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The essence of hypertensive disease, i.e. primary hypertension, is an excessive increase in blood pressure without a tangible, yet unequivocally explained cause.

Primary arterial hypertension – causes

It is commonly assumed that its causes are hereditary and genetic factors, obesity, and neurotic and regulatory disorders of higher nervous centers, conditioned by conflict situations in the family or work environment, constant mental tension, sense of responsibility, etc.

Recently, an important role in the development of essential arterial hypertension has been attributed to the chronic increase in sodium concentration in the blood serum, conditioned by e.g. increased consumption of table salt (excessive saltiness of dishes). It is observed that it occurs twice as often in women as in men, but is milder in them and is less prone to complications.

Hypertensive disease is usually detected by chance during blood pressure measurements or periodic examinations of workers, and sometimes only when life-threatening complications occur. It is diagnosed only after repeated reports of elevated blood pressure. It is usually characterized by a very slow development of lesions.

Initially, hypertension may be unstable and only manifest itself in certain situations. Sometimes, however, it has a permanent character from the beginning and its course is turbulent. Depending on the duration of the hypertensive disease, its course, medical supervision and the stabilization of a favorable blood pressure level with drugs, we encounter various syndromes of perceived disease symptoms or changes identified by a doctor. Four stages of the development of arterial hypertension have been distinguished. This division is based primarily on the assessment of the advancement of vascular lesions, objectively found mainly in the area of ​​the retinal vessels, i.e. during the examination of the fundus.

In everyday practice and for the orientation of people suffering from primary hypertension, it is important to distinguish:

the period of unstable hypertension, i.e. the period in which the blood pressure is elevated, but the degree of its elevation fluctuates somewhat,

persistent hypertension, which we are talking about when we are dealing with constantly increased blood pressure – both systolic and diastolic.

Normal values ​​are usually observed at the beginning of the disease, especially during mental and physical rest, and an increase in stressful situations.

If you have hypertension and struggle with a high heart rate, regularly use CardioPulse – Doctor Life dietary supplement, the natural ingredients of which are designed to support the work of the heart and the entire circulatory system.

Primary arterial hypertension – symptoms

Initial symptoms of hypertension:

  1. increased nervous excitability,
  2. sleep disturbances,
  3. feeling of temporary pressure in the head, especially around the back of the head and temples,
  4. palpitations,
  5. buzzing and dizziness (and at the same time there are no more noticeable organ changes),
  6. mildly high blood pressure.

Later on, the subjectively experienced symptoms still persist. They are even more unpleasant due to their increase in intensity and longer periods of occurrence. There is already a decrease in mental and physical fitness, largely conditioned primarily by an increase in general irritation and anxiety. At the same time, the patient begins to experience symptoms suggestive of coronary insufficiency (burning and pain behind the sternum) and insufficiency of the left ventricle of the heart muscle (shortness of breath with physical exertion).

In the next stage of the development of hypertension, in already established hypertension, patients experience more constant, much stronger than before headaches, dizziness and tinnitus, memory impairment, significant insomnia, and sometimes even nausea and vomiting.

If blood pressure is not adequately controlled and lowered, acute heart failure may occur, such as pulmonary edema, or to speech disorders, paresis and paralysis as a result of paroxysmal spasm of cerebral arterioles or haemorrhages of blood vessels directly to the brain.

To check your blood pressure regularly at home, buy the Omron M6 Comfort Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor at an attractive price on the Medonet Market.

In the declining period of hypertension, also known as the descent period of hypertension, a full complex of the described organ complaints and changes is observed. During this period, arterial hypertension can be sustained at a very high level, but it can also be significantly reduced as a result of parallel circulatory failure, especially in the left ventricle. Due to the significant advancement of vascular sclerosis, mental and motor weakness occurs, kidney failure, visual impairment, worsening of coronary heart failure, including myocardial infarction, are added.

