
Useful properties and application of the Siberian prince

Useful properties of the prince


The beneficial properties of the prince have been successfully used for many centuries, this plant was known to Tibetan monks and healers in many countries. Liana has been scientifically proven to be an excellent treatment for tumors, and today it is used in anticancer therapy. The positive effect on the human body is determined by the presence of trace elements in the plant, such as aluminum, manganese, magnesium, sodium, nickel, iron, silicon and cobalt.

In high concentrations, the content of phytoncides, flavenols, protoanemonins, triterpene saponins, polysaccharides, ascorbic acid, alkaloids, and cardiac glycosides was noted in the plant. Antibacterial, restorative and wound-healing properties of the herb have been revealed. The prince is a poisonous plant, the strongest insecticide, the effect of which is detrimental to bedbugs, ants, lice and other harmful insects.

The use of the prince

Grass and flowers serve as medicinal raw materials, they are harvested during the period of flowering and fruiting. Cut young shoots (lignified parts are unsuitable) are brought to a sluggish state in the sun, then the main drying process is carried out under a canopy. You can not use fresh raw materials. Decoctions, infusions and tinctures are prepared on the basis of the dry parts of the prince, such drugs have a stimulating effect, contribute to the normalization of the heart.

The leaves act as an irritant and it is effective in increasing metabolism, especially in malnourished patients. The combination of anti-inflammatory and restorative action allows the use of preparations containing the plant to eliminate inflammation of the gastric mucosa, edema of various etiologies, abscesses, ulcers. The headache of a cold character is well removed, women’s diseases, epilepsy are treated. Scabies quickly passes, and wounds heal. Tibetan medicine recommends an infusion of flowers for hemoptysis, abscess, and inflammatory processes in the liver.

Infusion of prince flowers: 1 teaspoon of raw materials must be infused in 1 cup of boiling water for 30 minutes and strain. It is recommended to drink the remedy 2 tablespoons 3 times a day during meals. Cancer treatment requires an integrated approach, traditional healers advise taking a healing tincture of leaves, the recovery process can be long, but the patient’s well-being improves after several days of taking the remedy.

Infusion of the leaves of the prince: 1 tablespoon of dried leaves should be steamed with two cups of boiling water, insist under the lid for an hour, take the filtered liquid 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. The dose can be increased to 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water, but under medical supervision.

Mongolian folk healers paid great attention to the properties of the plant, widely using it as a wound-healing agent and activating regeneration processes, with dropsy, edema. Residents of the eastern regions of Russia have long been aware of the benefits of the prince and its positive effect on weak heart function, headaches, dizziness, flu, colds, indigestion, and metabolic disorders. The external use of preparations from the prince helps relieve rheumatic pains, restore motor functions lost during paralysis.

Decoction of the prince: 1 teaspoon of crushed raw materials should be poured with 1 glass of hot water, boiled in a water bath for 30 minutes, strain the composition while still hot, add boiled water, bringing to the original volume. Take a decoction of 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals. Tinctures help well: observing the hours of admission, you can achieve the desired result.

Recipe No. 1: 1/3 of a dark glass bottle should be filled with loose dry crushed raw materials and filled to the top with vodka, after which it should be infused for 15 days in a dark place. Drink the drug 30-40 drops with water 3 times a day. The course of treatment is at least a month.

Recipe № 2: take 1 teaspoon of dry chopped grass for 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, filter and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for inoperable cancerous tumors.

The positive effect of funds on long-standing ailments has been tested in practice: as experience shows, defeated diseases no longer recur.

Seeds the princess

The fruits of the prince – polynuts – ripen from July to September. Due to their long pinnately pubescent columns, they are easily carried by the wind. The fruits contain a large number of small black seeds. The seeds contain fats, medicinal properties have not been identified.

Varieties of the prince


The prince is distributed in the northeast of the European part of Russia, in the east and west of Siberia, in Central Asia (mountains), in forests and on the rocky banks of the rivers of the Far East. The plant chooses coniferous and deciduous forests, mountainous areas and rocky slopes for habitat. The cultivation of the prince is associated with some difficulties, so it is grown in botanical gardens. The plant has amazingly beautiful flowers. In different varieties, they are simple and terry, white, blue, pink, purple. They have beautiful stems, the foliage resembles lace, juicy, bright.

There are Alpine, Okhotsk, Siberian, large-petal princes. They differ in flowering periods, flower colors.

Siberian prince

This small shrub liana of the ranunculus family is able to wrap itself around a support. The most beautiful liana of the Siberian taiga looks elegant and majestic during the flowering period. Its flowers – hanging bells of white, blue, bluish-purple or violet – appear in early summer. They look charming against the background of the dark trunks of taiga trees and are so fragrant that a person, being nearby, feels a surge of vivacity and an improvement in well-being.

Prince grows on forest edges, along the banks of rivers. The variety of medicinal substances of the liana – and there are a huge number of them, ranging from micro- and macro-components to quinic and caffeic acids – determine its use in folk medicine. For medicinal purposes stems, leaves, flowers are used.

Prince and clematis

Very often the prince is confused with clematis. These are related plants, differ only in the structure of the flower. The drooping, bell-like flowers of the prince consist of small, inconspicuous petals, bordered by larger sepals. In clematis, petals are completely absent; colored sepals are taken for flowers.

Alpine prince

The Alpine prince comes from Central and Southern Europe. The plant blooms in May-June with drooping blue-violet flowers. This type of plant has one feature – it is possible to re-bloom at the end of summer. It is the ancestor of many varieties. He is a good honey plant. This species is used to decorate low fences and tree trunks; it can be planted on rocky hills as a ground cover plant.

Contraindications to the use of the prince

Treatment of any disease must be carried out under the supervision of a physician, since the plant is poisonous. The prince is strictly prohibited during pregnancy. Paroxysmal tachycardia and extrasystole exclude the independent use of the plant without prescriptions from the attending physician.

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