Prima diet: what do ballerinas eat

Many mistakenly believe that ballerinas eat only salads and water with lemon. But it’s not. In The Body of a Ballerina, National American Ballet prima Misty Copeland talks about what she eats for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Misty Copeland’s story is atypical for ballet. She proves that if you want something very strongly, nothing is impossible. The girl started dancing very late – at the age of 13. In the admissions committee of the dance academy, she was hinted that she was too big for ballet, and the age was completely unsuitable for a debut. However, Misty insisted on her own and a year later she won the national competition for young dancers.

Then Copeland got into the corps de ballet of the National American Ballet and, despite fierce competition, received her first solo part six years later. This despite the fact that the leaders of the theater considered her figure too athletic for ballet and more than once insisted that Misty lose a couple of kilograms.

“I didn’t let them put me in a standard box. After all, my forms are a part of me, and not something superfluous, ”Copeland writes in his book.

In 2015, with the part of Odette in Swan Lake, Misty Copeland became the first black prima in the history of the National American Ballet. In her book Ballerina Body: Eat and Dance to Get Leaner, Stronger and Leaner, the girl explains what helps her maintain energy, strength and a beautiful figure.

Ballerina Diet

Work at the barre develops flexibility and plasticity, but a beautiful body is formed through discipline in nutrition. And in order to become a prima, Misty had to limit herself in food.

In her youth, she adored cream donuts, cheese buns and fried pork ribs. However, given her physical data, such a diet did not contribute to maintaining optimal physical shape. As a result, sugar, processed foods, fast food and soda were banned. Misty also minimized her salt intake, replacing it with garlic, onions, and herbs.

Gradually, Copeland became a pescatarian: she does not eat meat, but she eats fish, seafood, eggs, milk, vegetables, and any plant food. “For months I dreamed of bacon and a giant burger! But I felt amazing. Energy levels skyrocketed,” she writes.

Prima recommends leaning on foods rich in omega-3 acids – sardines, salmon, nuts, avocados. “They provide the body with energy and help make muscles stronger.”

The ballerina tries never to eat her whole lunch or dinner, but to leave something on the plate

Despite the ballet regime and the need to always be in shape, Misty can sometimes afford a glass of champagne or her favorite peanut cookie. Of course, while she leads a very active lifestyle. Even if she does not have performances and rehearsals, she always works out at the barre and does stretching exercises.


To wake up and cheer up, the ballerina drinks a cup of iced coffee and eats a muffin or bagel with cream cheese and green onions. Even in the morning, Misty advises not to rush anywhere and eat slowly: “This allows you to enjoy the taste of food and understand in time that you are already full.”


To ease her hunger during the day, Misty nibbles on cashew nuts, eats a couple of pieces of dried pineapple, or a few grapes. “I always have a container of nuts and dried fruits with me. They help me quickly satisfy my hunger, ”she says and reminds me that sweet fruits (grapes, bananas, etc.) can only be allowed at the beginning of the day or after physical activity. Alternatively, you can eat 3-4 sushi or a couple of pieces of cheese.

By the way, Misty always thinks about how she will satisfy her hunger while traveling: “Usually I take oatmeal, canned tuna, wheat crackers and nuts with me.”


For lunch, Copeland eats a bowl of spinach salad with pecans, goat cheese, dried cranberries and a light dressing of vinegar, olive oil and spices.


In the evening, Misty always has seafood or fish, such as fried salmon with vegetables, rosemary, brown rice, or lentils. By the way, the ballerina tries never to eat her entire lunch or dinner, but to leave something on the plate.

About the Developer

Misti Kouplend – prima of the National American Ballet. In 2015, she was included in Time magazine’s list of the 100 most influential people. Author of Life in Motion: An Unlikely Ballerina and Ballerina Body: Dancing and Eating Your Way to a Leaner, Stronger, and More Graceful You”).

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