“Princess Nesmeyana”: what is a corner lift and why do stars do this operation

We are talking about a popular way to get rid of a sad expression.

Traces of time on the face often appear not only in the form of wrinkles or ptosis. Age also gives away such an unpleasant problem as drooping of the corners of the lips and eyes. In addition, the face itself becomes rather sullen and unfriendly. However, today these defects in appearance are eliminated by simple manipulations. One of them is the so-called corner lift, or lip corner lift. Plastic surgeon Pavel Golovanev will tell Wday.ru readers about her in detail.

Who has the drooping of the corners of the lips?

It is worth noting that not only women aged 45+ face drooping of the corners of the lips, but also young girls due to genetic characteristics. But in general, the main audience of surgeons is elderly patients, who have small “purse-string” wrinkles around their lips and so-called “puppets” – deep folds extending from the corners of the lips downward.

In the arsenal of specialists to eliminate this drawback, there are two methods – the so-called corner- and DAO-lifting. Let’s tell you how they differ.

Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner

How does a corner lift differ from DAO?

The essence of the first technique is that at the ends of the lips, or rather, in the area of ​​their red border, the surgeon makes small incisions. Then a small skin flap is excised, the tissues are sutured, and thereby the effect of lifting the corners mechanically is achieved.

The second type of manipulation is DAO-lifting, which is a more effective intervention option. A special muscle that lowers the corners of the lips, which in Latin is called Depressor anguli oris, is responsible for facial expressions in this third of the face. Hence the name of the method. During this operation, incisions are made on the oral mucosa, then the muscle, which gives a sad expression on the face, is removed, which leads to the fact that the corners of the lips automatically stop dropping and nothing will remind you of the “sad” look. And the seams remain completely invisible, as they are located inside the mouth.

The methods have in common that both options are performed under local anesthesia, without the use of general anesthesia. All manipulations take 40-45 minutes.

Which option should you choose?

Surgeons actively use two types, and the choice here belongs to the patient. If he wants to mask the seams, then the second method should be preferred.

Celebrities who may have undergone the corner lift surgery include Megan Fox, Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian.


As in any other case of surgery, there are contraindications. These include:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;

  • blood diseases, especially its low coagulability;

  • endocrinological problems;

  • oncology;

  • various infections, acute phase of herpes;

  • pregnancy and lactation.

Restrictions after surgery

  1. Immediately after the intervention, the patient should refrain from talking.

  2. Liquid food should be preferred in food.

  3. Before removing the stitches, the use of cosmetics is prohibited.

  4. You will also have to forget about kissing for a while.

  5. Sports and other physical activities are excluded during the first two weeks.

The main principle of the first week of rehabilitation is to provide the lips with maximum peace. At the consultation, the doctor will tell you about all possible restrictions.  

Possible complications

Unfortunately, some complications are encountered, but they are rare.

  • The most common is hematomas, as well as swelling in the area of ​​postoperative sutures. In this case, the patient should immediately contact his surgeon. He must assess whether an inflammatory process or suppuration has begun, caused by an infection.

  • It can also occur at first feeling of tightness of the skin of the lips, but usually it disappears by the end of the recovery period.

  • Occasionally occurs facial nerve damage, which can be fraught with asymmetry and even partial paralysis of the face. In this case, a second operation can be carried out only after six months.

To achieve a more pronounced result, many surgeons accompany lip lifting with such manipulations as lipofilling of the lower third of the face, fighting against “puppets”, or include the elimination of lowered corners of the lips in a complex for lifting the contours of the face.

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Which star has her lips?

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