If you are prone to high blood pressure, we recommend drinking the herbs regularly. Order today, for example, Hypertension – a mixture of herbs supporting the maintenance of normal blood pressure.

Primary arterial hypertension – treatment

Primary arterial hypertension requires a rational, regulated lifestyle, adherence to the recommended diet and the principles of a hygienic lifestyle, and the systematic use of medications recommended by a doctor.

The possibilities of pharmacological blood pressure correction are very large at present.

The medicinal preparation, however, must be selected by the doctor according to the stage of the disease, and its effectiveness in individual people – proven by practical use.

Spontaneous, rather than controlled by a doctor, home treatment for high blood pressure can do more harm than good. It always requires periodic verification and possible correction by a doctor, therefore I am not suggesting the choice of preparation and home treatment methods.

A person with primary, i.e. spontaneous, arterial hypertension cannot adopt a passive or negative attitude towards systematic medical checks and periodic blood pressure measurements. Thanks to systematic treatment under the supervision of a doctor, many unfavorable phenomena and complications observed in the course of arterial hypertension can be avoided.

People suffering from hypertension usually make a fundamental mistake in its therapeutic monitoring, spontaneously discontinuing treatment as soon as blood pressure returns to a level considered by the doctor as normal. They forget that it has returned to normal after taking medications that lower it.

Check how you can lower your blood pressure

It is forgotten that if you have primary hypertension, you should use medications recommended by your doctor in doses determined in the course of medical observation and control practically constantly.

When you stop taking your medication, your blood pressure returns to an abnormally high level. Often, before the sick person realizes it, it can already cause unpleasant negative effects for him. After some time (after treatment discontinuation) has been discontinued, the patient has noticed that his blood pressure has been raised again, he starts taking blood pressure-lowering drugs again, his blood pressure is lowered, he stops taking medications again, and his blood pressure rises. In this way, the patient himself unconsciously causes significant fluctuations in pressure, which the body and its individual organs do not like, and the walls of the vessels (especially the brain) may not withstand this changing pressure at some point.

In order to avoid the unpleasant, often very negative consequences of high blood pressure, such people must:

  1. take care of systematic pressure control,
  2. avoid physical exertion that causes fatigue, shortness of breath, or noticeable facial flushing, dizziness or headache,
  3. limit the use of salt, which causes water retention in the body and thus increases the volume of circulating blood,
  4. replace hard work in conditions of constant stress and nervousness with a lighter, less annoying one,
  5. do exercise in moderation and under strict medical supervision with blood pressure control,
  6. Shorter but frequent periods of vacation leave are very desirable.

It is worth supporting physical activity and a healthy diet with appropriate supplementation. At Medonet Market you can now order a set of natural dietary supplements for hypertension with L-arginine, vitamin C and omega 3 acids. There is also a completely natural dietary supplement Harmonix 500 ml, which helps to regulate blood pressure. You can also try Elixir for pressure with garlic, hawthorn, lemon balm and olive leaf or Elixir of mistletoe, which support the work of the circulatory system and regulate blood pressure.

It is forbidden to:

  1. excessive sunbathing and sun exposure,
  2. smoking tobacco, which – by triggering contraction of the muscles of the vascular walls – leads to an increase in blood pressure,
  3. drinking alcohol, which by causing vasodilation causes more local blood pressure on the vessel wall.

The vessel wall may not withstand this pressure (in the place of weakening, e.g. atherosclerotic lesions) and may break. It then causes a hemorrhage. If it occurs, for example, in the area of ​​the brain, it causes damage, paresis and often causes death.

Positive results are obtained by changing the environment, including sanatorium treatment in a properly selected spa.

Primary hypertension, i.e. essential hypertension, is prevented by avoiding all the factors that contribute to the development of hypertension, especially nervous tension, stress, psychological trauma and excess weight.

To ensure the correct level of blood pressure, thus supporting the pharmacological treatment of hypertension, drink regularly ON PRESSURE – herbal and fruit tea with hawthorn fruit.

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