Primula Obkonika is a perennial herbaceous plant, which, unlike garden species, is able to bloom indoors all year round, with a short break on hot summer days. In some sources, it is called obverse-conical or oblanceolate, which is also correct. “Obkonika” has a wide variety of shades, but in order to achieve lush flowering, you must follow the rules of care.

Description of primrose Obkonika

Indoor primrose “Obkonika” belongs to the Primrose family, which has about 500 species. China is considered the birthplace of the plant, but under natural conditions it can be found in the temperate zones of North America, Europe, Asia, as well as in the highlands of Tibet and the Himalayas.

Primula Obkonika (pictured below) is a rosette plant. The leaves of this culture are dark green, rounded, with a velvety surface and a wavy edge. The plates have long pubescent petioles. The height of “Obkonika” in most cases does not exceed 25-35 cm, but some species are able to grow up to 50-60 cm.

Primula Obkonika: home care

Primula is suitable for growing in gardens and at home

Important! Primrose, unlike garden forms, does not tolerate frost, so it can only be grown as a houseplant.

The flowers of this variety are large, simple or double, their diameter reaches 6-8 cm. They are collected in inflorescences-umbrellas on long stems and rise above the rosette of leaves. An adult bush “Obkoniki” is able to form 10-12 peduncles at the same time. The color of the petals is very diverse. At the same time, there are also two-color species with a contrasting edge or eye.

The most abundant flowering in the primrose “Obkonika” is observed in the first year of cultivation, and over time, the decorativeness of the plant decreases. Therefore, many flower growers prefer to grow indoor primrose as a one- or two-year-old plant.

This flower was undeservedly forgotten for some time, as the traditional Obkoniki varieties contain primine, which causes an allergic reaction. This component is produced by glands that are located in the aerial part of the plant. And in contact with the skin of the hands, it causes itching and redness in people prone to allergies.

But thanks to the selection, new hybrids of “Obkonika” were obtained, in which primin is not allocated. This fact contributed to the growth in popularity of this indoor flower.

Varieties of primrose Obkonyka

On sale you can find both blooming primrose Obkonika mix, and seeds of this plant from Dutch producers. All of them are new modern varieties, so they can be grown at home without any fear.

Popular types of “Obconiki”:

  1. Touch me. This variety is translated from English as “touch me”, which confirms the absence of primine in the petioles and leaves of the plant. This type of primrose “Obkonika” is characterized by graceful rosettes of leaves with large flowers of bright colors. The maximum decorative effect is observed in spring and autumn. In summer, flowering is scarce or absent altogether.

    Primula Obkonika: home care

  2. Grace F This variety is characterized by a compact form of plants 20-25 cm high and large flowers with a diameter of 7-8 cm. The palette of shades is very diverse: from white, blue, lilac to red and pink.

    Primula Obkonika: home care

  3. Libre F This series contains 9 different shades, including orange and two-tone with a contrasting halo. The plant forms many flowers with a diameter of 4 to 6 cm. This variety of primrose “Obkonika” is characterized by compact bushes 25-30 cm high and 15-20 cm in diameter.

    Primula Obkonika: home care

Important! Despite the absence of prima in modern varieties of room primrose, it is not recommended to place a pot with this flower in the bedroom or children’s room.

Features of reproduction

You can propagate indoor primrose Obkonik by dividing the bush and seeds. The first option is suitable for preserving all the specific qualities of the cultivated crop. The procedure is used for plants older than 3 years of age. It is necessary to divide the bush after flowering. To do this, it should be removed from the pot and disconnected with a knife into separate sockets. Each part of the primrose should have a growing point and well-developed roots. After that, plant seedlings of “Obkoniki” in separate containers.

The second method of reproduction is used much more often. But in order to get varietal seedlings of “Obkoniki”, you should purchase seeds from trusted manufacturers.

Cultivation from seeds

For planting primrose “Obkonika” it is recommended to use wide, but shallow containers, in the bottom of which drainage holes should be provided to remove excess water. A suitable substrate can be purchased at the store marked “For seedlings” or prepared independently.

In this case, you should mix:

  • 1 hour peat;
  • 1 h. sand;
  • 1 hour leafy soil.

Fill the landing containers with the resulting mixture, moisten and compact the surface abundantly. Seeds of primrose “Obkonika” spread out on top, without sprinkling the substrate, and lightly press to the ground. After that, cover the containers with a film and put in a warm, bright place with a temperature of +20-22 ° C for germination.

Primula Obkonika: home care

Seeds can be planted at any time of the year

The first shoots will appear in 10-15 days. During this period, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the containers and remove the accumulated condensate on the film. After seed germination, a long daylight period of 10-12 hours should be provided, so if necessary, lamps should be used in the evening. It is also important to lower the maintenance regime to +18 ° C in order to prevent seedlings from stretching and to activate the growth of the root system.

When the seedlings grow a little and get stronger, they need to be adapted to external conditions. To do this, on the first day it is recommended to remove the film for 30 minutes, and with each subsequent day – to increase this period by another half an hour. After a week, seedlings of primrose “Obkonika” can be fully opened.

When the seedlings have two true leaves, they must be dived. For this, a wide container or cassettes for seedlings is suitable. You need to plant seedlings at a distance of 4 cm. You can use the universal soil for this or prepare the substrate in the following proportion:

  • 2 h. derna;
  • 1 h. sand;
  • 1 hour leaf land;
  • 1 hour peat;
  • 1 h. humus.

Seedlings after transplantation should grow in this container until the leaves close between adjacent plants. After that, it is necessary to carry out a second pick and seat the primrose at a distance of 8 cm from each other. Transplanting into separate pots with a diameter of 9-10 cm should be carried out already when the leaves of “Obkonika” re-close.

