Primrose in the fall: when to transplant
For those who are engaged in the cultivation of garden flowers, the issue of their cultivation is of great importance. To understand when the primrose is transplanted – in the fall or at another time, the advice of experienced gardeners will help. Growing primroses has its own characteristics. They can suddenly disappear from the flower bed in the spring, and the reason is not winter frosts, but ignorance of the basic rules for growing flowers.
When is primrose transplant done in the fall
To begin with, I would like to clarify that primrose transplantation is a prerequisite for the successful growth and flowering of a plant. A feature of this culture is the ability to build up the upper part of the root mass above the soil surface. The flower is, as it were, pushed out of the ground, as a result of which it dries up. Such bushes need to be podkuchenat regularly, and the next year be sure to transplant.
Primrose transplant in autumn is carried out in September
Based on long-term observations, it is recommended to replant the primrose to a new place every 4-5 years, since during this period the soil is depleted. In addition, this is a great opportunity to rejuvenate the flower bushes.
Many gardeners prefer to carry out the transplant procedure in the autumn, when the plant has already faded, but the growing season is still ongoing. The best time for an autumn transplant is the second half of August – the first half of September. In this case, the primrose will have enough time for successful rooting.
How to properly transplant primrose in the fall
Experts recommend transplanting the plant no later than September 10-15. At the same time, you can make the division of adult primrose bushes. All work should be done early in the morning or on a cloudy day. For transplantation, you need to prepare a new place in advance, as well as a sharp knife, damp tissue and a root growth stimulator.
Primrose transplant process:
- Water the bushes liberally and remove all weeds before digging.
- Gently remove the bushes from the soil and rinse the roots in water.
- If you plan to make a division, carefully separate them with a knife, sprinkle the sections with ash or charcoal.
- Pour water with a growth stimulant diluted in it into the planting hole.
- Plant the planting material in the holes and mulch the surface around the flower.
For the first 10 days, fresh primrose plantings should be watered regularly. In order for the flowers to safely endure the winter cold, they need to be covered for the winter with a coniferous paw or straw. Primrose is an unpretentious plant and grows well in humid and cool climates. And in early spring, in the garden, you will be greeted by beautiful and delicate primroses.