic diet is a significant reduction in the supply of carbohydrates and an increase in the proportion of fat in meals. Macronutrients in the menu must be selected according to ketogenic ratio – it is the weight ratio of fat to total carbohydrate and protein, e.g. 4: 1, 3: 1, 2: 1. This means that for every 2, 3 or 4 g of fat you will get a total of one gram of protein and carbohydrate. The essence of the ketogenic diet is to put the body into a state of ketosis. However, it should be noted right away that the transition to such a diet should only take place under the supervision of a dietitian and a doctor. Otherwise our health may suffer. This diet is used primarily in children suffering from drug-resistant epilepsy. Then the entire therapeutic team in the center watches over the little patient. Parents can compose menus on their own after some time, and regular checkups with specialists are still necessary. 

What can you eat on a ketogenic diet?

In this method of nutrition, the source of protein is primarily lean meat, e.g. poultry, as well as fish and sausages in precisely weighed amounts. Fat for meals is provided by: butter, mayonnaise, oils and olive oil. Carbohydrates can appear only in small amounts in the form of vegetables and fruits that do not contain too much of this macronutrient. Cream containing both proteins, fats and carbohydrates is allowed in the diet (also in strictly defined amounts). 

Virtually all grain products (usually bread, pasta, cereals, rice), other fruits and vegetables, sweets and confectionery, as well as sugar or honey, as well as ice cream, desserts, etc. 

Who is the ketogenic diet for?

In short: when we eat in a standard way, our body uses glucose as a source of energy from food (e.g. cereals, vegetables, fruits and others). When you switch to a ketogenic diet, your body uses fats as an energy source (you could say that it mimics its starvation metabolism in a way). Ketone bodies are formed from the supplied fat in the liver, which can replace glucose in metabolic processes. However, the exact mechanism by which the ketogenic diet works is still being explored. 

In the aforementioned patients suffering from drug-resistant epilepsy, glucose reduction and chronic ketosis in which the body is located affect the activation of complex processes that have an anticonvulsant effect and protect the nervous system. 

In addition to drug-resistant epilepsy, in which the ketogenic diet helps to fight the disease when current pharmacological treatment has not been effective, this method of nutrition is also used in diseases such as:

– Rett syndrome, 

– Dravet syndrome,

– type 2 glucose transporter deficiency,

– pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency

and other disease entities. 

What are the effects of the ketogenic diet? 

Despite the high effectiveness of the ketogenic diet in the treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy, it is not this factor that has recently become more and more popular. Many people decide to put their body into a state of ketosis to lose weight. I agree that on such a diet it is possible, especially since one of the effects of such a diet is a reduction in appetite, but still, I would not advise anyone to enter the state of ketosis just to lose weight. 

In the US News diet ranking, the ketogenic diet ranks 2nd in the category for rapid weight loss. However, pay attention to the word “fast”. This type of nutrition is quite demanding and it is difficult to follow all its rules for a long time. After returning to the standard diet, we can expect the return of the previously lost kilograms very quickly.

It is also worth noting that in the same ranking, the same diet is only 38th in terms of the overall list of nutrition from best to worst. Of course, it should be mentioned that there were 41 diets assessed, which is not good news for supporters of ketosis in order to lose weight. 

Is the keto diet harmful?

As already mentioned – will the ketogenic diet help you lose weight? Of course. Does it support reduction in a healthy way? This is a much more moot point. 

What can happen to you while on the ketogenic diet:

a) Bad breath: ketone bodies that smell like acetone, which in the body have a negative effect on the smell from the mouth,  

b) Dullness and difficulty concentrating, 

c) Constipation – this type of diet is low in fiber, which makes it difficult to move the fecal masses in the intestines and extends the periods between bowel movements,

d) diarrhea, abdominal pain and vomiting, 

e) Fatigue and sleepiness,

f) urolithiasis, 

g) Hyperuricemia, 

h) Dehydration. 

With prolonged use of the ketogenic diet, the concentration of total cholesterol and the LDL cholesterol fraction (i.e. the one conducive to diseases of the cardiovascular system) in the blood may also increase. 

In addition, it should be remembered that this method of nutrition generally favors the appearance of shortages due to significant restrictions on meals – we practically remove some of the groups of food products. Of course, there are many supplements available on the market, but is a deficiency diet supported by synthetic products something worth reaching for? I think that everyone has to answer this question for himself.

It should also not be forgotten that there are diseases in which the use of a ketogenic diet is particularly contraindicated, you can even say that it is forbidden. These include:

– Pancreas and liver diseases,

– cholelithiasis,

– kidney failure,

Familial forms of dyslipidaemia (disturbances in blood cholesterol levels),

— Porphyria.

Ketogenic diet reviews

Would I recommend someone to use this diet? Yes, of course – but only those who really need it, and in their case, the ketogenic diet will bring positive health results. When it comes to others, e.g. those who want to lose weight with ketosis, I suggest you think about it. Of course, in any case, the final decision depends only on ourselves, but I think that the multitude of negative health effects will, nevertheless, deter those undecided. Also remember that these effects may appear in the distant future, not necessarily in the first weeks of using a ketogenic diet. 

Finally, referring to the slimming effect of the ketogenic diet – it should be remembered that we currently lack research and scientific reports that would clearly indicate the superiority of this diet over the “basic” method of reduction, i.e. a healthy energy deficit and a menu based on all groups products in appropriate and healthy proportions. 

What is your opinion on the ketogenic diet? Which healthy diets do you recommend?


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