Important! The first flowering occurs at the age of 16-20 weeks after planting, when the plant has 8-10 leaves.

How to care for primrose Obkonika at home

Many flower growers complain that the indoor primrose Obkonika has a capricious disposition. However, this is not the case if the basic requirements of the plant are observed. Therefore, in order to avoid mistakes, it is necessary to study them in advance. It is not difficult to care for the primrose Obkonik, the main thing is to clearly follow all the recommendations.


Primula “Obkonika” belongs to the category of light-loving plants, but at the same time, under the influence of direct sunlight, burns appear on the leaves.

Important! When growing room primrose on the north window, it will be difficult to achieve lush flowering.
Primula Obkonika: home care

In cloudy weather, a fluorescent lamp can be used as an additional illumination.

The optimum temperature of the content is + 15-20 degrees. At the same time, it is important that during flowering the regime approaches the lower mark, as this will significantly extend this period.

If additional lighting is not provided in the winter in the evening, then the cool content of the Obkonika primrose is recommended within + 10-15 degrees. This will allow the flower to save strength and build up potential for the new season.

Important! The critical temperature for the primrose “Obkonika” is +5 degrees, with such a content in the tissues, irreversible processes develop and the plant dies.

Watering and feeding

Indoor primrose does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil and drying out of the roots. But with a short-term drought, the situation can be corrected, even if the leaves of the plant have lost turgor. To do this, it is necessary to nourish the earthen lump for 15 minutes. and rearrange the plant in partial shade. When the leaves recover, the flower can be returned to its original place.

For the full development of the primrose “Obkonika” it is necessary to carry out regular watering, as the topsoil dries. At the same time, it is important that the water remains in the pan for at least 10-15 minutes so that the substrate can be saturated. After this time, the remains should be discarded.

Important! When watering, do not wet the primrose leaves.
Primula Obkonika: home care

So that water does not stagnate in the pan, it must be drained 10 minutes after watering.

It is recommended to use water for irrigation at room temperature.

Primrose “Obkonika” does not respond well to excess nutrition. In this case, her leaves begin to turn yellow. Therefore, organic and mineral fertilizers should be used for flowering crops, but reducing the indicated dosage by 2 times. With sufficient lighting, top dressing should be carried out 1 time in 2-3 weeks from February to September, and in the rest of the period – 1 time per month.

To prevent alkalization of the soil in the pot, which has a depressing effect on the primrose, it is necessary to add iron chelate once a month when watering, according to the instructions for the preparation.

Care during the flowering period

In addition to timely watering and fertilizing, wilted flowers must be regularly removed during the flowering period. This will save the forces of the primrose and redirect them to the formation of new buds.

During this period, it is necessary to maintain the temperature within +15 degrees. You also need to worry about the humidity of the air. To do this, it is recommended to place additional containers with water near the flower pot to increase evaporation.


The reverse conical primrose needs to be repotted periodically. But before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to cut off all the old leaves of the flower.

A new pot should be selected 1-1,5 cm wider than the previous one. The composition of the substrate should be identical, as in the picking of young seedlings.

Primula Obkonika: home care

Primrose must be transplanted annually

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Lay a layer of drainage 1 cm high on the bottom of the pot.
  2. Sprinkle it on top with a little earth.
  3. Take the plant out of the container.
  4. Lightly remove the old substrate from the roots.
  5. Place the flower in the center of the new container, without deepening the root collar.
  6. Fill voids with new nutrient substrate.
  7. Lightly compact the surface, pour.

After transplantation, the flower must be placed in partial shade and covered with a bag to create a greenhouse effect. As soon as the flower takes root and begins to grow young foliage, it must be returned to its original place.

Pests and diseases

Subject to the rules of care, the primrose “Obkonika” is rarely affected by diseases. But with improper cultivation, the flower loses its natural immunity.

Common problems:

  1. Gray rot. With the development of this disease, light spots appear on the leaves of the plant, which subsequently grow. The affected areas become watery and soft. This leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the tissues and wilting of the flower. For treatment, it is necessary to remove all affected leaves and spray the plant with such preparations as Chistotsvet, Ronilan, Fundazol and Euparen.

    Primula Obkonika: home care

  2. Root rot. At the beginning of the development of the disease, the lower row of leaves turns yellow and fades, and then the rosette completely. The cause of the lesion is moisture stagnation combined with low room temperature. The disease is not treatable, so diseased plants must be discarded.

    Primula Obkonika: home care

  3. Spider mite. This pest does not exceed 0,2 mm in length, so it is difficult to see it with the naked eye. You can recognize the lesion by small yellow dots along the edge of the leaf plate. Provoking factors are dry air and elevated room temperature. For destruction, it is recommended to process the flower twice with a frequency of 7 days. Effective drugs: “Aktellik”, “Fufanon”, “Fitoverm”.

    Primula Obkonika: home care

  4. aphid. This small insect feeds on primrose juice. As a result of its vital activity, leaves, buds and flowers are deformed. Aphids form a whole colony, so the plant does not have the strength to withstand such a numerous invasion. To destroy the pest, it is recommended to spray the primrose with Inta-Vir, Iskra, Decis and Aktara.
    Primula Obkonika: home care

    Primrose must be transplanted annually

Important! When using chemicals, you must follow the instructions and follow the precautions.


Primula Obkonika, with proper care, can decorate any home and delight with its flowering regularly. But this plant does not forgive serious mistakes. Therefore, the basic requirements of culture should be observed, and then this flower will not cause much trouble.

PRIMULA OBKONIKA or PRIMROSOL | Care and breeding at home

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